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I would like to share with you a powerful abundance prayer. Sadly, I don’t know who the original author of the prayer is.

Abundance is a relative concept and relates to many areas and it does not necessarily mean getting things or having tons of money but being open and receptive to the abundance, wellbeing and goodness of the universe. Being abundandant means also to feel empowered and trust that you are highly capable to find creative solutions to any perceived “lack circumstances” at the perfect time! In fact, a calm mind and creativity are the most important ingredients for generating abundance. 

True abundance is about gaining the ability to feel relaxed and peaceful under each and any conditions and not to grasp for things. And the true measurement, if you have achieved abundance, is when you have moved to a higher level of consciousness. That’s why they often say that if you take away everything from Richard Branson, for example, he will be able to replicate his success or abundance again. It is his consciousness and attitude that has crated the abundance. 

If your abundance consciousness is currently at a level 2 from a scale of 1-10 the only way how you can invite more abundance into your life in an ethical and honest way is to level up and to operate from a level, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10. Like attracts like. 

Increase your base frequency to align with abundance, money, wealth and prosperity

Millions of people have spent plenty of time, energy, and money, trying to improve their life quality. They might have attended countless personal development workshops and read many books but did not notice any changes in the quality of their life.

So, what’s going on here? 
There must be something hidden… something deeper… something not visible to the casual observer…

Freud used the analogy of an iceberg to describe the three levels of the mind.

On the surface is consciousness, which consists of those thoughts that are the focus of our attention now, and this is seen as the tip of the iceberg. The preconscious consists of all which can be retrieved from memory. The third and most significant region is unconscious. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see.

I can support you with the “looking deeper” process as we all have our blind spots.

I can intuitively connect to what is going on with you and give you also practical steps what you can do to change it.

Space clearing to increase the flow of Abundance and Prosperity

Just imagine for a second how your life would look like when there would be no energy of doubt in your being and all of your actions would be aligned with the universal laws and you would wake up in the morning feeling really good about yourself and ask questions, such as, “How can I serve from a place of love” or “How can I share my gifts and talents for the good of all?”

That’s why abundance is primary about mastering our vibration and moving beyond the lower self because physical reality is only a reflection of our past or the current state of being. You get a reflection back of what you project outwards. 

If we shift our energy and do not operate solely from the lower survival chakras but move into our heart and see only the divine as our real source, abundance can start to reach us from various sources. Our main attitude should become, “how can I serve with as much love as possible”, instead of “how can I accumulate more stuff”?

The following chakra balancing meditation will help you to clear and balance your chakras. You will also receive the information you need to know about the 7 chakras (main energy centres) on an easy-to-read chakra chart and a second chart which demonstrates how the different chakras govern your finances and influence your ability to experience abundance in your life.

If we believe we are unworthy of abundance we will generate an abundance of lack for example. Many of our beliefs are hidden in the subconscious mind. It is amazing how quickly things will start to shift when you do the inner work. 

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation

I am sure you have heard many times that gratitude, generosity, unwavering faith, self-love and a feeling that you are worthy of good things are the keys to experience any sort of abundance. If you give more than you take you will be tremendously rich inside. 

Gratitude and generosity are the laws of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease. 

When we are grateful, we give thanks for what we have instead of dwelling on what we don’t have. We celebrate the beauty that exists in our life and this, in turn, brings us more positive and abundant experiences. No matter what our circumstances are, we can always find some little things to be grateful for.

As we change in consciousness, all the conditions around us change. 

No matter how wealthy or abundant we are, if we feel poor inside our prosperity will decrease. Abundance requires constant care, especially at the beginning when we just start to shift our beliefs. Therefore it is so important to be in a constant state of gratitude and appreciation. Over time we will rewrite any lack beliefs and our experiences will change. Another amazing secret for creating abundance is to align all your actions with your highest purpose and the energy of love. 

Soul Plan Reading (Life Purpose Reading) via video Call or Email & Voice message


The abundance prayer will put you into the flow of abundance. However, be aware that it might take some time to shift your beliefs, especially if you have been operating from a place of scarcity, lack or poverty consciousness for a very long time. 

People experienced miracles and synchronicity in different areas of their life after using this prayer regularly. You can replace the word God with the word Source, All that is, Higher Power or Universe. 

Please feel free to leave a comment or share your experiences.

Thank you and enjoy!


Erika – Shri Lakshmi

Abundance Prayer

From The Light of God that I Am.

From The Love of God that I Am.

From The Power of God that I Am.

From The Heart of God that I Am.

I Decree

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.

The river of life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happened. With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.
By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.

I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and life gives back to me with magnificent increase.

Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.

I wish the same thing for the good of all!

If you wish to receive a free gift and align with the energy of abundance please sign up for my newsletter here. 


What others say:

“As a life coach that inspires people, I wanted to know if I’m on the right track in my own journey during a transformational time. Erika not only reassured me with her 1st soul plan reading that I’m destined for it & am on the right track, but when I went on with the 2nd read for my business, we went even deeper. What I found fascinating is that not only the reading was accurate and explained in ways no other methods or thoughts did, I felt healed in quite some hidden aspects of my being. I’m not sure how she did it, but it happens every time. I also had a healing session at the time of grief where I couldn’t find the strength and that healing was so powerful, it was one of the rare things that help me come out of it, and trust me it was excruciatingly painful, the losses I felt. I feel Erika very connected to me, and that’s important to me as I know how highly spiritual she is.
If you want to help your beautiful inner being, and you need a kind & open soul that can guide you for a while, go to Erika.”


“Erika’s work had great meaning for me speaking as one who waited 40 years to change her first name.
Her Soul Plan reading showed how Spirit had guided me in waiting until
that point to do so. The “new” name has greatly strengthened me on all the relevant fronts operating in my life today. Learning that this is so through Erika’s work has made me content with my own soul’s wisdom in a way that I have not known before.
I write this more than 20 years’ since changing my name and look back on the progress that this has facilitated in wonder. Don’t delay, see Erika today. She could not be more genuine and genuinely helpful had she wings to fly.This is true. I have been enlightened.”


Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi. 

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

I have been doing Soul Plan Readings  since 2013, and I am still amazed and fascinated each time I look for the first time at someone’s Soul Plan.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values.

As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

It is my intention to give joyfully, following my heart’s knowledge and make a meaningful difference in someone’s life. I have been trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions, but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others. 

Clarity, clearing, Transformation, Empowerment, Healing!

All sessions can be conducted from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. You do not need to travel and therefore online sessions help you to save time and offer a level of flexibility. Having a session at home allows you to create a sacred space and to rest and integrate the session directly afterwards. 

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Published by Shri Lakshmi


  1. So powerful. Thanks Erika. Your site is beautiful. Keep sharing!

  2. After saying this prayer for 3 weeks… My parents have won the lottery.

  3. Hello.
    Me and my husband have been saying this prayer for a month now. I have to admit we got money from places we thought we would never get. eBay payed yes back what was thought to be lost forever. Bank returned money that they over charged us. We were surprised and overjoyed. We are indeed grateful. But we aren’t getting anything big. Just few dollars here and there. I was wondering are we doing something wrong? I know a very few people who won lotteries big time. I’m not feeling bad or sad but was wondering if I was doing it wrong. How many times should I say the prayer? Should I be kneeling or can I sit on the floor? Any particular time of the day/night the prayer should be said? I’m sorry if I seem rude with all the questions. It’s because we want to do the prayer in the right and good manner. Please do advice me soon. Thank you for the prayer. I am indeed grateful. Bye.

    • Hello Rejeni,
      Abundance means not necessarily getting things but being open and receptive to the abundant nature of the universe.
      True abundance is about gaining the ability to be able to feel good under each and any conditions.
      It’s basically about mastering our frequency because physical reality is only a reflection of our past state of being.
      Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Therefore, it can be helpful first of all to let go of the thinking that it has to be about money. A daily gratitude practice for the abundance you currently experience is a good way to start.
      You could list all those things for example which are already working extremely well. You may have a roof over your head or are able to buy food every day. You may live close to nature or the ocean so that you can enjoy relaxing walks whenever you wish to.
      Abundant success is about flowing with life, being wide awake for the opportunities which show up and also enjoying the journey.
      You might notice that even though you don’t have everything you want, you probably have everything you need. Acknowledging how blessed you are, usually pours more blessings into your life – in a form of opportunities, friends, love, family, laughter, joy, vitality, success, generosity, health, spiritual abundance, and even income. Notice how the presence of God shows up in your life in various ways and be grateful for the small blessings.

      The worldly attitude towards money is to hope that you will win the lottery or to rely solely on your investments or salary which can decrease overnight. The spiritual attitude is to trust in God for your supply. Your security is not your job, or your bank account, or your investments, or your partner. Your security is your ability to connect with the universal power that creates all things.

      Having limiting beliefs could be one of the reasons that the money flow is blocked.

      Limiting beliefs are those things we believe about ourselves, others or life in general that place limitations on our abilities. Therefore, it can be helpful to challenge certain core beliefs which are those most basic assumptions that we make about our identity and our place in the world. They are simply assumptions and are not necessarily true. It is estimated that our brain receives about four billion nerve impulses every second and that we are only consciously aware of about 2,000 bits, or about 0.00005% of all the potential information. What happens to all this other information? It is filtered from our conscious awareness by deleting. What we delete depends on our Beliefs, Language, Decisions, Values, and Memories. The resulting internal representations are how we perceive the world (our reality) and this drives our behaviors, often reinforcing that our perception is ‘correct’.

      If you believe I am unworthy of abundance you will generate an abundance of lack.

      Some of the common limiting beliefs around money are:

      “I’m not worthy.”

      “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

      “Money is the root of all evil.”

      “You can’t be rich and spiritual.”

      “But we can’t afford that.”

      “It is difficult to make lots of money.”

      “I don’t deserve that.”

      “I am not capable of making right decisions if I move in a different direction.”

      To identify such beliefs you have to remember what your parents, carers or authority figures said about money when you were a child.
      Did they criticize wealthy people? Or did they complain constantly that there was not enough? Each time you say “I would like, BUT” you have
      identified a limiting belief.

      However, it might take a bit of time to uncover and eliminate the old beliefs as most beliefs are deeply rooted in the subconscious and based on past emotional reactions that are stored in the body’s electromagnetic field. So, the first step to effectively clearing yourself of limiting beliefs is being honest with yourself.

      Once you get in touch with the Belief that is generating this fear of not having enough,
      acknowledge that this is your current Belief. “Own” it. (You can not change what you do not own.)
      Ask yourself: “What Belief would I like to REPLACE this Belief with?”
      Once you decide what your new preferred Belief is, accept it. Adopt it. Breath it in. TRUST that this new Belief is now active and functioning in your Being.

      One of the other methods I use to quickly deal with such restrictions and blocks is a technique known as EFT short for Emotional Freedom Technique.
      EFT is based on the ancient Chinese system of the Meridians and how an emotional disturbance blocks the energy flow of these pathways creating a block or a restriction in the energy field of an individual, caused by a negative event that this person has experienced.
      By simply tapping with the tips of the fingers on specific energy points that exist within the energy system of the Meridians, whilst contemplating on the specifics of a negative event and acknowledging the emotions that are created from it, we manage to remove these energy blocks.
      By removing these energy blocks, we also neutralize the negative emotions of the event so it does not negatively affect our life anymore and allow us to change our perspective and the thoughts we keep thinking – in other words our beliefs.

      • I feel, that in many teachings, the “mechanics” should also be explained. Once people understand the “how’s and why’s” of any concept, it is easier to get in the flow. I speak for myself, that once I “get” it, it is an “aha” moment and I “feel” it deep in my soul. Tears of happiness, as I feel this connection with Source. I feel confident and then able to be open to more teachings. Like mathematics for instance. One cannot understand algebra without first learning basic arithmetic. Powerful prayer. The Law Of Abundance, one of the Universal Laws. Thank you for your contribution to Enlighten humanity. Blessed you are, Erika.

  4. Thank you! 🙂

  5. Erika, I must really commend you for this is a really eye opener. And also the prayers too


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