“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Saying yes and recognizing opportunities is a crucial step in the manifestation process. 

In 99 times out of 100 the opportunity shows up in a different form than your mind has imagined it and in 99 times out of 100, you will have some resistance to it. Which means you might need to take some uncomfortable action or get over your shyness or hesitance in order to receive the benefits from the opportunity which has been presented to you. 

There are certain energetic laws in this universe that we have to consider. Just like a child at school that needs to master a certain standard before moving to the next grade someone who is on a spiritual or personal development journey won’t be able to move forward when he neglects current circumstances or avoids to do the very thing he is afraid to do. 

Some common action steps I noticed people resist doing while keeping themselves busy with other things:

*** Calling this friend who has been coming to your attention for a while now

*** Attending the retreat you wanted to go for a long time even though it means that you need to ask your parents to babysit for an entire weekend

*** Hiring a mentor even though it means that your life will change at a rapid speed

*** Showing up differently and setting firm boundaries unapologetically

*** Removing yourself from friends or company which you have outgrown

*** Creating time in your busy schedule and finally doing the course your soul nudges you to do

*** Risking to look like a fool and break established traditions

*** Reaching out to a particular person even though you consider yourself being extremely shy and you are worried about their reaction

*** Doing something your intuition tells you to do even though it does not make any logical sense at this moment

*** Committing to a longterm project especially if you have been avoiding commitment all your life

*** Trusting your gut feeling when you make a decision even though there is no external proof that things will work out

*** Doing something in a completely new way even though it is different how things are usually done

A great time to align with new opportunities is the time around the new moon. The new moon is a starting position. It is a time of sowing seeds and visioning for the month ahead. It is a time to dream, connect to your intuition, imagine and conceive new ideas and to begin new projects or undertakings. An amazing time to reinvent yourself and set your priorities straight. Creating rituals around the moon cycles is a powerful way to connect with our own inner wisdom. A ritual creates a pause in the busy-ness and doing-ness of our life. We set intentionally time aside to reflect and reassess. It allows us to turn inwards and to connect establish a connection with the elements of nature.
The moon has a powerful effect on ocean tides. A tide is the rise and fall of water caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun on the oceans of the earth. While both the Moon and the Sun influence the ocean tides, the moon plays the biggest role because it is so much closer to our planet than the Sun. Just as the moon affects the ocean, it also affects our lives. Just a like a surfer who follows certain rules when he catches the wave will have a much more enjoyable and pleasant time getting to the shore so can you learn to “surf” with the cycles of the moon to have a smoother journey ahead. It the following new moon meditation I will be guide you through a transformational new moon process where you can connect to the deepest wisdom of your own soul and your higher self. Listening to this meditation will help you to spot and recognize opportunities quickly and to align with what truly matters to you. 

When challenges come up or when we start something new it’s easy to get discouraged. Many people avoid challenges all their life because the pain of not getting what they want or the pain of rejection or being seen is so great.
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I have recorded an audio which will help you to align with the energy of abundance and empowerment and I guide you in this recording also through a powerful process where you can experience a healthy balance between giving and receiving.

You can access it here :).

About Erika

Erika is a natural empath, a multi-passionate, multi-talented, multi-faceted holistic counsellor, life purpose coach, soul transformation therapist & distant healing practitioner.

She has also trained in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
In her earlier career, she trained as a Beauty Therapist in Germany and worked several years in different Spa Hotels in the idyllic Black Forest (Germany). Erika also holds a degree in Business Administration and worked across a range of various roles and industries across the UK, Germany and Europe.

Erika will meet you where you are on your journey and support you to let go and release everything which is preventing you from moving forward and reaching the next level of your infinite potential. Your current self will often come up with many objections and may think you are not ready or capable of stepping up and playing a different or bigger game. That’s where Erika can assist you to recognize your own blind spots and move beyond your limitations. 

She is grateful and honoured to have worked with many private clients all around the globe. Her approach is heart centred and intuitive. Besides offering a wide range of digital instant download products she is working mainly online across different time zones via Skype and Zoom.

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Published by Shri Lakshmi

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