20140819_160602-001An Introduction to Colour Therapy


Colour therapy and healing (also known as chromotherapy or light therapy) is a type of holistic healing that uses the visible spectrum of light and colour to affect a person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each colour falls into a specific frequency and vibration, which many believe contribute to specific properties that can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies.

All living things, including humans, have their vibrational frequency. Each organ, cell and muscle of the human body vibrates on a different frequency. These frequencies create the electromagnetic field around us.

If any of our muscles, organs or glands are out of harmony the frequency of its vibration changes, which can lead to disease. As a result, the colours of the aura do also change.

Colour therapy is using the vibrational frequency of the colours to correct imbalance or disharmony.

A history of colour Therapy

It is believed that in Atlantean times colour was used for healing. In his book “Exploring Atlantis”, Frank Alper mentions that the Atlanteans built healing temples. Alper speaks of circular temples whose circumference were healing rooms. The roofs of those temples were made from interlocking crystals which refracted the sunlight, filling the temple with the spectral colours. The doors to the healing rooms were designed to resonate to the required colour frequency. The crystals in the healing temple were laid out in beautiful arrangements and in geometric or special patterns to facilitate healing.

Crystals and colour were used not only for physical illnesses but also for healing relationships or any emotional and mental imbalances.

The crystals were in every colour imaginable, giving each of them specific qualities and vibrations of energy to be utilised. One of the types of crystals that Frank Alper mentioned being utilised the most in Atlantis was ‘Pink Crystals.’ He said of them, “The pink was chosen for these particular crystals to soften, but not weaken the great potential of energy that they produced. Its effect was like striking someone with a sledgehammer while patting them on the head to comfort them. Utilising crystals with a pink hue can have the potential to heal advanced cases of a disease, while soothing the diseased organ and tissue, not causing any additional pain.

One of the other types of Atlantean crystals used was the ‘Red Ruby Crystals.’

“The ruby red crystal was generally utilised in the healing of diseases that have characteristics of spreading mass infections, such as cancers and blood diseases, where great power is needed in a short amount of time…. Part of the purpose of the red crystal is to maintain the balance of vibrations and to assist within the grounding, by maintaining the polarity of the fields of energy. This in itself assists in one’s growth. The raw power of the red ray is not specifically designed for spiritual growth alone.”

Similarly, the Egyptians also used germs in colour treatment. In ancient Egypt, every aspect of health or illness was associated with a deity. Ra, the sun god held the highest place in the pantheon, while Isis was worshipped as a healing goddess with temples dedicated to her healing power.

Archaeologists have discovered that the Egyptians, like the Atlanteans, had individual healing rooms built into their lavishly decorated temples. These rooms were constructed in such a way to allow dissipation of the rays of the sun into the colours of the spectrum. They used coloured paints for their temple pictures and had colourful hieroglyphics. Those coming for healing were ‘colour diagnosed’ and then put into a room that radiated the prescribed colour.

Magic colour and healing were also linked in India. Hinduism is one of its oldest living religions, having evolved over a period of 4000 years and its ancient teachings have formed the foundations of traditional Indian Ayurvedic (knowledge of life) medicine. Hindus believe that all the gods they worship affect health and illness. The Atharva-Veda, which forms part of the Vedas, a collection of ancient hymns and prayers, contains a collection of spells and incantations to combat disease, injuries, fertility and insanity. Methods of diagnosis included magical as well as rational approaches. Treatment included the use of minerals and gemstones.

Indian philosophy sees man as being who wears a coat of many colours – colours which are constantly changing according to one’s mental, emotional and physical well-being.

This coat is composed of seven bodies which inter-penetrate each other and constitute the aura or electromagnetic field. The densest of the layers in the actual physical body containing the quintessence of all the aura layers.

The Auric Bodies

Physical auric body – Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort, pleasure, health.

The etheric auric body – Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and self love.

Vital auric body – Rational mind. To understand the situation in a clear, linear, rational way.

Astral (emotional) body – Relations with others. Loving interaction with friends and family.

Lower mental auric body – Divine will within. To align with the divine will within, to make a commitment to speak and follow the truth.

Higher mental auric body – Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.

Spiritual (intuitive) body – Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern.

Contained within these bodies are the seven chakras or energy centres. The chakras are energy linkage centres that connect your physical body with the subtle bodies contained within your aura. They distribute life force (often known as Prana or Chi/Qi) through the physical and subtle bodies and are the basis for holistic healing. If a chakra becomes blocked, the subtle energy flow becomes imbalanced which eventually leads to disharmony or disease.

Chakra Associated Concepts and Colours:

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’. There are seven main chakras that exist within each living creature.

Crown (Associated Colour Violet): Spirituality, opening intuition and spiritual communication, awareness.

The crown chakra is the gateway the connects both the physical and non-physical.

When this Chakra is in balance you will have great intuitive knowledge. You will be aware of your spiritual self and you see others as part of you, rather than as separate.

Brow/Third Eye (Associated Colour Indigo): Mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, psychic abilities, providing mental intuition

A balanced third eye chakra can help to learn from experience and pass this teachings on to others and also to absorb and process information on many levels.

Throat (Associated Colour Blue): Communicating and expressing feelings, freedom, leadership.

A balanced throat chakra can help to improve communication on all levels and aid creativity. You are not afraid to speak the truth and people respect you for this.

Heart (Associated Colour Green): Love, Trust, Relationships, Healing, Empathy, overcoming emotional distress.

A balanced heart chakra encourages openness, which others will reflect back to you like a mirror. You will feel great compassion towards everyone and feeling at ease with yourself and the people in your life. You can understand others and accept them for who they are.

Solar plexus (Associated Colour Yellow): Personal power, Nurturing, emotional connection and assimilation.

A balanced solar plexus chakra encourages the development of leadership skills, such as courage, confidence and inner strength. You feel in control over your emotions and thoughts. You don’t want to dominate anyone but lead by example.

Sacral (Associated Colour Orange): Creativity, Confidence, Fertility.

When this chakra is in balance you will find it much easier to focus on any physical task. It facilitates the flow of artistic and creative energies and you feel much more inspired.

You have a great passion for life and want to live to it’s fullest.

Base (Associated Colour Red): Survival, Moving forward in life, energizing and motivating.

It is important to balance the base chakra first, before balancing the others. If you are not grounded you can’t balance the other chakras properly.

A balanced base chakra can help you to move forward in life, make career changes and take opportunities in life. A balanced base chakra helps you to feel secure in the world, it allows you to give and receive nurture, stand up for yourself when you need to.

The colour Energies and Therapeutic use


Attributes: Power, Passion, Energy, Sexuality, Vitality, Alertness, Courageous, Pioneering, Strong willed, Determined, Leadership qualities,

Caution: Warning, Danger, Obsessive, Jealous, Quick tempered, Domineering, Aggressive, Ruthless

Therapeutic use: Low blood pressure, Red can help with circulatory problems such as cold hands and feet, lack of energy, inactivity, makes lazy people more active.

Red counteracts shyness and encourages you to take action.


Attributes: Unconditional Love, Soothing, Nurturing, Represents self-acceptance, self-love, self-forgiveness and non-judgement

Caution: Excessive use of Pink may lead to passivity

Therapeutic use: lack of self-love, feelings of loneliness, pink promotes self-realization and unconditional love of the self and others, reduces jealousy, grief and sadness, eases feelings of irritability and anger, can also help with feelings of vulnerability and over-sensitivity, promotes feelings of compassion and caring


Attributes: Joy, Happiness, Abundance, Independence, Enthusiastic, Social-able, Constructive, Uplift,

Caution: Hyper-active, Pride, Difficulty interacting with others, Destructive attitudes

Therapeutic use: Antidepressant, Fear, also for low blood pressure, Chronic Tiredness, Promotes warm-heartedness, Orange has also a brightening effect and promotes strength.

Grief, bereavement and loss can all be treated with orange.

Orange can also help with fear of intimacy.

It can help to remove inhibitions and give the courage to move forward in life.


Attributes: Upliftment, Intellect, Joy, Vision, Wisdom, Logic, Sense of humour, Detachment,

Caution: Judgement, Criticism, Feelings of inferiority, Pessimistic, Over analytical

Therapeutic use: Rheumatism, arthritis, strengthens the nerves, diseases of the digestive tract should be treated with yellow as it promotes digestion, it can help to clear away toxins and stimulate the flow of gastric juices.

Feelings of lethargy and depression brought on by dull weather respond well to a dose of yellow light which can also promote the ability to study.

Yellow can also help to reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem.


Attributes: Balance, Harmony, Neutrality, Healing, Heart, Compassion, Understanding, Adaptable, Practical, Generous, Love of children, animals and nature,

Caution: Envy, Indifference, Materialism.

Therapeutic use: Promotes feeling of tranquillity, Cleansing, Purifying, Enhancing thoughts and emotions. It is indicated for bronchial catarrh and whooping cough.

Green is the colour of balance and harmony and can, therefore, be helpful in times of stress.

All chronic diseases respond well to the green light.

Problems with personal relationships, especially when there is a difficulty with over-dominance or subservience can be helped by green as feelings such as jealousy and greed.

Green can restore stability in any situation.


Attributes: Purification, Immunity, Communication, Colour of subconscious, Creativity, Intuition, Imagination

Therapeutic use: Anti-inflammatory, nervous tension, wearing Turquoise around the neck is good for public speaking, expression and voice, Colour of subconscious, Vibration of the lungs, especially the higher vibration of the lungs


Attributes: Peace and Infinity, Loyal, Tactful, Trustworthy,

Caution: Self-righteous, Cold, Untrustworthy

Therapeutic use: Blue is calming, relaxing and healing and it promotes quietness. Colour of the pituitary gland and endocrine system. Can help with coughs, Sore throats, Vocal Problems, Pain, Congestion, Hyperactivity, Stress, Migraine, Asthma, stiff neck.

It can help to calm those who are agitated and over-excited.


Attributes: Colour of inspiration, Great mental powers, Humanitarians, Dignity, Divinity, Hope

Caution: Feelings of superiority, Fanatics

Therapeutic use: Increases the effect of meditation, promotes awareness consciousness, Helps to build, Can help to develop self-esteem


Attributes: Meditation, Perfection, Release, Selflessness, Inspires happiness and vitality

Caution: Excessive use can lead to arrogance and intolerance and it can also make one feel irritated or overwhelmed. (Too much Magenta can be balanced by adding green)

Therapeutic use: Letting go, Freedom Change, can be used to soothe feelings of frustration and anger, to dispel sadness and unhappiness


Attributes: Highly intuitive, Faithful, Unity, Articulate, Fearless

Caution: Fearful, Intolerant, Judgemental, Separateness, easily depressed

Therapeutic use: Indigo helps to open up intuition, strongest painkiller in the spectrum and a great healer.

It is the perfect colour to induce a deep, healing peace. It can also help to lower blood pressure.

White = contains all colours

Attributes: Innocence, Wisdom, Isolation, Truth

Therapeutic use: Great healing colour, Aids mental clarity and encourages to clear away clutter and obstacles, aids concentration and focus, Stimulates transformation,

Black = contains all colours. It is also linked to unseen, hidden and fearful experiences.

Black is the colour of someone who keeps control by not revealing information to others.

Attributes: Protection, Humility

Caution: Depression, Negativity, Increases fear, suspicion and paranoia.

Therapeutic use: Black is a protective colour. It is grounding and calming. It actives feminine energies of the body. Black is most effective in conjunction with white, to balance the polarities.

Can encourage self-discipline.

It should rarely used by itself but always in combination with another colour.

Grey (combination of black and white)

Attributes: Service, Dedication, Colour of the intellect, knowledge and inner wisdom

Caution: Pessimism, It can make one feel emotionally detached, tendency to isolate

Therapeutic use: Pride, Neutralizing negative influences, enhances patience and perseverance


Attributes: Grounding

Caution: Excessive use of Brown can lead to rudeness or depression

Therapeutic use: Hyperactivity, Hypertension, Brown calms and grounds emotions, It brings us back down to earth.

Gold stands for I am, it does not seek as it has already found.

Attributes: Abundance, Success, Wealth, Creativity, Purity, Male Energy, Illumination/Wisdom, Self-worth, Expands the power of love.

Caution: Materialistic, Confusion, Self-righteousness, Deception

Therapeutic use: Depression as it is uplifting and dissipates negative energy, Digestive irregularity, Increasing self-consciousness, overcoming bad habits/addictions gold has a beneficial effect on the immune system and on the cardiac conditions, it helps to awaken the individual’s own healing abilities, gold also harmonized the mind, access to knowledge – especially to knowledge of the self, forgiving and letting go of the past.

Silver is the thread of cosmic intelligence. It is been said that an invisible silver cord attaches humanity to the other side.

Attributes: Spiritual Wisdom, Stars and Moon, Emotional Stability, Intuition, female/feminine energies

Therapeutic use: Traditional women’s problems such as painful periods or hormonal imbalances.

Great tranquillizer, removes or neutralizes negativity, excellent for emotional mental and physical cleansing and releasing. Silver reflects mistakes without distortion, it harmonizes and brings about a fluid state of consciousness.Gl2015


Erika is a certified Spiritual Counsellor, Holistic Healing Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Life Coach and Soul Plan Practitioner. She studied a number of modalities in traditional and alternative therapies and she offers traditional life coaching services and holistic/spiritual coaching (including Soul Plan Analysis). Erika has natural healing abilities and works intuitively from the heart. It is each time different simply because every person is unique. It is her intention to inspire, empower and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. She helps people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values they are operating under. As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction. It is her intention to give joyfully, following her heart’s knowledge and make a meaningful difference to someone.

What is a spiritual counsellor/holistic healing practitioner?
A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has trained in a number of healing techniques. Their training at Holistic Healing College has included, counselling, energy psychology, relationship healing, hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, soul plan and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions.
A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has recognised the importance of offering more than energetic healing or conventional counselling. The client also receives unconditional listening, sound advice, new resources, empowering beliefs and options for leading a more fulfilling and real quality life.
These integrated sessions address the client on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energetic healing creates the space while a practical approach grounds the benefits in the here and now.



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Published by Shri Lakshmi


  1. I changed my whole bedroom to cooling colors to calm my nervous system. It works.

  2. Very interesting article. Colors are super important They have saved me. Thank you ♡


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