Wild Orange and Arborvitae – a potent and effective abundance essential oil blend

🌱The more we hold on the less content we are. 
🌱The more self-absorbed we are the poorer we are inside. 
🌱The more we identify with our status and reputation the less peace of mind we will have. 
🌱The more we are attached to our possessions and belongings the more likely we will develop a poverty consciousness including emotional and mental imbalances.

True wealth is INNER peace and contentment.

Generosity can take many forms. Generosity is not simply giving a coin, it’s a mental attitude and a way of living one’s life. It’s sharing of oneself, to the best of one’s ability in a way that benefits others.

There is also a wrong type of generosity. Such as giving to someone who is not capable to receive it or will misuse your kindness and generosity or take advantage of your goodhearted nature.

Giving mindlessly without discrimination can also fuel someone’s negative habits such as laziness, complacency, inertia, lack of resourcefulness, lack of motivation, lack of courage, diligence and perseverance.

That’s why it is crucial to find a balance between love and wisdom and develop critical thinking and discernment.

Essential oils can support us greatly with the healing and mindset shift so that we move beyond the illusion of scarcity thinking. The energy of abundance is constantly radiating from source but as long as our pre-dominant thought patterns are focused on lack we can’t experience abundance. 

🍊Wild Orange & Arborvitae is one of the
most potent and effective abundance blends in the world.

🎩✒️Magic happens if you use both OILS simultaneously! 🎀🦋☀️✨⭐🌟💫💥

Wild Orange essential oil is well known for calling in ABUNDANCE!🍊🍊🍊

It will increase the ability to accept goodness into your life without sabotaging it. Wild Orange is uplifting & elevating and helps you to open your heart. 🍊🍊🍊
As a result, you will find it much easier to spot opportunities and be more open to the abundance of the possibilities which are already all around you which you could not see before because you were focusing on lack and problems.

Wild Orange will also help you to reconnect with your Magical inner child and bring spontaneity, fun, joy and play into your life. In fact, increasing one’s spontaneity is absolutely crucial if you would like to allow and invite more abundance into your life. The logical overanalytical mind stands often in the way for calling your dreams into existence!

I use Arborvitae essential oil often during grace clearing meditations when I do Soul Plan Readings.

The oil helps to surrender and to empty ourselves out so that grace can flow.

Arborvitae Essential oil is known as the oil of Divine Grace.

Emotionally, Arborvitae has been used for centuries by Natives for grounding and for increasing trust. Like all tree oils, it can help with stability and standing our ground.

It can help especially those who operate from the paradigm that life has to be hard and things don’t come easily. As a result, they often try to do everything alone and are ashamed to ask for help and support. The thought that they should be able to figure out everything themselves is often layered with self-judgement and can be traced back to an overly critical parent, early childhood teacher or caregiver.

The arborvitae is especially great for those who struggle to let go of control and rigid ways of thinking.

Arborvitae invites you to relax mind, body and soul and to trust in the Divine Plan & Divine Timing.

It teaches to take a deep breath and to flow with life instead of allowing subconscious resistance or deeper unresolved issues to control our choices.

⭐You can either diffuse both oils
⭐ Rub them on the palm of your hand and inhale them slowly several times
⭐Or dilute them with your favourite carrier oil and massage it into your second chakra which is located below your the navel, in your lower abdomen area.

The Sacral chakra is the epicentre of your emotions, sexuality, desire, and creativity. Sacral Chakra, is all about fun, joy, pleasure and enjoying life.
We process also many emotions around money, financial flow and abundance in this chakra. When the second chakra is unbalanced the energy created can produce anger, frustration, or sadness regarding money and attempt to manifest will feel like hard work.

Some additional essential oils that you can use to balance the second chakra are Sandalwood, Myrrh, Ylang-ylang, Jasmine and Bergamot.


✓ Go to my doTERRA website

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✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. Thank you!

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at)gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

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Balancing emotions and hormones – Clary Calm Monthly Blend for Women

“At her first bleeding, a woman meets her power. 
During her bleeding years, she practices it. 
At menopause she becomes it.”

-Traditional Native American saying

Celebrate the perfection of your cycle and send love to your womb. ❤️

Did you know that Menstruation speeds up growth and expansion because it clears stuck energy and emotions.?

It is sad that so many women never learned to honour this sacred time and all they usually see is the inconvenience and pain.

But what actually happens shortly or during menstruation is that everything is rising to the surface that you might not have been aware of. Our own shadow is exposed and many of our weaknesses and vulnerability we could cover up during the rest of the cycle is now visible. It is such a powerful mirror of what is going on underneath on a deeper level and what you can let go of. Menstruation time reveals and illuminates any self-deception or masks you have been wearing.

Any aches and pains are often indicators where we have been out of alignment and what needs adjustment, care and attention. Menstruation can become a sacred gift that helps us to see where we have been blind.

If you can rest as much as possible in the first 2 or 3 days of your period or at least slowdown.

Be bold enough to say no to responsibilities or any demands from the outside world.

The Clary calm “monthly Blend for women” from dōTERRA has been created to provide a calming, soothing effect to help alleviate hormonal symptoms – those associated with PMS & menopause. Its calming aroma helps soothe and balance heightened emotions, and it can help balance your mood throughout the month.

The blend contains Clary Sage Flower, Lavender Flower, FCF Bergamot Peel, Roman Chamomile Flower, Ylang Ylang Flower, Cedarwood Wood, Geranium Plant, Fennel Seed, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa Herb, and Vitex Leaf/Berry essential oils.

Clary Sage Flower – According to Dr. Axe clary sage helps balance out estrogen levels and it is an incredibly effective essential oil in a wide array of hormone imbalances. So, whether you’re looking for natural remedies for PMS cramps during the month, or possibly already know you have excess estrogen in your body, clary sage is a great essential oil to consider adding to your essential oil regime.

Lavender Flower – Lavender is popular for inducing feelings of relaxation and improving the mood of people. The soothing and relaxing properties are often used to help balance and calm emotions associated with PMS

Bergamot Peel – helps relieve feelings of stress and agitation, relieves tension, and helps balance emotions.

Roman Chamomile Flower – has calming and relaxing properties, Often used to help balance emotions and relieves symptoms related to menopause

Ylang Ylang Flower – has calming and sedative properties. Brings a feeling of self-love, confidence, joy and peace, and is often used to help balance hormones. Ylang Ylang also assists individuals in releasing bottled-up emotions such as anger and sadness. Ylang Ylang is very effective when diffused, as it not only has a calming effect but uplifts your mood and promotes a positive outlook on life. 

Cedarwood Wood – has calming properties, may help relieve skin issues, anxiety and water retention. Cedarwood inspires the feeling of belonging and assists individuals to open their heart and to receive the love and support of other people.

Geranium Plant –  geranium helps take the edge off your emotions to support inner clarity. It may also help with hormonal balance as it has a calming effect and is used in alleviating symptoms associated with PMS

Fennel Seed – often used to help alleviate issues associated with menopause and pre-menopause. It has hormone balancing properties and may be helpful in soothing symptoms related to PMS. Fennel encourages individuals to live in integrity with their true self, despite possible disapproval of others. When they have been holding back or have been paralyzed by fear and shame, this oil gets them moving again. 

Carrot Seed – often used to help regulate menstruation and soothe symptoms related to PMS. Diffused, carrot seed oil to support detoxification and enhance feelings of wellbeing. 

Palmarosa Herb – helps reduce stress and tension, and uplifts the emotions, It is often used to help alleviate different skin problems

Vitex Leaf/Berry – Is most commonly used to ease premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual disorders, acne, menopause symptoms and nursing difficulties.

If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate. 

“ClaryCalm blend from doTerra encourages warmth in relationships, stabilizes physical and emotional imbalances and fosters emotional intimacy. It is a perfect blend for supporting pregnancy and child delivery, as it strengthens the mother-child bond. This blend assists women in accepting their maternal instincts and nurturing qualities. ClaryCalm assists relationships by teaching individuals to be emotionally open and vulnerable. It eases the fear of rejection and encourages individuals to receive true warmth and love in their relationships. It also encourages feelings of empathy for others by reminding them to stay receptive to the thoughts, feelings, and needs of other people. This blend works as a powerful emotional stabilizer, especially during menstruation or menopause. It releases emotional tension within the reproductive organs and helps release the expectations of suffering and dread related to the monthly cycle. In short, ClaryCalm encourages emotional intimacy and vulnerability.”

-Emotions LLC, Essential. Emotions and Essential

When our emotions get out of balance we cause suffering to ourselves and others. 
The cause of negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, shame or resentment is ego-clinging and the strong desire to hold on. Negative emotions are often based on the fear of not feeling good enough or the perception that something is lacking and missing. 
Anger, for example, arises often when we feel threatened and attacked. It is usually based on fear of what might happen that is beyond our control. Anger is one of the most destructive negative emotions.

Hot anger is often expressed in aggressive behaviour or shouting. And cold anger is expressed through cutting someone off, ignoring someone or refusing to communicate. When we are angry we can’t communicate properly and especially women have the tendency to isolate themselves. One moment of uncontrolled anger can destroy so much positive momentum. And we can destroy someone’s trust in us. Anger can be compared to fire. When we are angry we create in our own mind an Idea of an external enemy. Anger is a mental state where we are caught in the heat of the moment. 
Experiencing anger can also indicate that we have weak boundaries. Having strong energetic boundaries is the secret behind empowerment and feeling safe within yourself. Setting boundaries is a conscious commitment to value yourself and to not allow time wasters and energy drainers to occupy your energetic or physical space.

Examples of mental & emotional boundary intrusion:

*Helping someone without checking first to see if he/she wants help

**Pushing past another’s “no” or any setting of limits

*Being “honest” in a toxic way that justifies and covers up hostility or underlying feelings of jealousy and envy

*Criticising someone to cover up one’s own insecurities

*Projecting one’s own undesirable aspects on others

Examples of weak energetic boundaries are:

*You get entangled in other people’s drama, stresses, illnesses and emotions

*You put up an emotional or energetic wall between you and others to feel safe

*You feel drained before, during or after an interaction with others, even with those you love

I have just added an energy clearing & calling your power back exercise to my latest heal your lineage and let go of ancestral patterns healing session. 

Cravings are also based on fear. There is a sense that something is missing or a fear of not having the things that make us feel good. It’s a sense of not being complete within ourselves or not having enough. 
Jealousy is a form of competition and stems often from a lack of self-esteem and lack of self-worth. We are afraid that others have the qualities that we don’t have.
Did you know that healing mother issues, for example, does not only increase your self-esteem and self-love but it also improves your relationship with other women – especially those in authority?
It is important to keep in mind that the so-called negative emotions are only negative when we experience and express them through our ego/lower self. When we can work with them and develop mindfulness understanding and awareness they won’t be harmful but become the fuel for our growth, evolution and expansion. Emotions are simply energy in motion and they can help us to manoeuvre in life. If we can learn to not react immediately and to become a silent observer when intense emotions arise any negative emotions can be transmuted into positive emotions. 
A lot of suffering and emotional imbalances stems from attachment and expectations. 
The antidote to attachment is generosity. If we start giving to others what we feel is lacking within us we will free ourselves from the false perception that something is lacking or missing and we will become very rich inside. The biggest pain arises when we get too attached to other people. We can ease the strong tendencies to get attached to other people if we remember the concept of impermanence. All relationships are impermanent. The friends who were friends in the past may not be our friends anymore. Even people whom we considered to be our enemies might not be present in our life anymore. Of course, we should do our best to nurture healthy relationships with others but we should not grasp for them.  
Another common destructive emotion is severe insecurity. The antidote to insecurity is developing inner strength and strong self-belief. Start looking at life with a positive attitude and that you can handle everything that happens. 
Here are three suggestions on how to deal with negative emotions to reduce harm and suffering for ourselves and others. 
First approach
When you get overwhelmed by negative emotions remove yourself from a negative situation. When you are full of fear or anger it’s not the time to act or try to solve something. This helps to reduce harm and not to make things worse. All emotions are temporarily anyway. Watch and observe your emotions but don’t feed them and they will calm down and fade away gradually. 
Second approach 
When our mind is more tamed and we are able to control ourselves we can accept the emotions without reacting to them. When we know ourselves better we are more aware of our own negative habits and patterns and as a result, we have more compassion when others react in a negative or impulsive way. We start to see much more in each and every situation than just the surface. So we can feel kindness and compassion instead of reacting immediately if someone overreacts for example or in not mindful. And we can then try to resolve those emotions within ourselves. 
Acceptance does not mean that we need to let our anger out mindlessly or allow others to treat us inappropriately. And compassion does not mean that we should remain passive. 
Third advanced approach.
This approach usually works only for those who have practised, mindfulness and meditation for an extended period of time. 
In the third scenario you don’t get caught in the whole storyline at all but you go straight to the essence and the energy of the feeling. If you do this you will discover that there is nothing negative. The emotions appear and disappear like clouds in the sky. You are so much more than your emotions and your thoughts. In meditation, you can learn to let go of thoughts and negative emotions and you develop the ability to manage your mind. Over time meditation will teach you that all emotions are neutral. 
Every experience is neutral and meaningless and has no inherent meaning. We decide from which perspective we want to see each and any situation and we then experience a reaction to our OWN beliefs and definitions. Emotional suffering is therefore optional. Define things differently or view them from a different angle and observe what happens. 

When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are very pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances.

doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference. 

In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

To learn about the quality and sourcing, Source to You helps you to learn how doTERRA works with smallholder farmers worldwide to optimize their work and grow the precious plants that grant us and our families this crucial connection to Mother Nature. And here is an incredible resource to see exactly where your oils have come from. It also shows a Gas Chromatography graph that breaks down all the natural chemical compounds that are in each bottle of doTERRA Essential Oils.

At the base of your bottle of Single Oils, you will see a number. If you enter this into the system all the relevant information for that particular Essential Oils will come up. dōTERRA is completely transparent about all components of their Oils and that’s why it is safe to trust that you are working with the purest oils available. 

Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

Here are the detailed steps of how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I have included in this booklet many tips and tricks which you are most likely not familiar yet. 

✓ Go to my doTERRA website

✓ Select Join & Save

✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. Thank you!

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at)gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Erika is a fully qualified Holistic Life Coach and Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Soul Transformation Therapist and Soul Plan Practitioner and long-time Essential Oil enthusiast. She helps conscious, aware women and men to transform all of their relationships and create a life full of creativity, fulfilment, abundance and empowerment. Essential Oils are an integral part of her work. 
Erika’s Holistic Counselling & Coaching work combined with the essential oils can support you and your family physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. 
She is grateful and honoured to have worked with many private clients all around the globe. Her approach is heart centred and intuitive, and she combines practical and spiritual tools to get to the HEART of the matter. 
The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice. The suggested products or advice are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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Ätherische öle von doTERRA & Schritt für Schritt Bestellung

Wissenswertes über höchste Potenz der Pflanzen.
Diejenigen, die mich näher kennen, wissen, dass ich mich seit über 20 Jahren mit alternativen und komplementären Heil-Methoden beschäftige. Da die ätherischen Öle für mich verschiedene Kriterien wie z. B. Reinheit, Integrität und Ethik des Unternehmens erfüllen mussten habe ich mich für doTERRA entschieden.

doTERRA hat mit dem CPTG®(Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Standard einen vollkommen neuen Standard für therapeutische Öle geschaffen, der den gängigen Industriestandard übertrifft. Diejenigen, die Erfahrung mit ätherischen Ölen haben werden den Unterschied sofort merken.

Die therapeutischen ätherischen Öle von doTERRA zählen zu den reinsten und wirksamsten Aromaölen die derzeit auf dem Markt erhältlich sind. Sie sind auf körperlicher, emotionaler, mentaler und energetischer Ebene hoch wirksam und unterstützen den Körper sich von Schlackstoffen und Giften zu befreien. Sie stärken ebenfalls das Immunsystem, sodass die eigenen Selbstheilungskräfte aktiviert werden. Ganzheitlich denkende Menschen lieben und teilen die Öle in der Regel auch sehr gerne mit Anderen. doTERRA stammt aus dem Lateinischen und heißt übersetzt „Geschenk der Erde“.

Wusstest du, dass es heutzutage möglich ist, die Frequenz eines menschlichen Körpers mittels eines Bio-Frequenzmonitors zu messen. Wenn der Körper geschwächt ist z.B. durch Krankheit, ist eine niedrige Frequenz messbar. Wenn Körper gesund ist, beträgt die messbare Frequenz zwischen 62-68Hz.

Jedes Objekt, Pflanze, Musik, Farbe und sogar unsere Organe schwingen auf einer bestimmten Frequenz. Auch die ätherischen Öle haben unterschiedliche Schwingungsfrequenzen und können unser Wohlbefinden unsterstützen. Die bisher höchste gemessene Frequenz eines reinen, ätherischen Therapeutic-Grade- Rosen Öls liegt bei 320 MHz – das entspricht 320 Millionen Schwingungen pro Sekunde. Es verströmt Liebe, Reinheit, Güte, Dankbarkeit und Ganzheitlichkeit, indem es Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang bringt. Lavendel Öl hat eine Frequenz von etwa 118 MHz.

Um das Ganze besser zu verstehen, kannst du die Frequenz der Öle auch mit Musiktönen vergleichen. Evtl. ist dir bereits der Begriff Solfeggio Frequenzen bekannt. Solfeggio Frequenzen sind bestimmte Schwingungen und Frequenzen von Klängen, die eine heilende, wohltuende und gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung auf unseren Körper, Geist und Seele haben. Die Heilwirkung entsteht dadurch, dass die Solfeggio Frequenzen mit unseren Zellen und Organen in Resonanz treten und die Schwingungen auf unseren gesamten Organismus übertragen. Es gibt eine Reihe von verschiedenen Solfeggio-Frequenzen, die unterschiedliche Wirkungen haben.

Bereits in der Antike waren diese Frequenzen bekannt und wurden zur Behandlung von körperlichen und emotionalen Beschwerden eingesetzt. So verwendeten Mönche in ihren Gregorianischen Chorälen diese Frequenzen und bemerkten in der Übertragung der Schwingungen auf den Körper eine gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung.

Das emotional Aromatherapy System von dōTERRA kann dich während emotional turbulenter Zeiten wunderbar unterstützen 

Dieses Aroma – Gefühlstherapie System wurde ganz sorgsam zusammengesetzt um das emotionale Gleichgewicht zu stärken. Jedes dieser Mischungen enthält ätherische Öle in reiner therapeutischer Qualität und unterstützt uns dabei das Gefühlsleben aufzuhellen oder auszugleichen.

Bereits ein paar Tropfen äußerlich oder auch aromatisch können Dich dabei unterstützen

  • Belastungen loszulassen
  • Trost zu finden
  • Ermutigung und Inspiration finden
  • Neuen Mut zu schöpfen, um deine Träumen zu verwirklichen
  • Die Herausforderungen des Lebens mit mehr Lebensfreude, Schwung und Enthusiasmus zu meistern
  • Inneren Frieden, zum Meditieren und entspannen zu finden

Das Aroma – Gefühlstherapie System enthält die folgenden Ölmischungen:

Peace (Frieden) • die beruhigende Mischung

Eine einzigartige Mischung der reinen Öle aus Fichte, Bergamotte, Wacholderbeere, Myrrhe, Lebensbaum, Nootkabaum, Thymian und Zitronengras für Ruhe und inneren Frieden. Bei topischer oder aromatischer Anwendung kann die doTERRA Peace-Mischung Gefühle von Frieden, Zufriedenheit, innerer Ruhe und Sicherheit fördern.

Cheer (Heiterkeit/Fröhlichkeit) • die aufbauende Ölmischung

doTERRA Cheer™ ist eine Mischung aus Wildorange, Gewürznelke, Sternanis-Frucht / Samen, Zitronen-Myrten-Blatt, Muskat Kernel, Vanille-Bohnen-Extrakt, Ingwer Rhizom und Zimtrinde. Cheer hilft Dir dabei die täglichen Hürden deines Alltags besser zu meistens und eine positive Einstellung und ein frohes Gemüt beizubehalten wenn du dich z.B. niedergeschlagen oder entmutigst fühlst. Alles kann sich zum Guten wenden wenn wir nicht den Mut verlieren. Niedergeschlagenheit kann sich in Zuversicht wandeln und Hilflosigkeit in Entschlossenheit. Das sonnige, frische, aufheiternde und optimistische Aroma von doTERRA Cheer™ erhellt jeden Moment des Tages. Einfach über der Herzgegend auftragen, in den Händen verreiben und inhalieren oder einige Tropfen in den Diffuser geben.

Forgive (Vergebung) • die erneuernde Mischung

Forgive enthält die ätherischen Öle:
Fichte, Bergamotte, Wacholderbeere, Marie, Lebensbaum, Nootkabaum, Thymian + Zitronella. Wann immer es etwas zu verzeihen, zu vergeben und loszulassen gibt, kann diese wunderbare Mischung Dich darin sanft und nachhaltig unterstützen. Wir können nur dann inneren Frieden und Ruhe finden, wenn wir lernen loszulassen und gehenzulassen was wir nicht mehr Verändern können. Die Forgive Mischung hilft dabei, nicht länger an alten Wunden, erlittenem Unrecht oder Schicksalsschlägen anzuhaften, und stattdessen wieder mit neuem Mut nach vorn zu schauen und entschlossen weiterzugehen. Diffusiere Forgive regelmäßig in der Luft, atme die Mischung ein, oder massiere 2–3 Tropfen (morgens und abends) im Herzbereich ein.

Console (Trost) • die tröstende Mischung

Console enthält die ätherischen Öle:
Weihrauch, Patschuli, Ylang-Ylang, Labdanum, Amyrisbaum, Sandelholz, Rose und Osmanthus. Die tröstende Mischung wurde entwickelt, um über Trauma, tiefen Schmerz, Verlust oder tragische Ereignisse hinwegzukommen. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob die Traurigkeit aufgrund eines schweren Schicksalsschlags oder aus einer Enttäuschung hervorkommt, Console kann dir helfen, diese Traurigkeit zu überwinden und liebevoller mit dir selbst zu sein. Die Mischung kann dich ebenfalls darin unterstützen, die Seele vom unnötigem Ballast zu befreien und zu neuer Leichtigkeit und Heiterkeit zu finden. Diffusiere Console regelmässig in der Luft oder massiere 2-3 Tropfen (morgens und abends) im Herzbereich ein.

Motivate (Motivation) • die ermutigende Mischung

Motivate enthält die ätherischen Öle:
Pfefferminz, Clementine, Koriander, Basilikum, Yuzu, Zitronenmelisse, Rosmarin und Vanille. Manchmal können Gefühle der Wertlosigkeit, Besorgnis und der Unsicherheit die Gedanken verdunkeln oder unser höchstes Potenzial begrenzen. Wenn Dich gerade in so einer Phase befindest, verwende die Motivate Mischung topisch oder aromatisch an. doTERRA Motivate Ölmischung kann Vertrauen, Mut und Glauben fördern und wird dir dabei helfen, positiver, begeisterungsfähiger und inspirierter zu werden.

Passion (Leidenschaft) • die inspiriende Mischung

Passion enthält die ätherischen Öle:
Kardamom, Zimt, Ingwer, Gewürznelke, Sandelholz, Jasmin, Vanilla und Damiana, verbunden durch fraktioniertes Kokosöl. Die Zusammensetzung ist genau abgestimmt, um die Stimmung zu erhellen und Inspiration zu ermöglichen.
Die doTERRA Passion™ Mischung wird das Feuer in Dir wieder neu entfachen und dich dazu ermutigen Neues zu entdecken und auszuprobieren.

• zerstäube die Mischung  am morgen, um mit einem vitalisierten und enthusiastischen Gefühl in den Tag zu starten
• wende die Mischung am Puls und Brustbereich an, um den ganzen Tag lang inspiriert und leidenschaftlich zu sein
• zerstäube Passion während der Arbeit, um Deine Kreativität und Klarheit anzuregen

Mir geht es vor allem darum bewussten und ganzheitlich denkenden Menschen ganzheitliche, natürliche Lösungen anzubieten, mit denen sie sich, ihre Freunde und Familien auf körperlicher, emotionaler und seelischer Ebene unterstützen können.

Ich unterstütze Menschen, die darin interessiert sind langfristige, nachhaltige Veränderungen im beruflichen und privaten Bereich herbeiführen und ihr Leben gerne auf eine Art und Weise meistern möchten, die im Eingang mit Ihrer höheren Bestimmung und Ihrem höchsten Potenzial ist.

Wenn du bislang noch kein dōTERRA-Kunde bist kannst du als Vorteilskunde 25% auf den Einzelhandelspreis sparen.

✓ Geh einfach auf meine seite und klicke oben rechts auf den Menüpunkt: „Registrieren & Sparen“ (Join & Save)

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✓ Registriere dich als Mitglied mit 25% Einkaufsvorteil als Vorteilskunde (auf Wunsch kannst du nachträglich jederzeit die Option unabhängiger Produktberater auswählen)

✓ Füge deine Daten ein (alle Felder mit rotem Sternchen)– trage bei Enroller ID und Sponsor die ID: 6943638 ein und meinen Namen Erika Brose

✓ Wähle ein Einschreibe-Kit (Enrollment Kit). Bei einem Kit entfällt die Registrierungsgebühr von 25 Euro inkl. MwSt. Die Produktpakete sind viel günstiger als wenn du die Öle einzeln bestellen würdest. Zusätzliche Produkte kannst du hinzufügen, indem du sie direkt im Warenkorb eingibst.

✓Wenn du Fragen hast, dann sende einfach eine kurze email an info(at)erika-inspiration.com oder wir können auf Wunsch auch gerne einen Termin für ein Gespräch via Zoom vereinbaren.

Du gehst keinerlei Verpflichtungen für weitere Bestellungen ein, bekommst aber bei allen weiteren Bestellungen für ein Jahr ebenfalls 25% Ermäßigung auf den Einzelhandelspreis.

3 verschiedene Bezugsmöglichkeiten von dōTERRA Ölen ausführlich erklärt

  1. Über mich zum Einzelhandelspreis. Das ist die teuerste Variante, die Öle zu bestellen und für diejenigen geeignet die nur 1 – 3 Fläschchen im Jahr bestellen möchten
  2. Mit Registrierung zum Vorteilskunden über mich – 25% Rabatt – du bekommst alle dōTERRA Öle und weitere dōTERRA Produkte als Vorteilskunde zum Großhandelspreis und hast keine Verpflichtung zu monatlichen Bestellungen. Du bezahlst eine einmalige Einschreibegebühr von 25 Euro. Diese entfällt, wenn Du bei der ersten Bestellung ein Starterkit (Enrolment-Kit) bestellst. Zum jährlichen Mitgliederbeitrag von 15 Euro schickt dir dōTERRA jeweils ein Fläschchen Pfefferminzöl Gratis (VP 25 Euro inkl. MWST). Auch als Vorteilstunde hast du ebenfalls die Möglichkeit am Treueprogramm mitzumachen und monatlich zu bestellen, um Punkte zu sammeln und deine Lieblingsprodukte noch günstiger zu erhalten. Mit einer 50PV-Treue-Bestellung z.B. kannst Du bis zu 30% Treue-Punkte auf dein Bestell-Volumen sammeln und später für weitere Produkte einlösen.
  3. Mit Registrierung über mich – als Berater (Empfehlung) – 25 % Rabatt, Treuepunkte und Möglichkeit, ein Team aufzubauen und Provisionen zu bekommen. Als Berater erhälst du viele zusätzliche Vorteile mit dem Einrichten der monatlichen Treue-Bestellung wie z.B. • Du kannst Treue-Punkte sammeln und diese für weitere Produkte einlösen • Du kannst das Produkt des Monats GRATIS erhalten • Dich für Provisionen + und zusätzliche Rabatte und Bonus qualifizieren • Die Treue-Bestellung kannst du jederzeit anpassen oder abmelden und ab 125PV-Treue-Bestellung bis zum 15. des Monats erhälst Du das jeweils angebotene Produkt-des-Monats GRATIS dazu • Mit Deiner 100PV-Treue-Bestellung qualifizierst du Dich als Wellness-Advocate (Berater) und zusätzlich für den Erhalt von Provisionen und Boni. • Das Produktvolumen (PV) kannst Do jederzeit ändern • Die Versandkosten werden durch Treue-Punkte ausgeglichen • Deine Treue-Bestellung kannst du jederzeit abmelden 

Höchster Qualitätsstandard

Die ätherischen Öle von doTERRA in Garantiert Reiner Therapeutischer Qualität (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade – CPTG) bestehen aus rein natürlichen aromatischen Verbindungen, die sorgfältig und behutsam aus Pflanzen extrahiert werden. Sie enthalten keinelei Füllstoffe oder künstliche Zusätze, die ihre Wirksamkeit und Kraft mindern und sind frei von jedglichen Schadstoffen wie Pestiziden und anderen chemischen Rückständen.



Durch das Verfahren der Destillation wird die Quintessenz der Pflanze – also das in der Pflanzen enthaltene reine ätherische Öl, vom Rest der Pflanze getrennt. 100% Ätherisches Öl ist das Resultat.


Das betrifft ausschließlich Citrusfrüchte. Das ätherische Öl befindet sich in der Schale der Citrusfrucht. In einem 15 ml- Fläschchen Zitronenöl werden ca. 50 Zitronen verarbeitet.

dōTERRA bietet nicht nur die besten und heilsamsten aromatischen Extrakte an sondern hat auch die Healing-Hands-Foundation ™ geschaffen, um humanitäre Hilfe auf der ganzen Welt anzubieten.

Außerdem unterstützt dōTERRA die lokale Wirtshaft durch Cō-Impact Sourcing Projekte.

Erika lebt in Ihrer Wahlheimat London und bietet weltweit eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen ganzheitlichen Beratung- und Coaching Sitzungen via Skype/Zoom auf Deutsch und Englisch an. Die Sitzungen helfen Dir dabei zu erkennen, wo du gerade stehst und wir erspüren gemeinsam in einem geschützten Rahmen was die nächsten Schritte auf Deinem Weg sind.

Die Beratungen wirken auf vielen verschiedenen Ebenen und helfen dabei Sorgen, Ängste, einschränkende Glaubenssätze, emotionale Knoten, die wir alle in uns tragen zu lösen. Durch die Auflösung verfestigter Gewohnheiten und Energieblockaden, fühlst du dich hinterher viel leichter und kannst deinen Herzensweg mit neuem Mut und Lebenssinn gehen.

Erika wurde am ganzheitlichen Heilcollege in London zum Ganzheitlichen Life Coach, Spiritueller Lebensberaterin, Seelenplanberaterin und Hypnotherapeutin ausgebildet. Bei Ihrer Arbeit stehen die Freude und die Liebe an erster Stelle und Sie lässt sich stets von ihrem Herzen und ihrer Intuition leiten.

Ihre Leidenschaft besteht darin, Menschen an ihr Gebutsrecht auf ein erfüllendes Leben zu erinnern, Sie zu inspirieren, zu berühren und Ihnen dabei zu helfen Spiritualität in den Alltag zu bringen. 

Da wir in der Welt der Polarität leben, müssen wir uns im Leben immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen. Unsere Seele wächst an den Problemen und Herausforderungen des Lebens. Sie sind dafür da, um diese auf eine kreative Art und Weise zu meistern. Kein Weg ist gleich und der Pfad von jedem einzelen von uns ist meistens hoch individuell.

Wir haben bestimmte Lernerfahrungen sogar vor der Inkarnation selbst gewählt, oder genauer gesagt unsere Seele, auch wenn wir uns nicht daran erinnern. Es geht um die Akzeptanz, dass diese Lebensreise eine Reise des ständigen Wachstums und der ständigen Entwicklung ist. Den eigenen Impulsen zu vertrauen und zu den eigenen Erfahrungen zu stehen. Kongruent zu handeln und Entscheidungen zu treffen, die in Übereinstimmung mit unseren Werten sind, und zu diesen Entscheidungen dann zu stehen, selbst wenn diese auf heftigen Gegenwind stoßen. Gleichzeitig jedoch offen zu bleiben eine neue Sichtweise anzunehmen, wenn die Situation dies erfordert.

Es geht darum sich immer wieder neu zu erfinden und seine Komfortzone regelmäßig zu verlassen und das Herz offen zu halten. Wenn wir uns erst mal mit der höheren Aufgabe verbunden haben, wird unser höheres Selbst, unsere Seele es nicht mehr zulassen, dass wir Freiheit für Sicherheit aufgeben, auch wnn der Käfig noch so golden erscheinen mag.
Die gute Nachricht ist, dass wir unsere Lektionen viel schneller abschließen können und damit gewisse Muster durchbrechen können, wenn wir erst mal wissen was die Kernthemen unseres Lebens sind. In der Seelenplansitzung werden diese Kernthemen verdeutlicht.

Die Seelenplananalyse ist eine sehr präzise Methode und hilft Dir dabei den Seelenweg und die Berufung im Leben zu finden, Deine Talente zu entdecken und vor allem Hindernisse zu überwinden, die Dich davon abhalten ein Leben im Einklang mit der Seele zu führen. Sie hilft Dir auch dabei die Hinweisschilder des Lebens schneller zu entdecken und korrekt zu entziffern und Deinen einzigartigen Pfad zu finden und diesen dann selbstbewusst, souverän, mit Anmut, Demut und Würde zu gehen. Der Heilaspekt spielt bei der Seelenplanansitzung ebenfalls eine sehr wichtige Rolle.

Wichtiger Hinweis

In diesem Blogartikel aufgeführte mögliche Heilwirkungen von Pflanzen, ätherischen Ölen und Zubereitungen sind nicht als ärztliche Handlungsempfehlungen zu verstehen und ersetzen keinesfalls die fachliche Beratung durch einen Arzt oder Apotheker. Alle körperlichen Beschwerden müssen immer schulmedizinisch abgeklärt werden. Mit dem Lesen des Artikels nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis dass der hier erstellte Text keine Heilaussage darstellen soll und die angebotenen Ätherischen Öl Frequenzen und andere Angaben kein Heilmittel im medizinischen Sinne darstellen, sondern dem Wellness Bereich zuzuordnen sind. 

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Playing the game of limitation and restriction

The world of everyday experience is the world of the senses, the world of duality and polarity. What we feel, smell, taste and hear together with the thoughts and feelings that we are aware of is what we mean with the “real world”. 

That’s why everyone’s “world” is completely different and changes with the level of awareness.

It is only when we withdraw our attention from the senses and focus on consciousness itself that we begin to see or intuit the vastness of all there is.  The expanded Self/Infinite Being and the limited, restrictive persona do only appear to be separate so that we can play the human game with the other players. Everything that you perceive with your senses is made up.

Just like if you watch a movie and everything looks very real while you are completely absorbed and focused on the movie you know in the back of your mind that it’s all made up.

This is what is meant with the term cosmic joke, the world of illusion or Maya. We experience duality and relativity in our day to day life because we have forgotten that there is only one complete unity. You are inside everything! In all objects and people, you interact with. It’s all created in your consciousness. Your consciousness creates certain patterns also known as beliefs. In an ultimate sense, all suffering can be traced back to this separation experience.

Regardless which spiritual practice/path someone has chosen or what kind of religion he or she belongs to everyone aims to free him or herself from this illusion (whether consciously aware or not). Once all delusions are dissolved the mind becomes perfectly still the realisation arises that there is only light.

Even though everything is only smoke and mirrors there is a reason why your higher self creates certain patterns in other words, why certain experiences pop up in your holographic illusion. You are here to master certain lessons and you have a life purpose, a higher calling.

The experiences that your higher self creates are:

giving you are a clue why you are here and what lessons your soul has chosen to master in this lifetime

setting something in motion that helps you to get on the right track and to evolve spiritually

reflecting back to you your own conscious and unconscious beliefs

So the illusion of separation is an incredibly intelligent system which helps you to work through your own patterns. Your project them on the “outside world” in order to become aware of them. We criticize or judge others in the way we judge ourselves. We love and appreciate others in the way we appreciate ourselves.

If you would like to move through some of the lessons with more ease and grace or find out more about the general theme of your life let’s chat. I can help you to gain clarity and shed some light on those aspects of your life where you are currently struggling. 

Private distant healings sessions which are always combined with email counselling are great, to begin with. 

Later on, many of my clients book either the VIP Clarity Package or Follow the breadcrumb trail of joy package. 

Another powerful way how you can receive support on your journey is implementing high-quality essential oils into your everyday life. You will be amazed at how they can help you to move through many of your blockages and limitations and also help you to align with some of your dreams.

I am happy to offer you a complementary intuitive reading which oil/s can support you the most at the moment if you are new to doTerra and create an account and place an order of minimum 200PV which stands for product volume. 

It takes only a few minutes to set up an account with doTerra which means gift from the earth and it is the most trusted essential oil company on the market.

I would summarize doTerra with the following keywords:

💎Co-impact sourcing, natural solutions, mother nature, expansion, integrity, purity and humanitarian efforts.💎

Please pm if you have any questions or would like to integrate the oils in your day to day life, too! 🌱🌱

You won’t look back once you have experienced all the amazing and life-changing benefits 🌱✨ This is how you can receive your high-quality oils with the purest vibration for 25% less than retail price: 

✓ Select Join & Save on the top of this page. 
✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)
✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. ✓Choose your enrolment kit such as home essentials kit or family essentials kit for example and add any other oils if you wish and allow the journey to begin!🌱 🎁👏🎁🌱 

✓Connect with me via erika.inspiration@gmail.com for your intuitive oil reading /recommendation! 



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Cassia a potent essential oil for clearing and purification

🔹🔷Looking beyond the surface🔷🔹🔷
Sometimes I put myself deliberately in triggering situations which will bring up old programs to the surface or are emotionally challenging.
We are wired to avoid painful feelings and emotions at any cost. But if we are prepared to see unpleasant emotions and situations as opportunities for growth, we don’t need to avoid them anymore.
I can sometimes be even grateful for the challenging events or dynamics which bring up old lack beliefs because it’s an excellent opportunity to clear them or integrate any rejected, denied and abandoned parts & sub-selves so that I can feel lighter and clearer afterwards.
This stuff comes up so that we can grow into the next version of ourselves and this implies usually embracing a little bit of friction or becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable!
The majority of people walks around with many stuck emotions which keep them stuck in the dense 3rd density reality. They are terrified of their full spectrum of emotions and suppress many unwanted emotions because they are afraid to feel them.
However, we can only feel whole and complete if we embrace and integrate all aspects of our being the good and the bad, and not just the qualities which we consider to be positive or honourable.
I love helping people discovering patterns that keep them stuck or are preventing them from leading deeply rewarding lives.
Lately, I have been integrating more and more high-quality essential oils into my work as a coach, distant healing practitioner and counsellor. The results have been marvellous. The oils support my clients greatly to move through their blockages my faster and with more ease and grace.
What many people don’t know who are new to the law of attraction is that “abundance” increases everything. So if someone has many negative thought patterns for example or heavy suppressed emotions and they start using the law of attraction, they usually create even more chaos and attract more problems into their life. In other words, if you have already an abundance of lack beliefs and start to work with the law of attraction without doing the necessary foundation work first, you will only increase the number of your lack beliefs.
That’s why the inner clearing and purification work is crucial and needs to be done first.
Cassia essential oil is very potent for clearing and purification (besides Frankincense). The warm, spicy and masculine cassia oil is often used to balance the second chakra and third chakra (solar plexus).
Cassia is excellent for deleting information from the subconscious mind which has a lower vibration. If applied over an extended period it can help to release attachments, addictive behaviour and unhealthy patterns. It can also help you to build courage, confidence and increase energy levels. It is a great oil to try if you can benefit from a little boost to “put yourself out there” and improve your self-assurance and self-worth.
Cassia essential oil is in the same family as cinnamon and therefore is a “hot” oil. It’s best to dilute it with a carrier oil if you apply it topically on your second and third chakra.
Cassia has been a part of Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices consistently for nearly 5000 years, and it also has biblical references.
In ancient times cassia was the key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship.
“Cassia: one principal spice of the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint priests, kings and their garments. The coming King Messiah’s robes will smell of cassia (humility, being stripped of pride, set apart or holy with a servant’s heart)
-Psalm 45:8″
The sacral chakra is connected with the flow of money, pleasure, partnerships, worthiness and creativity.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated behind the navel and represents our ability to be confident and assertive. The Manipura Chakra is the centre of vitality.
The corresponding element is Fire. Therefore it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre. This Chakra regulates the function of the Pancreas and digestive organs, and it is directly related to self-worth, a primary quality in our relationships with others and the world around us. It reflects how we see ourselves and exercise our innate power.

Uses Cassia essential oil

  • Add one drop to citrus blends or diffuse with Clove and Ginger during fall and winter.
  • Combine one drop with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage for a warming sensation.
  • Massage 1 drop Cassia oil with 10 drops doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil,  into the feet.
  • Diffuse throughout the room for immune system support.
  • Diffuse 3 drops doTerra Arborvitae and 2 drops cassia for a soothing and uplifting blend.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. Topical use: Dilute one to two drops with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to the desired area.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Only 100% pure & natural essential oils have the greatest healing properties. The oils I use are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality, and they are not treated with pesticides. So it´s a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store.

If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate.

And if you would like to receive the following three Abundance Freedom Empowerment abundance gifts please sign up here:

  • Align with the energy of Freedom, Ease and Abundance guided meditation on mp3
  • Heart opening, centring and allowing to receive guided meditation on mp3
  • Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils pdf booklet by Erika Brose

If you have ever inhaled the fragrance of your favourite FLOWER and remember the sweetness of getting in touch with the essence of a plant then you will love and benefit greatly from essential oils.

There are hundreds of ways how you can use high- quality essential oils including relaxation, emotional and energetic healing, meditation, spiritual practice, personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking and more.

Some of the oils will shower you with the elixir of self-love and self-appreciation, some will help you to clear long-standing emotional and energetic attachments, and others will transform you in a way you could not have imagined. The more you open up to the energy and benefits of very pure high-quality essential oils and let go of resistance the more you will benefit from them.

The essential oils work on many different levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetic. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz.  I have recorded several videos where I introduce the benefits and the uses of essential oils. You can access the complete playlist on Youtube here:

Essential oils Inspiration and Education with Erika

When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances.

doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference.

In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

To learn about the quality and sourcing, Source to You helps you to learn how doTERRA works with smallholder farmers worldwide to optimize their work and grow the precious plants that grant us and our families this crucial connection to Mother Nature. And here is an incredible resource to see exactly where your oils have come from. It also shows a Gas Chromatography graph that breaks down all the natural chemical compounds that are in each bottle of doTERRA Essential Oils.

At the base of your bottle of Single Oils, you will see a number. If you enter this into the system all the relevant information for that particular Essential Oils will come up. dōTERRA is completely transparent about all components of their Oils and that’s why it is safe to trust that you are working with the purest oils available.

Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

Here are the detailed steps how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I have included in this booklet many tips and secrets which you are most likely not familiar yet.

✓ Go to my doTERRA website

✓ Select Join & Save

✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. Thank you!

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at)gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Erika is a fully qualified Holistic Life Coach and Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Soul Transformation Therapist and Soul Plan Practitioner and long-time Essential Oil enthusiast. She helps conscious, aware women and men to transform all of their relationships and create a life full of creativity, fulfilment, abundance and empowerment. Essential Oils are an integral part of her work.

Erika’s Holistic Counselling & Coaching work combined with the essential oils can support you and your family physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.

She is grateful and honoured to have worked with many private clients all around the globe. Her approach is heart centred and intuitive, and she combines practical and spiritual tools to get to the HEART of the matter.


The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice. The suggested products or advice are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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