I attended Amma’s event in London last week and it was the third time that I have seen her.  Meeting Amma and spending time with her is not an experience one can describe in words. It would be similar to trying to explain how honey tastes like to someone who never tried honey.   


Amma is the embodiment of pure love. 
 Known affectionately as “Amma” (meaning “Mother”), Mata Amritanandamayi’s entire life has been dedicated to serving others, to alleviate the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally.

Throughout her life, Mata Amritanandamayi has embraced and comforted more than 34 million people. Amma inspires, uplifts, and transforms through her embrace, her spiritual wisdom and through her global charities, known as Embracing the World. When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people, she answers: “Where there is true love, anything is effortless.”

While Amma is widely regarded as one of India’s foremost spiritual leaders, Amma says that her religion is love. She has never asked anyone to change their religion but only to contemplate the essential principles of their own faith and to try to live accordingly.

I came across selfless service (Seva in Sanskrit) in 2014 when I stayed for five days in a monastic community where Karma Yoga was a crucial part of their daily life.

Getting up at 4:45 am, attending six services a day and performing selfless service outdoors while the temperature was below zero degrees is for sure not everyone’s cup of tea. I caught a cold shortly after arriving there and found it therefore fairly challenging, too.

Nevertheless, it was a life-changing, humbling, heart opening and also otherworldly experience and it is not easy to describe the subtlety and depth of what’s really happened there. The energy of this place was incredibly powerful and this visit had a catalytic effect on my life. It took a few months until I assimilated the whole experience.

It was such an amazing blessing and privilege to have spent a few days there and I understood later that even the challenging parts were part of the perfection.
I observed the monks and nuns and also the visitors who stayed temporarily with the community. It was very humbling to observe how they performed their work. Some performed their chores in a very self-sacrificing way while ignoring their personal needs completely. Others were frustrated because they felt physically unwell or were tired and didn’t want to work outdoors in this cold weather, some understood the deeper meaning behind it, and some have been so deeply and joyfully immersed into the tasks they have been given that I could say without a shadow of a doubt that they would not have exchanged these chores for some luxurious holidays in a tropical location where they could lie on the beach all day long.

The joy and satisfaction they experienced stem from a very deep and profound connection to source.
Doing this work helped them to empty themselves out of all negative thought patterns. Their aura was clear and pure, their eyes were shining, their heart was open and full of goodness and purity

They describe Karma Yoga as follow:

“Karma Yoga means selfless service, but it goes beyond the common understanding of ‘volunteering’ or charity work’ – for it is performed as a heartfelt offering to the Divine. It is the process of harmonizing our conscience, our desires, our thoughts, our words, and finally our actions in a focused and powerful expression of selfless love.

Karma yoga is an extremely effective way to overcome negative and destructive thinking patterns.
The practice of karma yoga forms the essential basis of a strong, happy and harmonious life.”

There are many different interpretations when it comes to karma. 

Karma is often known as the universal law of cause and effect. Karma in itself is simply representative to the idea of balancing energy, self-awareness, and responsibility and it is not something to be afraid of. 

It is not a punishment or judgment like various traditions suggest, it is simply an indication which choices you have made or continue to make. And during the process of making choices, you are given a chance to explore the momentum this choice has set into motion and the arising polarities, in other words, it is a law of wholeness or full understanding. If you do something and you understand only partly the effects of a certain behavior or choice, your higher self will create various scenarios which help you to understand an event from all points of view.

You can stop the wheel of karma by realizing first of all that you have the choice to stop the momentum.

Yes, it is as simple as that! You can choose every moment to feel free and to make conscious choices. 

Compassion, a complete understanding of the entire scenario and forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others frees you from Karma, which means that you don’t necessarily have to experience physically the other side of the emotional experience to complete the cycle of karma.
The biggest challenge, however, is that the majority of the population is fast asleep and as a result, many people are not consciously aware of the fact that they are setting a certain energy in motion by acting and reacting in a certain way. 

We are powerful creators and co-creators. Each time we make a choice to free ourselves from self-imposed limitations, we set a different energy in motion which will be reflected back to us. 

At the same time, it is helpful to know that the limitations which we experience do help us to balance out our karma more quickly if we recognize the lesson behind it and extract all the learning. This requires an expanded awareness and release of all judgments so that we can see each situation from multiple viewpoints without personal biases. Therefore it is crucial to let go of any resistance and to accept the lessons which present themselves to us because if we don’t do that we will need to repeat the same lessons again and again. As the saying goes, “what you resist, persists”. 

Another positive side effect of complete understanding is, that we become less reactive. The more biased and limited our viewpoint is, the more reactive we usually are. The reason for that is that we usually don’t see the whole picture but only a fraction of it which is filtered through limited beliefs and judgments.

“To be able to put oneself in another’s position, to be able to see and to feel as another person does, this is the rare gift of an earnest spiritual seeker.”
― Amma


It’s easy to be compassionate and understanding when we are surrounded with like minded and supportive people or when we are in a peaceful and harmonious environment. However, we all know situations, when it becomes a bit more challenging to remain kind, loving or discerning, and therefore it is important to be compassionate towards ourselves instead of judging ourselves harshly when we react and overreact.

We all need to digest and assimilate many different vibrations and this can be challenging at times. 
We can digest the vibrations easier when we live in the present moment and recognize divinity in each and every moment instead of worrying about the future or dwelling in the past. When you live in the NOW your mind is relaxed and peaceful and your entire nervous system calms down. Another positive side effect is that your body regenerates and heals much faster. It is only when you are in a good place yourself that you can be truly of service to others.

Our current circumstances are the result of our past and present deeds. In other words, destiny is the result of causes. 
Everything that is happening to us today is caused by our earlier or current actions, thoughts and emotions (both conscious and unconscious), and everything that the future holds will be the result of our current state of being, and the way of acting and thinking. 
We shape our future in the moment, in the eternal NOW. Therefore awareness is a prerequisite for any kind of healing or a better “tomorrow”.
We can access the subconscious programming through Self-Inquiry, Meditation or by working with a spiritually aware Therapist, Counsellor, Mentor or Life Coach. 
The blind spots of our personality are often covered up with a layer of self-satisfaction and complacency. 
The mind loves to play tricks and that’s why all of us can benefit from “external” guidance! A person with a clear and unbiased perception/vision, e.g spiritual teacher, friend, counsellor or coach will often understand you better than you understand your own self! As a result, you will be able to release any unhelpful behavior patterns and stuck energy with compassion, love, understanding, and forgiveness. 

To support your on this journey I have recorded a beautiful emotional clearing meditation which will help you to clear your energy and to release stuck emotions which drive your day to day behavior.

If you would like to go deeper I have also put together a powerful “Raise Your Frequency & Master Your Energy and Emotions” Bundle which contains 6 different guided meditations, handouts, and an e-book. 

With time we can to learn to remain unattached and minimize those emotional reactions and at the same time not to repress and suppress any arising feelings but to let them flow freely or to sit quietly with them. As a result, any unpleasant vibrations/emotions can be dissolved and let go off.  You process your feelings by feeling them and you can then move forward with greater self-awareness and wisdom. 

One of the most effective ways I have come across so far for releasing any uncomfortable emotions is to offer them to a Higher Power, Higher Self,  God,  Universe, Divine or whatever you might call it. To ask humbly for help, because it’s not always easy to understand from our limited human perspective why things happen as they do. (Please feel free to share other methods which have worked well for you). 

I often use the following ancient Hawaiian forgiveness prayer when I work on a one on one basis with clients.  

You can use it as your daily mantra!
Repeat it as you go about your day and observe how it will open your heart over time.


According to the teachings of Ho’oponopono, you are responsible for everything you experience. Everything that you see, notice, think and feel is your own creation.

If we observe any arising unpleasant emotions or thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we will understand that those emotions or thoughts are arising within our own being.

We have created them through misaligned perception and no one outside of us has caused suffering to us. All emotions that we are experiencing are happening in our own mind, within our own heart
By taking responsibility and owning the emotion we can create a space where those vibrations can reveal themselves for what they really are, and as a result, healing can take place. Our reactions to any occurring events are based on the memory from our past.

Challenging circumstances arise that expose us to our shadow side. 

The shadow concept describes all the undesirable aspects of our psyches that we have unconsciously rejected, disowned, repressed or denied. The shadow is our dark side, comprised of everything within us that we don’t want to face.

Ho’oponopono’s mantra infuses light into the darkness. It helps us to release old karmic patterns and frees us from our projections and interpretations and the burden of needing to repeat the same lessons over and over again.

Don’t be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. Light your candle and step forward.
– Amma

Please like or share it if you found this article helpful and would like to support my work.  Thank you!

And you are always welcome to reach out to me if you wish to work with me on a one on one basis.

I will create a safe container where you can become vulnerable and be seen and heard for who you truly are. If you trust someone enough that you don’t feel the need to hide and protect, you open up a space for miraculous healing and transformation. I can help you to melt all the protective layers so that your natural radiance and light can shine through. If this is something that resonates please pm me or email me at info@erika-inspiration.com for more details.

Love, Erika ❤️ 
Soul Transformation Therapist, Holistic Life Coach, and Counsellor

My name is Erika Brose

I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals.
The types of issues I work with can vary from clearing emotional pain, clearing creative blocks, integrating conflicting sub-selves, archetype work, breaking unwanted patterns, clearing oversensitivity issues, clearing limiting beliefs, spiritual and emotional healing and most of all helping people find their soul’s purpose and clearing any blocks that prevent them from connecting fully with their soul purpose.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values they are operating under. As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

Through the unique combination of Holistic Healing, professional Holistic Counselling skills, and intuitive gifts, I provide compassionate and deeply accepting space to support you on your journey.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others. 

I have trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

Healing, Coaching and Counselling over the Internet!

Online Counselling and Coaching via Skype is very effective and powerful.  

All sessions can be conducted from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. A primary requirement is a quiet place and a headset.  You do not need to travel and therefore Skype sessions help you to save time and offer a level of flexibility. Having a session at home allows you to create a sacred space and to rest and integrate the session directly afterward. 

I have noticed again, and again that Sessions via Skype are as powerful as in-person sessions and can facilitate healing, insight, transformation, and eliminate pain and suffering and offer the opportunity to reflect on all aspects of your life. The counselling, coaching, and healing sessions work on a multitude of different levels and help you to let go of everything that no longer serves you so that you have a renewed sense of purpose in your life.

You can have a video chat, or a voice call, like a phone call! Payment for Skype sessions is in GBP, via PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account, just a viable credit card, and they make the currency conversions.

I have worked with people from Mexico, USA, UK, Germany, Spain, India, Russia, and Switzerland.  

Please note all times are GMT according to UK schedule.

We will need to work together to discover your timezone and make an appointment that works for both of us. Contact me by email on erika.inspiration@gmail.com so we can figure out a good time to work!

What is a spiritual counsellor/holistic healing practitioner? A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has trained in a number of healing techniques. Their training at Holistic Healing College has included, counselling, energy psychology, relationship healing, hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, soul plan and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions. A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has recognized the importance of offering more than energetic healing or conventional counselling. The client also receives unconditional listening, sound advice, new resources, empowering beliefs and options for leading a more fulfilling and real quality life. These integrated sessions address the client on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energetic healing creates the space while a practical approach grounds the benefits in the here and now.

This is what I offer. These are my posts in English and German. These are testimonials from clients. This is my Story.

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Published by Shri Lakshmi

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