Self-esteem healing session & e-book – rediscover the radiant version of yourself! 

Rediscover the radiant version of yourself! 

You inner feeling about yourself can make you or break you! Very little can you bring you out of balance for an extended period of time if your self-esteem is consistent, stable, unshakable, healthy, untouchable and unbreakable. You literally start to see the world with new eyes if your well-being and self-esteem does not depend on circumstances or anyone’s opinions. 

Nothing and no one has then to be your source of joy! You will be sourced and nourished from within!

Having said this, it is also a fact that our evolution is spiral and cyclical and not linear or fixed. And this human journey will always offer us opportunities for growth and expansion where we will feel painful emotions, run into our self-imposed limitations and fears or have lack of courage or belief in our abilities. 
Therefore almost everyone can benefit from a little self-esteem boost at various stages of their life. Even the most confident and successful people are not immune to insecurity if they face high pressured situations, encounter rejection, harsh critique or enter an unknown territory for example.
Every challenge provides an opportunity to uplevel your worthiness and to be a little bit more compassionate and loving toward yourself. 💚

In an ultimate sense, true self-love is the recognition that there is only the SELF! Any experience of LOVE is always a direct experience of yourself. You are basically giving yourself permission to experience LOVE or you deny it. 

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”― Rumi

This awareness is very empowering because you know at the core of your being that a relationship, a job, success or status can never fill the gap that you feel between yourself and your true (divine) SELF. You are SOURCE. Yes, relationships are wonderful and can illuminate our blind-spots and help us to grow and expand but they will never make us whole and complete. 

This is a brand – new guided meditation!

Here is a 1 min sneak peek!


You will receive: 

  • Instant download self-esteem meditation (34 minutes) with Delta Binaural Beats: 0.5 – 4Hz which occur during periods of deep dreamless sleep and are linked to healing, recovery and pain relief. Voice and author: Erika Brose Composer: Chris Mullett.
  • 16 Pages PDF Booklet 
  • Essential chakra/energy centre information on an easy to read chakra chart 
Just like any other being you are inherently worthy of love, affection, respect and appreciation. 🌷☀🌷

How would your life change if your self-esteem improved?

Self-esteem, sometimes called self-worth or self-respect, is how you feel about yourself.

Self-esteem and self-love allow people to face life with more confidence, compassion, benevolence and optimism.

And in a deeper sense, low self-esteem and low self-worth indicate a disconnection from our spiritual essence. 

There is also a link between scarcity or poverty consciousness and low self-esteem. 
So even if you are aware for example that taking care of yourself and attending a course or meditation class would be extremely beneficial you keep telling yourself the story that you can’t afford it or find other excuses not to do what your intuition guides you to do. Sadly this creates a vicious cycle which is not so easy to break.
A healthy self-esteem is basically an essential requirement for everything in physical life. It is only if you have a healthy self-esteem that you will trust your intuitive leads unconditionally and take courageously the required action to reach your goals. We have to be initially “positively selfish” and help ourselves first before helping others. If we don’t have a stable and firm foundation, we will get swept away by the problems, difficulties of others or any discordant energies.

What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem?

  • Individuals with healthy self-esteem trust their own discernment, act accordingly to their intuition and do not get overly affected if others don’t agree with their decisions or views.
  • They trust their ability to find creative solutions to any arising challenges but are simultaneously not afraid to ask for help.
  • They are sensitive to the feelings of others and do not wish to exploit or take advantage of others. 
  • They can say No and are not afraid to make themselves a priority at times and take up space.
  • They feel comfortable in social situations and do not need to please others.

Even successful and highly confident individuals are not immune to insecurity and could benefit from a self-esteem boost every now and then. Meditation is a wonderful tool that can help you to calm and stabilise your mind so that you don’t get carried away by your emotions, habits and conditioning. Like any good architect, you can change the blueprint – even a negative, self-worth blueprint. Just because you have lived until now with an illusionary imprint about your self-worth does not mean that it has to remain like this.

The instant download meditation and the accompanying 16 pages pdf self-help booklet will help you to: 

  • Understand the causes of poor self-esteem and re-program dysfunctional patterns on a cellular level
  • Build self-worth and reconnect with your core strengths
  • Take back your power, and re-discover that you are the source of love
  • Bring out your highest potential
  • Feel at ease in social situations
  • Let go of the need to please others
  • Rediscover the radiant version of yourself
  • Improve your mood and self-talk
  • Learn how to deal with mistakes, setbacks and criticisms with more ease and grace

Get Results Now!


  1. Scroll down to the bottom of this page
  2. Click the “Purchase” button 
  3. You will be then re-directed to PayPal
  4. Once you make your payment of  £12,99 you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes with the download links (please do check any other folders if you don’t receive the confirmation email within 1-hour 🙂

  5. Just in case if you experience any technical difficulties with the Purchase + Checkout option, please use the following Paypal link and I will send you the instant download links manually as soon as I see that payment went through. 
  6. If you are not 100% satisfied I will refund you the amount you paid. I simply trust that you are honest and that you are happy to support my work. 

How to listen

The best way to listen to your down­load is ly­ing down or sit­ting com­fort­ably with a straight back, and if pos­sible, us­ing head­phones. 

21 to 40 days – Dedication and consistency 

It’s been sug­ges­ted that after re­peat­ing the same thoughts or be­ha­viour pat­terns for 21 to 40 days, they be­come a new habit. So with that in mind, I would sug­gest listen­ing to your down­load every day for around three to four weeks. Al­tern­at­ively, you might like to listen to it when you feel out of balance or before an important event.  I recommend that you take some time for yourself listening to the recording to allow the energies to settle.

After purchase and checkout, you will be given a link to INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD and SAVE your files to a DESKTOP COMPUTER, LAPTOP, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET. This download link will only remain active for four (4) days after the purchase after which it will expire. 

Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

When listening to downloaded healing or meditation sessions, you must be in a place where you can safely relax and sleep. Never listen to meditation or healing sessions whilst driving or operating machinery.  You must be 18 years of age or have parental consent before using this website. By purchasing this meditation site, you confirm that you have read the following Disclaimer


Distant Healing & intuitive Email Coaching & Counselling with Shri Lakshmi

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£12,99 – £12,99
  • Instant download self-esteem meditation (34 minutes) including a 16 pages booklet

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