Increase your base frequency to align with abundance, money, wealth and prosperity

The energetics of money and prosperity are very precise. It takes a high level of awareness and attention to spot what is off in our vibration if we struggle to invite abundance and prosperity consistently into our life.

An amazing coach gave the following answer to a client who asked why the finances were not flowing in his business: 

“If you would serve your fellow humans in the best way you uniquely can, you would not experience money issues. So the FIRST step is to acknowledge that you are not serving to the best of your ability at the moment.

The SECOND step is to ask yourself how you could serve differently. Your lack of money is meant to get your creativity and imagination flowing or to do something that you currently avoid doing. Or to do something completely different.

The beauty of misalignment, denial, fear or worry is, that it works like an elastic band. 

The more misaligned you feel, the worse you feel and the more motivated you are to change your state of being. The faster you will snap back to perfect alignment of who you truly are  by either becoming aware of your higher purpose, surrendering or dismantling any beliefs of disempowerment, fear or negativity. 

Misalignment is like a springboard that helps you to get back on track super fast. Or we could also say that the current challenges that you are facing could motivate you to raise your standards, to increase your level of determinatio, to take couragoues action, and to connect to the right people who will help to anchor in a whole new level of confidence, wisdom and empowerment. 

Believe that it is possible for you to align with abundance in all forms and this will become your reality. Start to imagine yourself as wealthy, abundant, empowered and prosperous. Stretch yourself during the imagination process beyond your current reality. 

The following abundance activation email reading + voice message will assist you greatly in becoming aware of the blind spot that is currently preventing you from increasing your money, abundance and prosperity baseline frequency. 

I will point out in this reading the polarity that is currently standing in the way of allowing abundance to flow freely and more gracefully. This reading is also a wonderful opportunity for everyone who is considering working with me on a one-on-one basis to get a little taste of how changing your baseline frequency will make a HUGE difference. 

The seemingly perceived lack of money and prosperity can be your stepping stone to progress. The issue will dissolve faster if you don’t use money as an excuse why you can’t do something that you would love to do but start to focus on solutions by using creative visualisation. We are always abundantly provided with everything we need. For me, abundance means the ability to fulfil my higher calling and to be in the service of LOVE.

My mission is to serve Love and to support gifted and talented individuals on their path of evolution and ascension journey so that they can shine in full service to Love.

I invite you to question the status quo in all areas of your life, and replace it with the ESSENSE OF YOUR TRUE EMPOWERED SELF. 

After you have purchased the reading I will send you an email with a few questions and I will aim to do the reading within 5 days after I have received a response from you. In very rare cases when I am travelling or when I attend a silent meditation retreat where I don’t have access to the internet it might take a couple of days longer until I respond. 

You will also receive instant access to several bonus gifts after you have purchased the abundance, money, wealth and prosperity email reading. 

Feedback and generosity from happy clients. Generosity is the law of increase (abundance consciousness) and complaint and dissatisfaction is the law of decrease (poverty consciousness).

Hi, I am Erika – ( My spiritual name is Shri Lakshmi which stands for Prosperity and Bliss).

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.


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