Release that toxic shame once and for all!

I have recently dived deep into the topic of shame while recording a guided meditation and writing a short e-book on how to release shame. Both the booklet and the pre-recorded healing session are available here.

After several people shared their personal stories with me how they have developed shame resilience or how they healed I became aware that many were not even aware that the emotion of shame was running their lives and limiting their choices in many ways. 

The majority of us has no difficulty at all to admit when we feel guilty. It almost seems to be an honourable thing to do.  But when it comes to shame many become very still and quiet. This is a topic that we rather keep to ourselves because we don’t even want to admit it to ourselves. It can remain in the darkest corner of our subconscious mind, far away from our conscious awareness. It feels just safer this way.  

And in case of that those secrets are exposed and revealed we feel paralyzed, traumatised and are unable to act.

So what is happening exactly? What are we ashamed of?

Well, this varies from person to person and one’s upbringing and cultural beliefs. Even the gender plays a role. But in a nutshell, we can say that those who have experienced severe neglect or abuse during their childhood have usually internalised the emotions of shame to some degree or another including a painful belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with them.

There are two different types of shame. The first one is destructive and the second one is benign and healthy.

Healthy shame can help us to discern which action or behaviour is appropriate in each moment and for the highest good of all concerned and which not. It helps us to live a life which is in alignment with truth and the universal laws. Healthy shame also implies that we do not deny our weaknesses, our insecurities and vulnerabilities and that we allow ourselves to cultivate self-compassion during situations when we feel or encounter shame, failure, embarrassment or disappointment.

Toxic, dangerous, or dysfunctional shame, on the other hand, is highly destructive. It is an attack on the self, and it keeps us, hostage. It often leads to disassociation so that we check out of our body instead of being fully present. When we experience extreme shame we wish to hide from others and ourselves. We wish we could just disappear. Hiding comes always from judgement.
The truth is that we can’t escape from ourselves and we can’t fool anyone either. Everything that we hide, judge or resist is still in our energy field. On a deeper level, we hide because we believe in the illusion of separation. Being transparent with ourselves helps us to be transparent with others.

The problem is that many are not aware that this powerful and often overwhelming feeling of toxic shame is ruling their lives and their choices. It keeps them stuck and it prevents them from taking courageous and soul-inspired action in life, to be open with their feelings, to show their true colours and to ask for what they secretly long for.  By opening up and sharing our true feelings we can learn a completely new way of relating to each other. This is where true intimacy starts and head-games stop. 

Shame is a common barrier to intimacy, and I observed that those who experience much shame are also hiding their innate gifts and talents from the world.

I make in the following booklet several suggestions how to liberate yourself from toxic shame. And I have also included all stories and comments in the e-book which have been shared with me during my research without mentioning any names to protect the privacy of those concerned.

Awareness is the first step and a key to healing.

Take a piece of paper and a pen and answer the following questions.

  • What would I do right now if I would not be ashamed?
  • Who would I call right now if I would not be ashamed?
  • With whom would I go out if I would not be ashamed to ask?
  • Where would I live if I would not be ashamed?
  • Which places would I visit right now if I would not be ashamed to go for what I really want?
  • What would I do for a living if I would not be ashamed to follow my heart’s guidance and take courageous and soul inspired action?
  • What would I say openly or more often to the people who truly matter if I would not be ashamed of my feelings?
  • What would I stop doing completely if I would not be ashamed to speak my mind?
  • What would I say when I feel that my boundaries are violated when I would not be ashamed or afraid?
  • How would my intimate life change if I would not be ashamed of my body?

Soul Archetypes Sub-Personalities Integration

During on-one-one counselling sessions, I often work with subpersonalities and archetypes.

Integrating different sub-personalities can heal our core childhood wounds and trauma and help us to re-establish our connection to our own soul so that we can live our life from a place of integrity, wholeness and truth.

Most sub-personalities are formed early in life to protect or help us cope with being in the world. The sub-personalities are fragments of a whole. They are the parts of us that we use to meet our needs, as well as protect ourselves. We use these sub-personalities to adapt to different situations, to tailor our reactions in order to get the desired response from others.

If we have been criticised for our anger, for example, we might disown this part of us. As a result, we feel ashamed as soon as this emotions arises or ignore and push it down completely. Instead of realising that anger is sometimes a necessary emotion which can help us to identify when we are being mistreated for example we start to feel guilty that this emotion is arising in the first place. In this case, we won’t be able to be assertive in a conflicting situation for example and to speak up if the situation requires it.

The more parts are disowned and rejected the more the individual suffers and it starts to internalize that there is nothing okay with him which leads to a self-destructive behaviour. In this case, even causal everyday situations can trigger the feelings of exposure, anger or fear. This results in tremendous suffering and inner pain. Every encounter and experience is filtered through the lens of shame.
During my counselling work, I noticed that the following three subpersonalities play a significant role in someone’s life who has experienced much shame:

  • The Inner Critic
  • The Judge
  • The Perfectionist

Being unaware of how those sub-personalities are influencing our thoughts and day to day decisions often causes unnecessary turmoil and suffering. By doing the inner work, we can develop a better understanding of our sub-personalities, and use them in benign and constructive ways in our day-to-day lives.

If you would like to look deeper into this topic, please reach out to me, and we can see how I can support you. 

Love, Erika 

Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 
If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

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Are you authentically confident?

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.
-Henry Ford

You would be surprised how many people lack confidence. Just imagine how your life would change if you would believe in yourself and be completely confident in your abilities, talents and gifts. 

Many individuals appear to be confident or successful on the surface. They act confidently and self-assured but if you look underneath you will notice that they are only covering up a profound sense of insecurity or inadequacy.

Recognising genuine confidence

The Latin word for confidence is cōnfīdentia from cōnfīdō,  con- (“with”) + fīdō (“trust”)

In this case, confidence means “WITH TRUST”.  

We always trust or have faith in something. We either picture the best case or the worst case scenario in our mind. 

As the saying goes, “faith can move mountains”. Faith is a mental attitude which does not allow any doubts, worries or insecurity to enter your mind. It has a dynamic, catalytic and transformative power and it is the propelling force in the creative process. 

You can usually feel if someone embodies confidence or not. Those who are genuinely confident have a secure and stable self-belief and an unshakable presence. 

  • They are quietly assertive and are perfectly capable of standing up for themselves. Simultaneously, they are humble and independent of the good opinions of others. 
  • They know their self-worth, but they don’t feel the need to show it off. At the same time, they are not afraid to shine and inspire others.
  • They display an emotional maturity and accept their weaknesses as part of the whole and don’t try to cover them up. 
  • They are aware that presence and personal power are inside and don’t shrink or make themselves small when they have conversations with people whom they perceive to be important.
  • They have the courage to move beyond their comfort zone and are not afraid to confront their deepest fears.
  • They are proactive and do not complain all the time.
  • They forgive themselves and others quickly and move on.
  • They don’t get discouraged by failures or setbacks.
  • They speak with conviction instead of trying to put their message across in a quiet tone as fast as possible.
  • They welcome constructive criticism and have the ability to view at things and situations from multiple perspectives.
  • They understand that finding fault with oneself or disliking oneself is nothing else than placing a burden on one’s life.
  • And most of all they are aware that in order to be happy they have to love themselves unconditionally, enjoy their life and be of service to others.

Feeling secure and confident inside changes one’s body language and tone of voice. The entire energy field expands when a person feels empowered and embodies confidence.

Being authentically confident and believing in yourself does not mean that you will never feel nervous or anxious when you take risks and step out of your comfort zone. 

Real confidence is a deep inner knowing that you will be okay no matter what happens. Remaining calm, balanced and unattached especially in the midst of a difficulty is only possible if someone has developed a high degree of acceptance of all life events. A truly mature, wise and confident individual is ultimately able to surrender, to let go and to accept all events. The goal shouldn’t be to become absolutely fearless but to be able to surrender to a power which is larger than your personality and focus on service to others. You can remain empowered and feel safe when you remain flexible in the midst of a chaotic and adverse situation. And instead of the habitual responses to freeze and become immovable, you can concentrate on remaining fully present and alert while being simultaneously capable to take the most appropriate action. 
Your dignity is only dependent on your own actions and not how someone perceives you or treats you. 

We are both the dark and the light! 🌓🕉

Everything is contained within the whole but many struggle to accept the polarities and we could say that it takes an advanced soul to do this.

If we keep practising letting go and acknowledge the perfection in all of creation we can slowly start to accept both ends of the spectrum and recognise that all is part of the whole. 

I believe that our shadow rises to the surface so that we can integrate, accept and release it. I have specialised in supporting clients from all over the world to build an i unshakable confidence into their gifts. All of my coaching packages are also combined with  in distant healing to help integrate and accept the parts they have rejected, suppressed, abandoned or denied parts 

By the end of this 3 montsh program:

🌈You will have crystal clear clarity about what you are good at and what your most valuable asset is!

🌈Stop listening to advice that is not working for you and doing things that work against you!

🌈Own your worldly and spiritual gifts and talents boldly and feel comfortable to start sharing them with those who can benefit greatly from your superpowers!

🌈Be much more focused and determined to make things happen and not to allow others to determine who you are!

🌈Feel comfortable and stable within your yourself and radiate confidence and certainty

🌈Stand your ground at times when you are triggered and not back down when you are challenged

🌈Not allow any soul and spiritless opinions or perceptions to influence how you should feel inside.

🌈No one else except your higher SELF / Soul / Spirit / Source itself will make decisions for you because you will be tuned in and tapped in into your intuition and higher guidance.

🌈Embrace your God-given power and feel comfortable to ask for a fair energy exchange for your gifts, talents, products or services.

🌈Decide boldly who you are and be independent of the good opinions of others.

🌈Break conventional rules which determine how things are supposed to work and tap into your magical and creative inner being.

🥂🥂🥂 Whatever your biggest dreams and visions are in my world you have already won this game. I celebrate and applaud you for saying YES to yourself! Yes to Healing and returning to wholeness! Yes to the courage to go through the fire of transformation. Yes to facing your fears!

Yes to miracles! Yes to synchronisity and serendipity! 🥂🥂🥂

Irresistible confidence your innate gifts!

Letting go of control and surrendering

Humility and confidence go hand and in hand. Having confidence in your gifts, talents and abilities does not mean that you know it all or that you have all the answers. 

There comes a point in the creative process and in any project or undertaking which you have started when you must let go and surrender. After you have done all the necessary actions steps it is important not to try to control the germination process, but to give up control and to allow things to unfold in the way they are meant to unfold rather than trying to make them happen.

Control is rooted in fear and lack of trust and will very likely attract unfavourable circumstances. Instead of trying to micromanage every detail it is much more helpful to develop trust that you will be okay no matter the circumstances and that you will be able to handle everything that comes your way.

We will always face various challenges in life. The world we live in is a world of duality and polarity and we must learn to accept both ends of the spectrum and recognise that all is part of the whole. Embracing life’s challenges and finding creative solutions to any arising obstacles can be very empowering. Developing an inner authority and becoming independent of the good opinion of other people will help you to move through any turbulent times. 
If you take little steps towards your goal and face your fears on a regular basis, you will develop with time an inner resilience and learn how to remain stable and grounded like an oak tree no matter if you experience success or failure or if the outside world approves of your actions or not.

Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.― Lao Tzu

Every time you experience an internal discontent as a result of what someone else has said or done is a sign that you have given your power away.

People will always add some meaning or interpretations to your behaviour or actions, but ultimately none of this is who you truly are. What is right and what is wrong varies with habit and custom, and therefore there is no need to pay too much attention to other people’s opinions.

The less you depend on any external approval or validation, the happier you will be. When you let go of the need to prove anything to anyone and instead live open-heartedly in the moment, you will be in tune with all of the creation, and things start to flow more effortlessly.

Being a confident individual includes the ability to say NO to certain things or people and not to say YES out of politeness and the tendency to please others. It means also having the ability to discern if someone acts from a place of integrity or not and to distance yourself from those who don’t have the best intentions in mind. 

You will become naturally confident when you act from a place of integrity. This does not mean that you will obey all rules or conform blindly to authorities. It does only mean that you will be aware of the bigger picture and the universal law of cause and effect and that you might need to balance out the energy again if you perform actions consciously or unconsciously which are destructive or hurt others. Following rules, teachings or dogmas blindly is a way of giving your power away.

The second you feel manipulated, controlled, heavily restricted in the way how you express yourself or any tactics are used to convince you to do something that you don’t want distance yourself as fast as possible from this organisation or group of people. Your intuition and your heart are your most reliable guide. Intuition is simply asking a very clear and precise question and allowing then the answer to come to you. It might come immediately or within a few hours or days. The more you practice to listen to it there more you will be able to trust it. 

With time you will develop an intuitive sense what is appropriate or not and you will be able to discern truth from untruth, or when your ego and scarcity consciousness kicks in or when you remain heart-centred and operate on a higher level of consciousness. 

Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Paradoxically confidence is closely interlinked with gentleness, compassion and staying present and open with whatever arises. It is important to keep in mind that it takes time, dedication, consistency and discipline to change your habits, especially if you have been practising the habit of being insecure, doubtful or anxious for a long time. However, it is equally important to pay attention to the inner harsh critical voice and change it into a kind one.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Budda

Develop such an unconditional friendliness and compassion towards yourself that no matter what kind of thoughts or emotions arise, you do not fear or judge them anymore.

Understanding emotions and energy dynamics

Instead of labelling insecurity or a feeling of inadequacy as good or bad acknowledge that a feeling or emotion is nothing more than an arising, creative energy which will dissolve by itself if you allow it to flow freely and don’t resist it. Everything is impermanent and therefore even the most uncomfortable feeling or emotions will fade away.

The energy of irritability, frustration, impatience, insecurity, anxiety arises, and it passes away. What keeps the energy alive is the story, judgement and labels which we put on the top of the energy. When we feed any arising energy with our stories, the unpleasant feeling will remain in our energy field and arise again and again until we are ready to release the energy by telling a different story.

Tips To Increase Your Confidence and strengthen your Faith

  • Write down 50 things that you can appreciate about yourself
  • Be aware of your posture (studies have  found out that sitting up straight boosts self-confidence and reinforces positive thoughts)
  • Do not dwell on mistakes
  • Face every challenge with courage and the conviction that it is already solved
  • Know that you have the power to correct, resolve or overcome anything
  • Be your own best friend and do not belittle or criticise yourself
  • See yourself as someone who is on a journey and is always learning, expanding and becoming more resourceful and efficient during this process
  • Keep in mind that most successful entrepreneurs or artists have emerged from humble beginnings
  • Start where you are right now and grow as you go
  • Have fun and do not take yourself too seriously

Hypnosis for Confidence – Clearing Subconscious Blocks

Of course, each person is unique, but oftentimes low self-esteem or a lack of confidence has been developed early in life. Sometimes it can be helpful to explore the background and the events which have led to particular dynamics, but in the end, the main focus should be to develop a new and healthier set of perspectives. The following self-hypnosis session contains a gentle hypnotic induction, positive suggestions and empowering beliefs which will help you to create a shift in your subconscious mind.

Bring Out Your Inner Confidence Hypnosis can have a powerful effect on your emotional and mental wellbeing. With the aid of this hypnosis session, you can address any thoughts that may have weakened your confidence and replace more with more helpful thought patterns and behaviours.

This recording will create new neural pathways in the brain which will allow you to feel that a positive shift has already happened and it will make it much easier to experience this feeling in your everyday life.

It will help you to: 

  • To center and ground yourself
  • Achieve a state of calmness and relaxation
  • Let go of everything that no longer serves you
  • Step outside of your comfort zone
  • Develop a better, healthier self-image
  • Feel comfortable in situations which have caused previously distress
  • Keep an unwavering faith and move boldly towards your goals

In addition to listening to this hypnosis session, I encourage you to work with images on a daily basis for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. Think of someone who has the qualities you would like to adapt, (this is known as modelling) and then step into that person in your mind’s eye and feel how it feels like to act and behave like this person.

Here are also some suggestions of uplifting essential oils & blends to boost confidence!

Wild Orange

DoTerra Cheer Blend 
DoTerra Elevation Blend
DoTerra Motivate Blend

✨DoTerra Elevation blend

Essential Oils for Encouragement
Wild Orange
Citrus Bliss

Essential Oils for Self-Assurance
Ylang Ylang

Essential Oils for Grounding and Stability
Balance blend

If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate. 

And if you would like to receive the following three Abundance Freedom Empowerment abundance gifts please sign up here:

  • Align with the energy of Freedom, Ease and Abundance guided meditation on mp3
  • Heart opening, centring and allowing to receive guided meditation on mp3
  • Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils pdf booklet by Erika Brose

If you have ever inhaled the fragrance of your favourite FLOWER and remember the sweetness of getting in touch with the essence of a plant then you will love and benefit greatly from essential oils.

There are hundreds of ways how you can use high- quality essential oils including relaxation, emotional and energetic healing, meditation, spiritual practice, personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking and more.

Some of the oils will shower you with the elixir of self-love and self-appreciation, some will help you to clear long-standing emotional and energetic attachments, and others will transform you in a way you could not have imagined. The more you open up to the energy and benefits of very pure high-quality essential oils and let go of resistance the more you will benefit from them.

The essential oils work on many different levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetic. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz.  I have recorded several videos where I introduce the benefits and the uses of essential oils. You can access the complete playlist on Youtube here:

Essential oils Inspiration and Education with Erika

When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances.

doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference.

In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

To learn about the quality and sourcing, Source to You helps you to learn how doTERRA works with smallholder farmers worldwide to optimize their work and grow the precious plants that grant us and our families this crucial connection to Mother Nature. And here is an incredible resource to see exactly where your oils have come from. It also shows a Gas Chromatography graph that breaks down all the natural chemical compounds that are in each bottle of doTERRA Essential Oils.

At the base of your bottle of Single Oils, you will see a number. If you enter this into the system all the relevant information for that particular Essential Oils will come up. dōTERRA is completely transparent about all components of their Oils and that’s why it is safe to trust that you are working with the purest oils available.

Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

Here are the detailed steps how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I have included in this booklet many tips and secrets which you are most likely not familiar yet.

✓ Go to my doTERRA website

✓ Select Join & Save

✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. 

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at) so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.


Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

Thanks for installing the Bottom of every post plugin by Corey Salzano. Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design.

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Be well and eliminate the root cause of emotional and physical pain!


I have a vivid memory of being often sick as a child, and therefore I have developed an interest in Holistic Healing from a very early age. There was no need to explain to me how an abstract system such as acupuncture or aromatherapy works. I simply knew intuitively that it works if the mind does not interfere.

The only real way to heal any emotional and physical pain is to eliminate the underlying emotional and energetic causes. In fact, emotional and spiritual health is often a crucial factor in the healing process.

The majority operates from a place of victim consciousness. Not being aware of their true Self they defend the identity they have constructed at all costs. However, we have reached a point in our evolution as a collective where we desperately need to evolve beyond the victim consciousness. To see if you are plugged in into any victim thought forms you have to be first of all brutally honest with yourself.
Those who feel disempowered are usually more susceptible to illness and diseases.

Our bodies are brilliant and miraculous, but the fact is, that we are more than just our physical bodies. We are more than merely the flesh and bones. To be precise, the body is far away from all of who we are. We are even more than our thoughts and emotions.

It is the ego that believes that it is limited to this physical body and is highly vulnerable. The lower self defines, therefore, an illness or a feeling of being unwell as a failure or weakness. In its limited view, it is unable to see the bigger picture and it is only concerned about safety and survival. From the fearful perspective of the ego, it is indeed quite difficult to understand that physical pain or even a life-threatening illness can contain a hidden blessing. 

Sending healing to everyone who would like to receive it! 

It is our higher Self that chooses the illness because the higher Self has a much broader overview of all life events and our Soul’s journey.  An Illness is often a way to get in touch with any hidden unconscious beliefs or unintegrated aspects of self and it will sometimes redirect us into a new direction or a new way of approaching life’s ups and downs. 

This realisation helps us to live from a different place of awareness and not to identify ourselves with the pain or illness. The reason that we feel tension and pain in the first place is because we have bought in into the illusion that we are a body. When we release these thought patterns and stop listening to the excuses of our mind, we will realise that we are infinite bliss and love. From this moment of realisation, true healing can occur on all levels. The pain or discomfort might be still there but the suffering will cease. 

The most important step to balance ourselves implies an understanding of the energy centres, also known as chakras which make up the mind, body, and spirit complex.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates into a turning wheel or disc. These energy centres are connected to main organs, endocrine glands, physiological functions, emotions and spiritual energy and they hold the keys to physical and emotional health. The openness and flow of energy through our chakras determines our state of health and balance.

An unbalanced or blocked chakra can lead to physical, emotional or mental symptoms.
There are seven main energy centres positioned throughout our body, from the base of your spine to the crown of our head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, that is represented through a particular chakra colour.

I have recorded a guided meditation which will help you to balance the seven main energy centres.

Understanding pain and dealing with pain

Pain multiplied by resistance and strong identification is causing more suffering. If we reduce the resistance, we reduce the suffering. Pain multiplied by acceptance equals freedom. In other words, acceptance leads to healing.

We should not forget that pain can also be an excellent teacher.

Every sickness or physical pain reveals aspects to us that we otherwise wouldn’t be aware of. It is a signal that we can use to come into greater alignment with our True Self. As soon as we discover why a particular symptom shows up, our higher Self won’t have the need to communicate to us through physical pain. The more energised, vibrant and empowered we are, the more in alignment we are with our true Self’s fundamental wavelength.

The core frequency of creation is unconditional love, bliss, joy and abundance. In a sense, a sickness or pain indicates that we have created a gap between ourselves and the core frequency of creation.

If the symptoms show up very strongly, it can be extremely challenging to focus on higher vibrations such as love, joy and bliss. What worked for me in the past was to cultivate gratitude and to thank my higher Self for the catalyst and its infinite wisdom and intelligence. I have learned that when the body gets sick, it means it is time to rest. 

An illness or sickness gives us the opportunity to slow down, to retreat, to contemplate, to set our priorities straight and to re-focus. It offers us also the chance to investigate our beliefs or it is forcing us to develop new strengths and resources or reach out for help and support. Our bodies respond to our state of being, attempting to signal to us that we have a deeper need that demands our attention. Some people say that our body is a reflection of our unconscious mind. If we’re willing to pay attention we can recognise our imbalances and make appropriate changes. 

Most of the physical conditions are the result of misaligned thoughts and beliefs (conscious and unconscious) which cause energy blockages. With misaligned, negative thinking, I mean that the way how we see life is out of alignment with our Spirit’s point of view. After a while, this misalignment transfers into the physical body.
When we have constant negative thoughts, and when we use our past traumatic and painful experiences as an excuse to behave in a dysfunctional way or to feel victimised, we are more likely to get sick or feel unwell. 

There are some exceptions for sickness or physical disabilities, and sometimes we choose to experience certain mental or physical conditions because it serves us as a catalyst to move into a direction which is in alignment with our life’s theme and higher purpose. Without this catalyst, we would not have the incentive to move into a particular direction. 

We might even accept to experience various physical limitations or mental health conditions to be of service to others.

There can be spiritual reasons for illnesses and diseases, and they might not be related to negative or destructive thought patterns. In this case, the disease comes as a spiritual challenge which helps to move to the next level of ascension and empowerment. From the spiritual perspective, illness is a step toward wholeness.

It is not unusual that those who embark on the spiritual path or undertake a pilgrimage, for example, become very sick. There are usually higher reasons for this and we are not always privileged to know, why a particular illness shows up. The reasons might be revealed to us a long time after its occurrence. The more we surrender and give up all resistance during this time instead of asking “why”, the less we will suffer. 

“Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed,
princely or lowly, it contains the lessons and experiences
necessary at the moment for our evolution,
and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.”
– Edward Bach

The fastest way to heal is to drop all identifications with the illness and to see it as temporary, transitory experience. This condition might bring many suppressed, unconscious fears to the surface.  Allow those feelings and fears to flow through your vessel and at the same time release old beliefs which you are ready to let go of. Accept that this is an experience your higher Self would like you to have at this moment and from a higher perspective, everything happens for your best interest. Your task is to allow the very best lessons and outcomes to flow through your vessel and be detached from the outcome. 

To heal means to align with your higher Self, your spirit and to reconnect with the energy of love. Holistic Healing or Energy Healing is about remembering who you truly are.

* It is about reconnecting with your Soul, your Higher Self, and Source. 
* It is about letting go of conditioning and giving yourself full permission to be WHO YOU TRULY are, instead of being who you think you should be.
* It is about stepping into your power and finding maximum joy and fulfilment in the here and now. 
* It is about living from a place of truth rather than buying in into the pain and pleasure concept. 
* It is about the recognition of wholeness and perfection in the midst of challenging circumstances.
* It is about changing of a perspective. If you change your perspective you will see that your suffering stems from a misaligned point of view.

People often wonder how all the hardships, health challenges and suffering they have been through are supposed to serve them?

Many have the concept in their mind that things should be comfortable and cosy and those who have material wealth and success are often admired. The common belief is that having a family, a nice car, a house and a career are the highest things to aspire for in life.

Of course, all of those things are beautiful and can be enjoyed and appreciated, but we should not forget that the main reason for being here is to evolve spiritually. Enjoy the beauty of life, yet remain simultaneously aware of your true nature.

I have seen again and again that those who went through tremendous pain, severe suffering and hardships have been the most spiritually evolved, compassionate, loving, humble, generous and mature people.

Something has emerged from within that transcended all the pain. If they would not have had these intense experiences, they might have been stuck in the superficial material world and would have missed the opportunity to discover the divinity within. They have moved from darkness into light! This is something many beings throughout history have been longing for whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

Grace happens in many miraculous ways, and those who are awake are able to see it in situations and events where those who are asleep perceive only injustice and cruelty. 

Physical pain is often an attempt from our body to communicate to us that something is out of balance. If we want to eliminate the pain or discomfort we have to find the cause instead of looking at the symptoms. To determine the root cause it is helpful to become quiet for a moment and to enquire humble. Begin the investigation by asking, “what is it really”?

The following questions could help to discover the root cause:

What secret benefit could this sickness, discomfort or pain have?

What is your soul longing to learn or to experience?

Does the illness help you to set healthy boundaries?

Does the sickness serve as a protection not to be close or intimate with another person so that you can reduce the risk of being hurt?

If you have pain in your shoulders, are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders or do you feel that life is a burden?

If you have heart problems or pain around your chest, do you hold grudges or are you “heartbroken” (forgiveness is the major alchemy in healing)?

If you have back pain, do you feel supported in life and do you allow others to support you?

Is the discomfort there when you wake up or when you go to sleep? Or maybe it is only there in certain circumstances, such as when you are around certain individuals or shortly before an important meeting?

When does it go away? Does the phenomenon fade away when you relax into it, or breathe into it? 

Disengaging from the pain and taking on the observer attitude is another interesting form of enquiry. An attitude of curiosity and a sense of wonder will allow you to step outside and look at the occurring phenomenon from a different perspective. This disidentification helps to have a less personal relationship with the discomfort or pain. If you do this you will notice that the discomfort is simply appearing and disappearing. It is a passing, transitory experience. Consciousness is creating this experience in order to learn from it and ultimately to transcend it. And we need duality in order to be able to learn. How would we know how inner peace feels like if we would not have experienced pain and inner turmoil first?

This recognition helps to be more objective, less personally involved and it is more likely that the discomfort will eventually fade away. 

It is important to understand that disengaging from the pain has nothing to do with denial or spacing out. Any arising uncomfortable phenomena are merely appearances within consciousness, expressed through you, but they are not who you truly are. By taking on the observer view it is more likely that you will have a broader and wider perspective, which may reveal the underlying cause of the discomfort. 

Many people are familiar with Louise Hay’s  book, You Can Heal Your Life, which lists physical symptoms and their corresponding emotional dynamics. While I agree that there is often a direct mind-body connection between an illness and the symptom, it is important to bear in mind that there might be also profound spiritual reasons for an illness or a disease. Symptoms and their signals are not always easy to understand and they may vary from individual to individual. A dis-ease or any kind of discomfort usually speaks to us on many different levels at simultaneously.

The cause of an illness can be chemical, mental, emotional, environmental or spiritual.

On a mental level, ongoing negative thought patterns and dysfunctional beliefs would eventually lead to pain or sickness. So any therapy or technique which deals with negative beliefs e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy could bring relief. Some forms of meditation and mindfulness techniques do address the mind, too.

The cause on a spiritual level could be not following our purpose or being while extremely dissatisfying working environment for example. And at the same time being afraid to undertake the necessary changes to make a shift in the right direction.
Without the physical discomfort, we would not have the incentive or courage to make any necessary modifications, reach out for support, or leave a comfort zone behind for example.

Environmental CAUSEs

The problem here is toxicity. The same sort of toxicity that kills fish in rivers, and pollutes the environment contaminates the blood and tissues of the body. Many diseases, such as Diabetes and Cirrhosis of the liver, are caused by long term accumulation of toxins and acid wastes in the body.
A healthy body will naturally detoxify itself by eliminating its self-produced toxic wastes as soon as they are produced.

On a chemical level, the food we eat can be the cause of significant imbalances.

Food sensitivities can cause chronic inflammation in the gut and body.
Toxins can build up in the body and cause pain. Nutrient deficiencies like B Vitamins; Magnesium can affect the nervous system and lead to physical pain.

In his book “Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal” it, Anthony William points out that heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, lead, and copper can settle into the brain and other organs, such as liver, and affect their ability to function properly. Potential consequences include anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Another possible result is migraines. The Author also describes in detail how you can free your brain and body of toxins.

He also covers in the book the following illnesses:

— Chronic Fatigue
— Autoimmune Disorders
— Migraines
— PMS & Menopause
— Depression
— ADHD & Autism
— Lyme Disease
— Candida
— Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
— Rheumatoid Arthritis

He describes the true root cause of these conditions – many of which the medical community has not yet discovered.

Personally, I use a high dosage of MSM and Vitamin C to detox my body.
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane), also known as dimethyl sulfone, is a naturally occurring sulphur compound, found in human diets and those of virtually all other vertebrates. In its purified form, it is an odourless, slightly bitter tasting, water soluble, white, crystalline powder containing 34% elemental sulphur.

MSM is important in detoxification because it makes the cell walls more elastic, allowing easier exchange through the cell wall. MSM occurs naturally in the human body as a result of the food we eat.

It is recommended to drink very high amounts of water while consuming Vitamin C and MSN. Some natural sources of Vitamin C are Camu-Camu, Acerola, Barley Grass, Indian gooseberries, also known as Alma.

Please do your own research on this topic and follow your resonance as I am not a medical doctor.

On the emotional level, past trauma, or suppressed emotions and memories can manifest as pain.

No one has taught us how to release emotions. If we experience emotions like anger, hate, sadness, shame or fear, we have the tendency to contract our body. As a result, precious life-force energy (Prana to the Hindu, Qi to the Chinese) can’t flow freely. With time the effects of these blockages will either cause more tension in the body, lead to various physical symptoms or attract unfavourable circumstances, especially if we insist that our anger or resentment is justified and refuse to let it go. If we hold on to the negative emotions we harm ourselves the most. Therefore the wisest thing to do is to release the emotions when they arise. As soon as an unpleasant emotion or feeling arises, give up any resistance, accept it, don’t be afraid to feel it for a short moment. Simply breathe through it instead of labelling the arising emotion as something negative. After experiencing an unpleasant emotion fully, shift your focus to something else. 

The following meditation will help you to manage and understand your emotions.

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics during one-on-one Skype sessions together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.


Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals.
The types of issues I work with can vary from clearing emotional pain, clearing creative blocks, integrating conflicting sub-selves, archetype work, breaking unwanted patterns, clearing oversensitivity issues, clearing limiting beliefs, spiritual and emotional healing and most of all helping people find their soul’s purpose and clearing any blocks that prevent them from connecting fully with their soul purpose.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values they are operating under. As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. 

Through the unique combination of Holistic Healing, professional Holistic Counselling skills, and intuitive gifts, I provide compassionate and deeply accepting space to support you on your journey.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others. 

I have trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

What is a spiritual counsellor/holistic healing practitioner? A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has trained in a number of healing techniques. Their training has included, counselling, energy psychology, relationship healing, hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, soul plan and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions. A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has recognised the importance of offering more than energetic healing or conventional counselling. The client also receives unconditional listening, sound advice, new resources, empowering beliefs and options for leading a more fulfilling and real quality life. These integrated sessions address the client on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energetic healing creates the space while a practical approach grounds the benefits in the here and now.

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Lucid dreamers have more fun

“The eyes see things more clearly when dreaming, than the imagination when waking.”

– Leonardo DaVinci

Did you know that an average human being spends six years of his/her life dreaming?

Dreams are letters from our subconscious mind. Paying attention to our dreams can be a short cut in getting to know ourselves better and discovering any limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging patterns and even to realize our dreams in our physical reality.

Google co-founder Larry Page, for example, had a vision in a dream before he founded Google. He was then a 22-year-old graduate student at Stanford when he had a dream about structuring the entire web in a new way.

Some well-known people who understood the power of lucid dreaming which is an advanced state of consciousness where you are aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming are:

1 – James Cameron – The director of Avatar
2 – Nikola Tesla – A genius inventor
3 – Salvador Dali – The famous surrealist painter
4 – The Wachowskis – The creators of The Matrix, Andy and Lana Wachowski, are lucid dreamers. The movie shows that we create a virtual reality world in which we are all mentally enslaved, not recognizing that we are merely “dreaming.” The quintessence is “How do I know that my reality is not an illusion?” This is the key to unlocking a dream and becoming consciously lucid.

In February 2015 I attended a 24-hour sleepover lucid dreaming workshop with Charlie Morley which has opened up a new world for me.

The event took place in a Yoga center in South London. There was a lot of laughter and fun during these 24 hours besides dreaming and learning. We were around 30 participants; some were executives, some were artists or healers.

Charley Morley is known as the youngest and the most authentic practitioner of lucid dreaming teaching in Europe. We spent the daytime learning the techniques and practices of Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep, and we then spent the night putting them into practice.

I am in no way an expert in lucid dreaming, but I had some profound, lucid dreams since then, and this experience has expanded my mind into a higher level of consciousness while I am awake.

I hope that this article will inspire you to dive deeper into this topic because it has so much potential for healing and transformation.
We often hear from Buddhist teachers, that this life is nothing more than a dream. Those who practice lucid dreaming agree with this assessment.

A dream is an answer to a question we haven’t yet learned how to ask.
Fox Mulder

What is lucid dreaming?

It is the art of becoming conscious within your dreams. Once you become conscious within a dream, you can start dancing with your unconscious mind. You become aware that your dream is taking place “within your being” and not somewhere “out there.”

It is also an excellent way to access the deepest depth of your mind consciously. In a lucid dream, you are sound asleep, but a part of the brain is reactivated which allows you to experience the dream state consciously with self-reflective awareness.

Lucid dreaming can completely transform your relationship with sleep. Suddenly, sleep time is not seen as wasted time but can be used for healing, accessing your creative power and spiritual growth.
Imagine that you can conquer your fears, and release emotional and mental blocks while you are sleeping.

Dream-Based Science

You might have heard about the mind and body process known as neuroplasticity. It refers to the brain’s ability to rewire itself in response to stimuli. This process explains why we get better at doing something with constant practice.
As fMRI imagery has revealed, being in a lucid dream state is little different than being fully awake. Thus what the brain ‘sees’ or experiences in a lucid dream can carry over to the waking world as well. The profound difference is however that simple practice of something in your everyday life is nowhere near as effective than training to do something in a lucid dream.

In summary, lucid dreaming can help to create new pathways in the brain because our neurological system doesn’t differentiate between our waking experiences and our lucid dream experiences.

Therefore each time you act from a place of self-empowerment and confidence in your lucid dream, you will also strengthen the neural pathways associated with confidence and self-empowerment in the waking state.

Many athletes use lucid dreaming for attaining new sensory abilities while dreaming. Most of them showed significant improvements in their athletic abilities.

As you see lucid dreaming has extraordinary potential when thoughtfully applied and mastered.

Some other benefits of lucid dreaming are:

Psychological and emotional healing (phobias, trauma, confidence, overcoming anxiety)
Physical healing (Charlie Morley improved his eyesight with the help of lucid dreaming).

  • Getting in touch with spirituality and creativity while you sleep
  • Exploration of the unconscious mind
  • Treatment of PSTD and nightmare integration
  • Increasing and tapping into creativity
  • Access information and solutions that you cannot access in your waking life
  • Access higher states of consciousness or ascend to a state of cosmic consciousness
  • Surprisingly better, blissful, and more restful sleep
  • Dramatically improvement of your memory
  • Lucid living and waking up to your full potential
  • Having fun

Lucid dreaming can also help you to become aware of any limiting beliefs and transform them. Science suggests that PTSD can be directly integrated through lucid dreaming.

A lot of our traumas, and shadow aspects of our psyche that we have unconsciously rejected comes to the surface during the night – causing insomnia. The shadow is a Jungian concept used to describe the parts of the unconscious mind made up of all the undesirable aspects of our psyches that we have rejected or disowned. The shadow is our dark side, comprised of everything within us that we are ashamed of or simply don’t want to face. It is not evil – it is merely the sum of those parts of us that are incompatible with who we think we are.
In a Lucid dream, we have the opportunity to integrate the shadow side and face our deepest fears in a safe environment and heal our mind.

If you would like to work with your dreams and transform some limiting beliefs you could try the following exercise.

1. Write down your dreams and pay attention to any occurring feelings. Did you feel courageous or afraid, frustrated or peaceful, insecure, doubtful or faithful?
2. Be aware that each person or object is pointing to an aspect of yourself. Think about each person or object and notice how they interact with each other? How do they behave? What do they want to express? How do they communicate with each other? Compassionate or aggressive? Lovingly or angry?
3. Now imagine that you are back in the dream and interact with the people in a way which is for the highest good of all concerned. Do something that feels good and makes everyone happy. Plant a seed of a positive change if you didn’t like what you saw in the dream.
4. Do something in your everyday life that reinforces your new way of seeing things and your new beliefs.

Charlie Morley has written two books:
Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner’s Guide To Becoming Conscious In Your Dreams
Dreams of Awakening

The following picture was taken during his second book launch party which took place one week after the workshop.

Freud’s theory led to imagining the mind like an iceberg. The mind has according to Freud two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the part that sticks out of the water. The subconscious mind is the part hidden away underneath the surface.

What you experience in this present moment is only the tip of the iceberg. The majority is hidden and invisible and resides below the surface. In the lucid dream, you have the opportunity to experience firsthand the vastness of all that is.



Think about Neo in the Matrix and the blue and red pills. Whatever you expect and believe to be real will be real, the pills are an illusion, a projection of your mind. They serve as a mechanism by which one can either remain in the illusory world of the matrix (the blue pill) or exit it to the real world (red pill).
Just as lucidity enables you to awaken in a dream, so can you awaken to the waking dream. This is the nature of awakening.


Many people who hear for the first time about lucid dreaming believe that the aim of lucid dreaming is to control the dream but this not the case. In his book Lucid Dreaming: ‘Gateway to the Inner self-lucid dreaming,’ lucid dreaming expert Robert Waggoner wrote the following: ‘No sailor controls the see. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream’. It is often the inflated ego that beliefs it can control or manipulate the dream.

The more accurate version is that you become one with the dream. It is a co-creative experience which reveals how interconnected everything is. Just as lucidity enables you to awaken in a dream, so can you awaken to the waking dream.

Lucid dreaming could be used to access hidden information; from the deeper part of yourself or the collective unconscious. If you use lucid dreaming for healing purposes, the dream will reveal to you everything that you are ready to heal or transform.

In the beginning stage, it might be exciting to fly around, go through walls or to create adventures but the ultimate goal of lucid dreaming is to dissolve the perception of separation and to experience the ultimate state of oneness, or unity with the whole.


Lucid dreaming is a skill everyone can develop. A few individuals may have an innate talent for achieving lucidity, yet even they can benefit from guidance and practice in making the most of their lucid dreams. Often it requires dedication and commitment to master lucid dreaming.

The first step is to pay attention to your dreams and to write them down. As with everything it is a matter of attention, focus, practice and dedication.

One reason that many people never had a lucid dream is because they simply don’t know or don’t believe that such a thing exist. The majority associates falling asleep with losing awareness but paradoxically lucid dreaming implies regaining awareness while asleep.

I won’t go into any details about the learning techniques because many books have been written about this topic and there is plenty of information online. Besides the books from Charlie Morley which I have listed above, I would also recommend the following book “Lucid Dreaming, Plain, and Simple” by Robert Waggoner.

However, you will probably have the biggest progress and most of all more fun if you attend an interactive workshop or even a retreat with an experienced Lucid Dreaming Teacher. The group energy at the 24 hours sleep over workshop I attended was priceless, and Charley Morley runs lucid dreaming retreats and workshops around the world.


In his first book, Robert Waggoner makes clear that lucid dreams and OBEs are not the same experiences, even though they may share similarities (just as a house cat and mountain lion are similar but very different). Some writers (and some lucid dreamers) make no distinction, which then leads to a very confusing situation. Briefly, in a lucid dream, you ‘realize’ within a dream that you are dreaming. But if you begin to hear buzzing and float out of your body as you lay in bed, or when you have a car accident, then you likely have an OBE. Also, often in the OBE state, you find yourself in a replica of the place (your bedroom, or the accident site) — whereas a lucid dream happens in a dream environment, which seems dreamy.

I hope that this article will inspire you to learn more about lucid dreaming. This topic is huge and vast. One of the crucial points to understand is that lucid dreaming can help you to connect with your true SELF and become aware of your limiting beliefs which hold you back. And once you have established this connection, you can turn your focus outwards and be of service to others.

Keep dreaming,

Love, Erika

As a fully qualified Holistic Life Coach, Counsellor, Soul Transformation Therapist, Hypnotherapist & Digital Course and Online Healing Sessions Creator, trained in a wide range of Holistic Healing Modalities, I aim to support, guide and empower all the amazingly gifted women & men who desire to support and empower others.

Besides working on a one-on-one basis, I have also recorded various healing sessions to support you on your journey. 

🌿Energy Center (Chakra) Balancing Meditation
🌿Connect with your inner healer 
🌿Mastering Emotions & Clearing Energy Blocks Meditation
🌿Bring Out Your Inner Confidence
🌿Embrace all Parts of You and Love Yourself Unconditionally

You can purchase all healing sessions and guided meditations together at a reduced rate here: 


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You are the source! Manifestation process and the power of intention!

Everything you can imagine is real.
-Pablo Picasso

An intention is a firm statement or a plan that has the quality or state of having a purpose in mind. If we don’t set an intention for our day, or the week, month, year ahead we get easily distracted and become unfocused. We struggle. We lose sight of the bigger picture we have for ourselves and others. We allow ourselves to be pulled in different directions mindlessly. 

If you set your intentions every morning afresh you will have a renewed sense of clarity of purpose throughout the whole day.

Setting clear and single pointed intentions is also crucial step in the manifestations process. 

We co-create with the universe through attention, intention and action. 

The tricky bit, however, is that we usually (despite knowing it better) get too attached to our intentions and start to micro-manage the process. I have seen this over and over again, as soon as we begin to cling, chase, grasp or become obsessed with something, we contract and block the flow. 

The key to this whole manifestation game is to remain playful and to have an open and flexible approach, to purify one’s intentions, and most of all to align them with the highest truth, the will of Source, Divine, God, All there is, The Absolute, Infinity or whatever you might call it. But don’t try too hard or take things too seriously!

This whole life is a game, a big joke! The lighter you become and the closer you get to the creative and playful nature of your Soul the easier it will become to remain detached from the 3D world. 

When you realise the truth this world can become a blissful place but as long as we are caught up in the illusion of Maya the world will often appear as a fearful or cruel place and full of suffering. 

Keep in mind that nothing that is truly yours can be ever taken away from you!

I once heard someone saying that the Book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, is the Secret to more karma. I believe there is a lot of truth to it because so many people are chasing things to compensate for lack beliefs and not because this is their true heart’s desire.

Connect with your True SELF first and then everything that is meant for you will come to you step by step anyway. 

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation

Your task is to create, to express and to balance giving and receiving.

As long as you are attached to finite things and the focus is only on getting and consuming, you will be caught in this illusion of Maya.

On the other hand, your ability to allow and to receive without putting up unnecessary barriers by having expectations that certain conditions need to be met first or that the manifestation has to come in a certain way has a direct impact how fast you will see results. 

If you struggle to discern if your intentions or desires are in alignment with your higher SELF, simply ask to be guided to your next steps and that they may only manifest if they are for the highest good of all.

The next step is to let go completely. The moment you start to force something is the moment of resistance. This is when things start to become messy, and the results will be usually painful or chaotic. If something is really meant for you, it will come to you if you stay calm, relaxed and follow your intuitive guidance. 

Your intuition is your most reliable friend. It doesn’t matter if you label it as “gut feeling” or “psychic insight”.

Your only task is to let go of attachments, fear of discomfort, and worry and to keep your vibration as high as possible and then to take inspired and fearless action as soon as the guidance comes. You do not have to know in advance how things will manifest. 

Your happiness does never depend on getting things or manifesting something. The whole chasing attitude stops as soon as you realize that you are the source. You create with your natural energy through expression. What you express (send out) returns to you. So if you radiate lack most of the time, the same energy returns to you. 

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33

Your world reflects your fears or your faith!

It is not about the conditions but your state of mind. Your outer world mirrors to you your inner world. In other words: your life is your mind expressed. The outer world is the densest part of yourself.

I have spent time with very wealthy people who were obsessed with money and were lacking any sense of compassion or empathy. Even though they were materially wealthy they lived in a constant fear of losing what they had. For some of them, their biggest fear came true. Our expectations or fears influence the result and living in constant fear is a sign of giving one’s power away.

I have also met individuals who lived a very modest and simple life, but through their attitude of gratitude, inner contentment, openness, and trust they attracted everything they needed at the right time.

  • They gained the consciousness of abundance by diligently cultivating gratitude from a loving heart. 
  • They broke the cycle to focus on what they don’t have, in other words, they transcended the belief in lack and as a result, all of their needs were continuously met, and if something did not show up, they did not make a big fuss about it but simply focused their attention on something else.
  • They were looking for the good in all situations – even at those situations which the conditioned mind would label as negative.
  • They understood that even the challenging times in life where they felt out of control, or experienced distress are crucial for our Soul’s growth and they are often followed by the emergence of new energy and inspiration.

Speeding up the process

As weird as it sounds but one of the most powerful manifestation catalysts is to clean your house and to get rid of clutter. Nothing new can come into your life if you don’t create space for it first. Therefore the trick is to let go first what you no longer need. When you clean your house, you simultaneously clean your mind.I have heard the most incredible manifestation stories from people who cleared old stagnant energy. Be brave and courageous when getting rid of the old stuff and you can always ask your intuition to be shown what to release and what to keep. It’s a very simple but very effective step.

The most powerful way to create your life the way you wish it to be is to know that it has already happened. If you own and embody the vibration of what you wish to manifest, it is yours. However, the majority of people is chasing for things without having the consciousness for it.

You have to be the essence of what you wish to see on the outside. The problem with many goal setting and manifestation techniques is that they create a gap between your current vibration and the desired scenario in the future. But everything is happening in the NOW!

Nothing can appear magically out of the blue before you have the consciousness of it. Thank goodness, this protective mechanism exists otherwise this world would be a total mess.

I had a few coaching sessions with people who attended an event with Tony Robbins and were trying to imitate his success before being ready for it. The results were less than great, to say the least.

Attitude of gratitude

“Wealth, in the first place, does not simply mean a condition in which there is a large amount of matter. To be wealthy means one has a large amount of something with which to do work that would benefit others. That which works to benefit others is love; and when we put love into
practice, it becomes wealth.”
-Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi

Last but not least, once you have aligned all of your intentions with God’s will and released any obsessive attachments, live in a state of joyful gratitude and anticipation and have a loving heart. If love and compassion are missing in your energy field, you will repel the good things. Love is often the missing part in the lat of attraction process. The more you value and love yourself the better reality you will create for yourself. You have to increase your self-love and believe that you are worthy of good things. You main commitment should be to be true to yourself and as a result, what really belongs to you will come. Your presence alone becomes transformative when you love yourself and you will find it much easier to love and accept others.

If you feel truly empowered and love yourself, you will be happy for other people’s success instead of feeling jealousy. The moment you get out of the competitive mind and are genuinely happy (not just pretend as if) for someone’s else success and happiness is the moment when you start to embody the consciousness of abundance and infinite possibilities.


If you feel any resentment, anger, jealousy or hold grudges go back to square one and do all the inner work first, e.g. forgiveness processes, inner child work, releasing past lovers or people who caused suffering.

This is the reason why the “boring” work (like some people might call it) of acceptance, self-love, self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, is crucial. It is the foundation for manifestation and reality creation. I observed many times that people were thrown back to square one again and again when they tried to step into a bigger version of themselves if they haven’t released the dense vibrations of the lower emotions first.

Some people who experienced trauma, for example, are often not even aware that they carry many trapped emotions within their system.

Many coaches advertise that the good thing about coaching is that you focus on positive things and what you want to create instead of dealing with the broken, wounded parts like it is the case in therapy or counselling. While there is some truth to it, that you don’t want to spend all your life healing the wounded inner child, you might consider to give it some attention, especially if this is something that keeps you stuck and prevents you from moving forward.
No amount of positive thinking and motivational seminars or books will work if you don’t address the root cause, clear the subconscious blockages, release trapped emotions, and heal and integrate the wounded parts first.

It’s like putting a band-aid on an injury instead of fully treating it.

Healing or forgiveness simply means that any painful or traumatic experiences will no longer control your life.

When you have tried everything, but nothing worked…

What do you do if something does not work out or if something that you desired so greatly does not manifest? It can be a relationship, a beautiful house, or a project which you invested much time and energy in, but suddenly you realize that it won’t bring any success. You might feel initially very disappointed, and it is important not to suppress those feelings. The quickest way to deal with painful emotions is to welcome them in their full range. If we push them away, we only push them down into our subconscious mind. Everything we think and feel is resonating in the ether.

Acceptance of the vibrations enables us to understand them and to transcend them before they manifest in our physical reality.

If we observe any arising unpleasant emotions in a nonjudgmental way, then we will understand that those emotions are arising within our own being and they have nothing to do with other people. We have created them through misaligned thinking, and no one outside of us has caused suffering to us. All emotions that we are experiencing are happening in our own mind, within our own heart. 

By taking responsibility and owning the emotions, we can create space where those emotions or negative beliefs can rise to the surface. Once we become aware of them we can accept and release those limiting beliefs or suppressed emotions and allow healing to take place. Be kind to yourself during this time. We are often very harsh and critical with ourselves if something doesn’t work out. However, this attitude does not eliminate the inner pain.

If you catch yourself being harsh and critical imagine what you would say to your best friend or to your child in such a situation and then say it to yourself.

This could look as follow: “I completely understand that you are disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion. I would be disappointed, too. But I know that you have done your best. And who knows if this is not a blessing in disguise.”

There must be another way…

I observed again and again that many people are expecting things to happen in a certain way. And I have also seen many miracles happening if someone was open to trying out Plan B and C if Plan A didn’t work out. Try to break free from any rigid thinking, even though those alternatives might sound like a compromise initially. They might be only a temporary solution and a stepping stone to something better. You might be surprised in a positive way if you give it a go.

A person of success or wealth consciousness has a highly expanded view and is capable to view a situation from many different angles.

Space clearing to increase the flow of Abundance and Prosperity


Remain Calm and Relaxed.

Be silent… And acknowledge any arising feelings.

Feel them fully…

Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out and then say to yourself.

“There might be another way.”

Now, ask…

“How could this way look like?”

“What could I do instead?”

Here are a few examples of how this could look like in very practical terms:

Let’s assume you desire to be a house owner, but it is not possible to realize this dream at the place where you are currently living.

The alternatives could look as follow:

  • I consider the option to move a bit further out
  • I consider the option to move to another city
  • I consider the option to move to another country
  • I consider the option to move to another continent
  • I consider the option to move temporarily to my parents’ house to save some money
  • I consider the option to move to a friend who owns a huge house and might need some help around the house and will be, therefore, more than happy to offer me one of the rooms which are currently empty anyway.

Do simply some brainstorming, I am sure you will find much more alternatives.

I did this process once during a Intuitive Counselling session, and it turned out that the client’s biggest desire was actually to be free and to travel the world instead of owning a big house and having all the responsibilities to maintain it. 
Well, you never know… 

To get into the swing of infinite possibilities, you might want to read the following abundance prayer on a regular basis (repetition helps to reprogram your subconscious mind and build new neural pathways. I have also recorded a powerful meditation which will help you to align with abundance. 

A few more questions you could ask:

  • What would XY do in this situation?
  • What would my successful friend or a person I admire greatly do?
  • What kind of advice would my best friend give me?
  • What else needs to happen before my desire can materialize?

No matter how impossible the manifestation of a certain dream or reality seems to be, always bear in mind that you might have been saved from a lot of trouble. If you don’t allow your vibration to drop if you don’t see immediate results and turn your focus on something else instead, there are still chances that your wish will come true at a later time. You might have heard the saying: if you don’t need anything, you can have everything. Paradoxically it is often the intensity of our desire that keeps it away. The harder we try the less likely are the chances that we can align with the desired outcome.

Therefore the solution is always to stay calm, to relax, to soften, to let go, to allow and to trust. If you can relax while not having what you want so badly, you are free from the bondage of your mind. It is your mind in the first place that created a sense of lack.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you can fulfil your dreams but if for whatever reason this won’t be the case remain open and flexible and know that nothing is missing.

Much Love,


I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.

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