Release unhealthy and fear based energetic cords and attachments

 You will receive:

  • 1 x pre-recorded instant download healing session (31 minutes) Release discordant, negative or fear-based energetic cords and attachments – Voice and author: Erika Brose Composer: Chris Mullett 
  • 9 Pages PDF Booklet – Enhance your energy and strengthen your auric field 
  • Essential chakra/energy centre information on an easy to read chakra chart 
  • Surprise Bonus gifts


Have you ever met someone and felt very uncomfortable around them, or attracted to them, for no apparent reason? You might have read intuitively and unconsciously their energy field.

Each time we send out a thought to a person or to an object, we send out a little energy impulse which forms a cord.

These thoughts combined with emotions and desires form a chain of attachments, running from our chakras to the objects of attraction. 

The same happens when someone thinks about us or has feelings for us. We usually form stronger energetic bonds with people who are close to us or with material objects which are very dear to our heart. 

If we hold on tightly to a person or to an object or a situation, the cords become stronger and more intense.  This is often the case when our emotions get stirred up, or energies such as envy, anger, hatred, blame, judgment, jealousy or greed build up.   

The guided meditation will help you to release any unhelpful cords and attachments, facilitate deep healing on a soul level and strengthen your aura that only light can come in! The release will take place in a very gentle way for the highest good of all concerned and only the limiting aspects will be released. 

The stronger the aura the stronger the protection. Your aura acts like an umbrella in the rain so that everything that not in alignment with light and your highest good can’t permeate your shield of protection. Fear, doubt, self-loathing or other negative emotions such as hate and anger weaken our aura. Meditation is one of many ways to strengthen your aura.
When you are centred in your heart you can consciously send out harmonious and loving vibrations into the world which will strengthen your aura, too. 

Another important point is to pay attention to how your energy is affected in your everyday life when you go to different places or talk to different people. Check in with yourself if all energy is with you or if you suddenly feel tired and drained which means that you are leaking energy. 

You might also enjoy the following healing session: 

Heal your lineage and ancestral patterns with the energy of love and abundance


  1. Scroll down to the bottom of this page
  2. Click the “Purchase” button 
  3. You will be then re-directed to PayPal
  4. Once you make your payment of  £14,99 ($20) you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes with the download links (please do check any other folders if you don’t receive the confirmation email within 1-hour 🙂

  5. Just in case if you experience any technical difficulties with the Purchase + Checkout option, please use the following Paypal link and I will send you the instant download links manually as soon as I see that payment went through. 

How to listen

The best way to listen to your down­load is ly­ing down or sit­ting com­fort­ably with a straight back, and if pos­sible, us­ing head­phones. 

21 to 40 days – Dedication and consistency 

It’s been sug­ges­ted that after re­peat­ing the same thoughts or be­ha­viour pat­terns for 21 to 40 days, they be­come a new habit. So with that in mind, I would sug­gest listen­ing to your down­load every day for around three to four weeks. Al­tern­at­ively, you might like to listen to it when you feel out of balance or before an important event.  

I recommend that you take some time for yourself listening to the recording to allow the energies to settle.

After purchase and checkout, you will be given a link to INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD and SAVE your files to a DESKTOP COMPUTER, LAPTOP, SMARTPHONE OR TABLET. This download link will only remain active for four (4) days after the purchase after which it will expire. 

When listening to downloaded healing or meditation sessions, you must be in a place where you can safely relax and sleep. Never listen to meditation or healing sessions whilst driving or operating machinery.  You must be 18 years of age or have parental consent before using this website. By purchasing this meditation site, you confirm that you have read the following Disclaimer

Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

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£14,99 – £14,99
  • 1 Pre-recorded healing sessions & 9 Pages PDF Booklet & Chakra chart & Energy clearing practice

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