To be empowered means to feel comfortable in your skin, being balanced and live from a place of awareness instead of letting your subconscious beliefs and triggers run your life.

Your subconscious programming determines how you handle any arising challenges and which choices you make moment after moment.

As a holistic counsellor, soul plan practitioner, mentor, and coach I provide a safe space which enables you to connect with your vulnerability and insecurities and raise your awareness.
Awareness is the main ingredient for a lasting change. It will resolve any arising issues naturally.

When you relax and drop your thoughts for a moment and look at the same situation from a place of awareness, you will notice that everything that happens in your life does not belong to you. You are simply the witness, the one who is observing it. Every experience painful or pleasurable happens inside of awareness. From the place of awareness you have then the choice to respond differently to situations which have triggered you previously, let go of judgment or embrace any rejected, repressed or denied parts of you.

You might have observed that people who live in a constant state of worry and anxiety do indeed attract very often unfavourable circumstances. Or you might have observed in your own life how fast things can go downhill as soon as you don’t pay attention to how you direct your awareness and attention and allow doubts or negative thoughts to enter your mind. 

Luckily this applies also the other way. People who are familiar with the concept of parallel reality could shift their reality for the better by using their awareness and attention wisely. The trick lies in deconstructing any negative momentum and redirecting you energy upwards. Each moment we have the choice to choose love or fear. We can either feel gratitude for what we have or complain about what is lacking. However, if you choose love over fear it will be much easier to deal with whatever arises. 

I have recorded a beautiful heart opening meditation which will support you to choose love over fear. 

You can receive it here:

If you would like to dive deep into your own consciousness and experience some powerful and long-lasting changes, please email me at erika.inspiration(at)

All my packages are tailored to your specific needs. I meet you where you are currently at on your journey.

On a practical level, high-quality essential oils can offer amazing support during in your everyday life. 

Cassia essential oil, for example, is very potent for clearing and purification (besides Frankincense). The warm, spicy and masculine cassia oil is often used to balance the second chakra and third chakra (solar plexus).
Cassia is excellent for deleting information from the subconscious mind which has a lower vibration. If applied over an extended period it can help to release attachments, addictive behaviour and unhealthy patterns.
It can also help you to build courage, confidence and increase energy levels. It is a great oil to try if you can benefit from a little boost to “put yourself out there” and improve your self-assurance and self-worth.
Cassia essential oil is in the same family as cinnamon and therefore is a “hot” oil. It’s best to dilute it with a carrier oil if you apply it topically on your second and third chakra.
Cassia has been a part Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices consistently for nearly 5000 years, and it also has biblical references.
In ancient times cassia was the key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship.
“Cassia: one principal spice of the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint priests, kings and their garments. The coming King Messiah’s robes will smell of cassia (humility, being stripped of pride, set apart or holy with a servant’s heart)
-Psalm 45:8″
Cassia is also included in the do💜TERRA forgive blend and holiday joy!
The sacral chakra is connected with the flow of money, pleasure, partnerships, worthiness and creativity.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated behind the navel and represents our ability to be confident and assertive. The Manipura Chakra is the centre of vitality.
The corresponding element is Fire. Therefore it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre. This Chakra regulates the function of the Pancreas and digestive organs, and it is directly related to self-worth, a primary quality in our relationships with others and the world around us. It reflects how we see ourselves and exercise our innate power.

Uses Cassia essential oil

  • Add one drop to citrus blends or diffuse with Clove and Ginger during fall and winter.
  • Combine one drop with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage for a warming sensation.
  • Massage 1 drop Cassia oil with 10 drops doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil,  into the feet.
  • Diffuse throughout the room for immune system support.
  • Diffuse 3 drops doTerra Arborvitae and 2 drops cassia for a soothing and uplifting blend.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Dilute one to two drops with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to the desired area.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Only 100% pure & natural essential oils have the greatest healing properties. The oils I use are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality, and they are not treated with pesticides. So it´s a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store.

If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate.

And if you would like to receive the following three Abundance Freedom Empowerment abundance gifts please sign up here:

  • Align with the energy of Freedom, Ease and Abundance guided meditation on mp3
  • Heart opening, centring and allowing to receive guided meditation on mp3
  • Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils pdf booklet by Erika Brose

If you have ever inhaled the fragrance of your favourite FLOWER and remember the sweetness of getting in touch with the essence of a plant then you will love and benefit greatly from essential oils.

There are hundreds of ways how you can use high- quality essential oils including relaxation, emotional and energetic healing, meditation, spiritual practice, personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking and more.

Some of the oils will shower you with the elixir of self-love and self-appreciation, some will help you to clear long-standing emotional and energetic attachments, and others will transform you in a way you could not have imagined. The more you open up to the energy and benefits of very pure high-quality essential oils and let go of resistance the more you will benefit from them.

The essential oils work on many different levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetic. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz.  I have recorded several videos where I introduce the benefits and the uses of essential oils. You can access the complete playlist on Youtube here:

Essential oils Inspiration and Education with Erika

When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances.

doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference.

In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

To learn about the quality and sourcing, Source to You helps you to learn how doTERRA works with smallholder farmers worldwide to optimize their work and grow the precious plants that grant us and our families this crucial connection to Mother Nature. And here is an incredible resource to see exactly where your oils have come from. It also shows a Gas Chromatography graph that breaks down all the natural chemical compounds that are in each bottle of doTERRA Essential Oils.

At the base of your bottle of Single Oils, you will see a number. If you enter this into the system all the relevant information for that particular Essential Oils will come up. dōTERRA is completely transparent about all components of their Oils and that’s why it is safe to trust that you are working with the purest oils available.

Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

Here are the detailed steps how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I have included in this booklet many tips and secrets which you are most likely not familiar yet.

✓ Go to my doTERRA website

✓ Select Join & Save

✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. Thank you!

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at) so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Love, Erika 💚

Soul Transformation Therapist & Holistic Life Coach


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Published by Shri Lakshmi

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