Connect with your inner healer – Pre-recorded audio healing session


Reclaim your natural vitality, joy, and well-being! 

In this healing session, you will meet your inner healer!

Listening to the audio recording on a regular basis with a single pointed focus will assist you to

  • Eliminate the emotional and mental causes of restlessness, stress, and pain, allowing your body to begin healing itself.
  • Remove energetic blocks and restore the flow of life force to you, for more vitality, creativity & well-being.
  • Release resistance and reconnect with your true essence.
  • Increase focus, clarity, and productivity.
  • Create deeper happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.
  • Feel calm, peaceful and tranquil.
  • Feel grounded in your true being and be less affected by external events.

Additionally to the guided healing session, you will receive: 

4 Surprise Bonus gifts!

Physical and emotional pain is an attempt from our body to communicate to us that something is out of balance. There is an inherent connection between physical health and being in flow with the energy of creation itself. When you are connected to the energy of source you are in a state of mindful presence. When you are in alignment with the energy of unconditional love you don’t feel overwhelmed or stressed because there is an absence of resistance.  

Usually, it is when we experience much resistance and refuse to flow with the natural life of life energy gets blocked. Stagnation and energy blockages lead to diseases and suppressed emotions and create imbalances in the mind body and spirit system. These imbalances are the leading cause of disease, illness, allergies, migraines, aches, pain, addictions, compulsive urges, anxieties, phobias, poor concentration, restlessness, irritability, depression and so on.

Flowing with life means total acceptance and letting come what comes and go what goes without resistance. As a result, deep and unshakable peace will arise. 

I recommend that you take some time for yourself after a healing session to allow the energies to settle

How to listen

The best way to listen to your down­load is ly­ing down or sit­ting com­fort­ably with a straight back, and if pos­sible, us­ing head­phones. 

21 to 30 days – Dedication and consistency 

It’s been sug­ges­ted that after re­peat­ing the same thoughts or be­ha­viour pat­terns for 21 to 30 days, they be­come a new habit. So with that in mind, I would sug­gest listen­ing to your down­load every day for around three to four weeks. Al­tern­at­ively, you might like to listen to it when you feel out of balance or before an important event. 

When listening to downloaded healing, hypnosis or meditation sessions, you must be in a place where you can safely relax and sleep. Never listen to meditation or healing sessions whilst driving or operating machinery.  You must be 18 years of age or have parental consent before using this website.

Voice and author: Erika Brose

Composer: Chris Mullett

Total Time: 36 Minutes

By purchasing this self-hypnosis recording, you confirm that you have read the following Disclaimer

Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

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£10,00 – £10,00

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