Private coaching, counselling and distant healing with Erika Brose

The moment you see your brilliance you thrive!

Ready to go deeper than just one session and step into the miracle zone? (There is pure magic hidden in genuine commitment) Say YES to yourself! From My Experience half of the transformation takes place the moment you say yes to yourself and commit to working together!

Clarity, clearing, Empowerment, Energetic activation, transformation, healing and coaching – move away from old fear-based systems into a love and empowerment zone! 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. Working one on one with the right mentor is a game changer! 

If you are not afraid of having an outrageously open heart to heart conversation, go really deep, meet your most powerful inner Self, dive deep into everything you have been afraid to look at up until now and most of all take soul inspired and courageous action after the sessions you might be surprised to witness your own transformation. 

I offer one, two and three months Coaching, Distant Healing and Holistic Counselling packages.

The Empowerment Transformation Package is a powerful combination of transformative coaching techniques, deep healing work on a soul level, removing blocks and limiting beliefs and practical tools.

This offer is not for you when: 

✅ When you are not ready to commit!

✅ When you prefer to stay in a cage instead of experiencing your own excellence!

✅  You are not interested in doing the inner work!

✅ You are not ready to be brutally honest with yourself!

✅ When you give up easily and quickly or get discouraged if you don’t get immediate results (instant ego gratification).

✅ When you are afraid to feel uncomfortable emotions for a short period in order to release any trapped emotions or trauma. (This is where all the juice and your superpowers are hidden)

✅ You don’t want to make any long-lasting changes!

✅ If prefer to defend your lack beliefs instead of stepping into your power!

✅When you don’t want to step into the most powerful version of yourself and hold on tightly to one million excuses why this is not possible. 

Perseverance, soul-inspired action, dedication, flexibility and commitment always lead to success! 

We Are are a great team!

✅ When you want to find security within YOU and not in the outside world!

✅ When you want to align with your higher purpose and share your gifts and talents with others!

✅ When you have struggled enough and you are finally ready to step into the miracle zone!

✅ When you want to be madly in love with all of life even when you go through messy and challenging times!

When you are ready to overcome your fears and expand your comfort zone.

When you are genuinely ready to let go of resistance and limitations instead of holding on to excuses.

When you are ready to heal, transform and live an empowered life.

When you are ready to see the results of the joyful and optimistic seeds you are planting or have been planting.

When you have a higher vision to be of service to others.

✅When you are ready to see the LIGHT for yourself and others!

✅If you are ready to let go of constant hardships and struggle and allow your intuition to work for you!

When you are ready to experience and receive goodness and share it generously with others!

✅When you are ready to let go of guilt, shame and judgement and open up to receive! 

When you would like to replace fear and insecurity with faith and unshakeable belief which will guide you through turbulent times.

✅When you would like to regain confidence and move boldly towards your dreams with newly found clarity, focus and enthusiasm

When you want to wake up each morning and experience a genuine motivation to serve others and be the best version of yourself!

When you want to turn your life into a celebration worth living!

Working together over an extended period of time requires a high level of dedication from both of us. 

I love working with individuals who would like to align with their higher purpose and are passionate and committed to their expansion and would love to make the impossible possible! I am certain that my work is powerful and priceless and you will experience great results if you are all in and show up with an open heart and transparency 

I do work from my heart and my soul using the God-given intuitive skills and I am 100% committed to serving YOU to the best of my ability! 

To apply, please send an email to with a detailed description where you are standing now and the topic/s you would like to focus on e.g. healing, letting go of resistance, abundance, relationships, career success, general well-being, spiritual connection.

In addition please write out what you want for your life and what you no longer want. This sounds very simplistic but it is a very good starting point and we will discover any deeper desires as we go along.

I might also ask you a number of questions and we can also set up an appointment for a 20 min. Skype chat, so that we can both decide if we would like to work together. 

A basic coaching, holistic counselling and distant healing package include: 

  1. An initial in-depth 120 min Soul Plan Reading ( the Soul Plan Reading will help you to see clearly your greatest challenges and how to overcome them • Uncover your greatest strengths (career, creative, financial and spiritual talents) and align with your highest Soul Purpose • Receive an energetic activation and practical tools to heal and align with your purpose)

  2. One private monthly Skype/Zoom call 80-90 minutes

  3. Two monthly 60 minutes distant healing sessions conducted during your sleeping time. 
  4. Email support between sessions if required and assignments. 

  5. Handouts, homework, creative exercises, challenges, articles, books, videos, my full presence, energetic support (which is priceless in itself 🙂 and pre-recorded healing & meditation sessions to keep you on track

  6. 1 x 45 min follow up session which can be taken up to 4  months after coaching program has ended

What happens during a session?

I work intuitively from the heart and my intuition is my superpower. 
Most of the time I will address in the session what you bring with you on this particular day or in the last session.
The sessions will usually begin with an informal chat, followed by creating a sacred place where healing and transformation can place and a guided session (emotional processing, various, healing interventions, guided meditations, sub-personality role plays, and focused visualisation).
I end the sessions with a short integration or grounding process.

I will be your mirror and offer the fullness of my presence and I will encourage you to look at Your life challenges with fresh eyes. Together we will create a space which enables you to:

1. Pause from daily life and connect with your inner wisdom
2. Become aware of negative thought patterns
3. Become aware of sabotaging patterns and understand what keeps you stuck – your challenges, key energies you are working with and themes for this lifetime
4. Become aware of your extraordinary powers and how you can express your spiritual gifts confidently! 
5. Break old patterns and create new ones which enable transformation
6. Build your confidence in your intuition and inner guidance

7. Commit to guided actions towards reaching your goals!

8. Access a space where there is no right or wrong, where all of your so-called flaws and failures become your superpowers!

9. Where you will realise that your messiest moments are the gateway to bliss and ecstasy!

Working with a Holistic Counsellor and Coach is an investment in yourself and in your life. 

It is rare that someone has a huge budget for coaching, healing or therapy and there will always be a little excuse or resistance in the back of the mind why it is not possible to do it or that you can’t afford it. We usually find it more convenient to hold on to lack beliefs than to get creative. My clients often have to get very creative with how to fund moving to the next step in their lives, however, I find that those who are able to move mountains and stretch themselves the most in their thinking of what’s possible have the most magnificent, life-changing experiences because they have already moved beyond their lack beliefs and experienced first hand that synchronicities happen and support seemingly out of nowhere appears as soon as they are ready to move beyond their lack beliefs and limitations. You are truly serious and 100% committed to your transformation journey then working with a mentor, counsellor or coach can become the golden ticket to the life you wish to live, which is in itself priceless. 

And it can be that in creating what it takes, your life will shift far beyond what you thought is possible. By doing so, you anchor in a new vibration of empowerment which will stay with you forever!

Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values they are operating under. As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to realign with your true self and your life purpose. 

Through the unique combination of Holistic Healing, professional Holistic Counselling, Coaching skills, and intuitive gifts, I provide compassionate and deeply accepting space to support you on your journey.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, well-being, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others. 

I have trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

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