Irresistible confidence in your innate gifts – 12 weeks 1 on 1 intensive

Feedback from one of my advanced coaching clients who did amazingly well and shifted her life completely around.

We have been working together for 7 months and she started with the VIP Clarity Package first. 


When a woman changes her standards everything around her shifts.

Having worked with clients from all over the world allows me nowadays to see quickly why some individuals don’t get the desired results.

Only those who activate their empowerment vibration and see the connection of what they experience and what they send out vibrationally shift things around.

Without energy, enthusiasm and commitment from your side, none of the coaching tools will work.
The sad truth is that those who are most needy and desperate for help are least receptive for it.

Like attract like. We usually attract people of a similar vibration or lower.

The outside reflection will not change before you change. Right now there are infinite parallel realities/opportunities that already exist but you can’t perceive them through your current beliefs/through your current lens.

🌅If you want to shift your energy and tune in into a different parallel reality

🌹I invite you to start going to new places.
🌹I invite you to discover new ways of doing things.
🌹I invite you to laugh more and to have more fun.
🌹I invite you to mind your own business.
🌹I invite you to make your alignment with Source your highest priority.
🌹I invite you to shift perspectives.
🌹I invite you to embody Irresistible Confidence.
🌹I invite you to embody the frequency of joy and happiness.
🌹I invite you to find your passion and to stay focused.
🌹I invite you to follow your bliss.

If this sounds exciting let’s play together for 12 weeks.

If you are ready to treat yourself like a royalty and step into your KING/QUEEN version this 12 weeks EXPERIENCE is for you!

Deep down you might be a free spirit and highly adventurous but are currently trapped in a job, circumstances or an environment which is not conducive for your highest evolution, growth and expansion. 

Deep down you might…

🌞Know that you are not supposed to work in a 5-9 dead-end job

🌞Know that you have done enough healing and clearing work and it is time to take a huge leap of faith and move forward

🌞Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can contribute much more to the world or be a better partner, mum and a much happier human being when you do the work you came here to do

🌞Desire to give yourself or your family more freedom and more fulfilling life but are paralyzed to take bold actions steps

🌞Want to create your own paradise and be of service to those who benefit greatly from your innate gifts and talents 

🌞Desire to have more time for the things which truly matter to you but you are feeling guilty at the moment when you put yourself first

🌞Want to be fully self-expressed but are afraid what others will think of you

🌞Want to empower, inspire, encourage, uplift and impacting conscious women and men with your innate gifts and talents

🌞Desire to return to simplicity but right now you have the tendency to make things complicated and hard

🌞Know that you are capable of so much more but are sabotaging your progress right now

🌞Would like to create your own schedule, live on your terms and serve humanity to the best of your ability by being who you are while embodying the highest version of yourself

🌞Be ready and willing to step out of your comfort zone and take considerable risks to move forward

🌞Be ready to follow the path that works for your unique constitution while being tuned in into your internal flow

🌞Understand that no amount of money in the world will bring you long-lasting satisfaction, happiness and peace if you are living a lie or are working in an environment that feels draining, suffocating and heavy (which leads to resentment or burn out over time)

By the End of this experience:

🌈You will know how it feels like to flow in your greatness and glory and access your power and deepest wisdom to create the life you dream of. 

🌈You will put on your confidence and boldness hat and experience how amazing and empowering this feels

🌈You will shift from fear of showing up to standing in your power and owning who you truly are

🌈You will move from being disconnected from your purpose and calling to fully owning your brightness and glory

🌈You will have crystal clear clarity about what you are good at and what your most valuable asset is!

🌈Stop listening to advice that is not working for you and doing things that work against you!

🌈Own your worldly and spiritual gifts and talents boldly and feel comfortable to start sharing them with those who can benefit greatly from your superpowers!

🌈Be much more focused and determined to make things happen and not allow others to determine who you are!

🌈Feel comfortable and stable within your own energy and radiate confidence, clarity certainty, love and grace. 

🌈Stand your ground at times when you are triggered and not back down when you are challenged.

🌈Not allow any soul and spiritless opinions or perceptions to influence how you feel inside.

🌈No one else except your higher SELF / Soul / Spirit / Source itself will make decisions for you because you will be tuned in and tapped in into your intuition and higher guidance.

🌈Embrace your innate-given power and feel comfortable to ask for a fair energy exchange for your gifts, talents, products or services.

🌈you will know how to find creative solutions in the midst when “life happens”

🌈You will experience first hand how to co-create with the universe and align with opportunities which are invisible to you but you feel that they are out there

🌈You will trust your intuition instead of looking up to others or ask constantly for reassurance

🌈You will embrace a more lighthearted and adventurous side of you

🌈You will feel much more comfortable to take considerable risks and trust the unknown

🌈You will open up to new ways of doing things and dismantle beliefs which you have outgrown

🌈Decide boldly who you are and be independent of the good opinions of others.

🌈Break conventional rules which determine how things are supposed to work and tap into your magical and creative inner being.

🌈Find your own unique way and your edge and give it all!


Many years ago I had the courage to pursue my higher calling and to be creative and do things outside the box which were far out outside my comfort zone. I had to shed many beliefs along the way, overcome fears, and sometimes be very humble and ask for help but I never allowed anyone or anything to discourage me if things did not work out straight away.

I used to attract mainly clients in the past who worked in traditional jobs as psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, police officers and even doctors.

But when we got to know each other and looked deeper I discovered that the majority had a very deep desire and longing to achieve independence and freedom which gives them the freedom to work on their terms, spend more time with their family and children, do something they love doing, travel the world, or live in a place that is most conducive for their soul growth and spiritual evolution. Many were also longing for a more simple life in nature. 

I receive nowadays more often feedback from clients with whom I have not been in touch for 1 or 2 years where they report that things begin to fall into place gradually. Please bear in mind that it can sometimes take a while until the seeds begin to sprout but no effort is ever wasted. 

Many highly gifted, intuitive, sensitive, conscious women and men are simply afraid to be who they are and to pursue their passion and that’s why they sadly sabotage their progress and don’t dare to take bold and courageous action. 

The reason why I am so confident nowadays that I can support others greatly is because I have been walking the talk for many years. I had to be incredibly creative and inventive to make everything work. In a sense, this is probably my most valuable asset. I am embodying the teachings and hold this energetic frequency which is transferred during the 1:1 work. It is not an intellectual concept for me anymore that I have read in a book or learned from someone else.

Working with an ideal client is a beautiful energetic dance… a dance of fulfilment, mutual respect, gratitude, elevation, co-creation, flow, magic, joy and divine synchronicity.


That’s why I am excited to connect with you! If you know deep inside that we are the right match please drop a few lines to erika.inspiration(at) and we can take it from there. 

To keep the momentum going we will be in touch at least once a week via Zoom, Voice messages or Email (only exception is if you or I go on vacation or a silent retreat where we prefer to take a break to unwind or if there will be unforeseen circumstances which won’t allow it). In this case, I am happy to extend the programme for 1 or 2 weeks. 

🔥I love clients who are warm, open-minded, pro-active, flexible, open-hearted, positive, reliable and are committed to their personal and spiritual growth.

🔥I love clients who understand straight away what my work is all about and see the bigger picture.

🔥I love clients who can laugh about themselves and develop a sense of humour at times when life does not feel like a walk in the park.

🔥I love clients who are willing to step into their warrior archetype when the situation requires it.

🔥I love clients who are not delusional and understand that they get out of every experience what they put in into it. 

🔥I love clients who surprise me and are not afraid to break the rules and do something no one has done before (no worries I won’t ask you to break the law of your country 🙂)

🔥I love clients who say YES to my fees straight away or are happy to pay in FULL – and YES I do also offer a payment plan. Just ask :). 

🔥I love clients who want to be fully self-expressed and magnetic AF. 

🔥I love clients who are ready to let go of their disempowerment patterns and to step into their POWER!

🔥I love clients who are aware that it will take very long to get to where they want to get when they make choices from their disempowered masculine and feminine.

🔥I love clients who are ready to access their superpower and trust the silent voice of their intuition. I love clients who are ready to co-create and look forward to the expansive experience of working together.

The biggest Magic happens when my clients free up energy which is trapped in their SHADOW!

🌑🌑🌑It’s not always easy and comfortable but it’s always worth it!

The main ingredients for working together are trust, an open mind and heart, an innate burning desire to experience a change in your current reality (besides LOVE, consistency, non-resistance and YES also some FUN and PLAY :).

The rest is a co-creation and a mutual growth experience and things will unfold as we go along. 

If we are the right match and you are ready to make a quick decision and start ASAP please email me at erika.inspiration(at)

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