Do one thing every day that scares you

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Saying yes and recognizing opportunities is a crucial step in the manifestation process. 

In 99 times out of 100 the opportunity shows up in a different form than your mind has imagined it and in 99 times out of 100, you will have some resistance to it. Which means you might need to take some uncomfortable action or get over your shyness or hesitance in order to receive the benefits from the opportunity which has been presented to you. 

There are certain energetic laws in this universe that we have to consider. Just like a child at school that needs to master a certain standard before moving to the next grade someone who is on a spiritual or personal development journey won’t be able to move forward when he neglects current circumstances or avoids to do the very thing he is afraid to do. 

Some common action steps I noticed people resist doing while keeping themselves busy with other things:

*** Calling this friend who has been coming to your attention for a while now

*** Attending the retreat you wanted to go for a long time even though it means that you need to ask your parents to babysit for an entire weekend

*** Hiring a mentor even though it means that your life will change at a rapid speed

*** Showing up differently and setting firm boundaries unapologetically

*** Removing yourself from friends or company which you have outgrown

*** Creating time in your busy schedule and finally doing the course your soul nudges you to do

*** Risking to look like a fool and break established traditions

*** Reaching out to a particular person even though you consider yourself being extremely shy and you are worried about their reaction

*** Doing something your intuition tells you to do even though it does not make any logical sense at this moment

*** Committing to a longterm project especially if you have been avoiding commitment all your life

*** Trusting your gut feeling when you make a decision even though there is no external proof that things will work out

*** Doing something in a completely new way even though it is different how things are usually done

A great time to align with new opportunities is the time around the new moon. The new moon is a starting position. It is a time of sowing seeds and visioning for the month ahead. It is a time to dream, connect to your intuition, imagine and conceive new ideas and to begin new projects or undertakings. An amazing time to reinvent yourself and set your priorities straight. Creating rituals around the moon cycles is a powerful way to connect with our own inner wisdom. A ritual creates a pause in the busy-ness and doing-ness of our life. We set intentionally time aside to reflect and reassess. It allows us to turn inwards and to connect establish a connection with the elements of nature.
The moon has a powerful effect on ocean tides. A tide is the rise and fall of water caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun on the oceans of the earth. While both the Moon and the Sun influence the ocean tides, the moon plays the biggest role because it is so much closer to our planet than the Sun. Just as the moon affects the ocean, it also affects our lives. Just a like a surfer who follows certain rules when he catches the wave will have a much more enjoyable and pleasant time getting to the shore so can you learn to “surf” with the cycles of the moon to have a smoother journey ahead. It the following new moon meditation I will be guide you through a transformational new moon process where you can connect to the deepest wisdom of your own soul and your higher self. Listening to this meditation will help you to spot and recognize opportunities quickly and to align with what truly matters to you. 

When challenges come up or when we start something new it’s easy to get discouraged. Many people avoid challenges all their life because the pain of not getting what they want or the pain of rejection or being seen is so great.
Essential oils can support you greatly to navigate your day to day experience and move through some of the emotional and mental blockages.
Some of the oils such as Lemon, Rosemary or the doTerra inTune blend can help you to stay focused and present and to move forward boldly instead of feeling paralyzed by fear.

And essential oils such as Cedarwood Fennel, Lime, Nutmeg, Wild Orange and Ginger are great for boosting confidence and supporting you to find that inner courage within for taking inspired action.
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I have recorded an audio which will help you to align with the energy of abundance and empowerment and I guide you in this recording also through a powerful process where you can experience a healthy balance between giving and receiving.

You can access it here :).

About Erika

Erika is a natural empath, a multi-passionate, multi-talented, multi-faceted holistic counsellor, life purpose coach, soul transformation therapist & distant healing practitioner.

She has also trained in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
In her earlier career, she trained as a Beauty Therapist in Germany and worked several years in different Spa Hotels in the idyllic Black Forest (Germany). Erika also holds a degree in Business Administration and worked across a range of various roles and industries across the UK, Germany and Europe.

Erika will meet you where you are on your journey and support you to let go and release everything which is preventing you from moving forward and reaching the next level of your infinite potential. Your current self will often come up with many objections and may think you are not ready or capable of stepping up and playing a different or bigger game. That’s where Erika can assist you to recognize your own blind spots and move beyond your limitations. 

She is grateful and honoured to have worked with many private clients all around the globe. Her approach is heart centred and intuitive. Besides offering a wide range of digital instant download products she is working mainly online across different time zones via Skype and Zoom.

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Laziness is a trained pattern which translates into underusing your potential.

Did you know that laziness and complacency is a trained pattern and it translates into underusing your potential?

There are three types of laziness

The first type of laziness is laziness through procrastination. 
The second type of laziness is feeling worthless or incapable (insecurity pattern/low self-esteem).
And the third type of laziness is being too busy by doing useless things.

We are meant to employ ourselves usefully and to use our innate talents and gifts in a way that uplifts humanity and supports others. In fact, many people who lack joy in their life are not aware of the basic fact that their depression or low moods can be cured by making a valuable contribution to humanity or helping someone in need.

Sharing of oneself will also help you to overcome any feelings of self-pity and feeling sorry for yourself. Give whatever you can give. It can be a hug, a compliment, love, warmth, a hot meal, a donation to an organisation you would like to support, or an investment into course or workshop that will help you to acquire valuable skills and move forward.

Watch out how quickly your life will turn around by using this simple technique.

I personally love to use high-quality essential oils for counterbalancing passivity or inactivity. Ginger oil, for example, can help you to take inspired action without hesitation. 

I love it when my clients break rules and surprise me with amazing results!

When I give homework to my clients or tell them to listen to a specific guided meditation this homework is precisely tailored to what will help them to free this stuck energy. I leave it up to them to do what I suggest or not as I am unattached to the outcome. My job is to be the lighthouse. To show up and do my best when spirit moves me.

One week ago I felt intuitive that I should reach out to one of my regular clients who booked the VIP clarity package at the beginning of this year. After she told me what is going on at the moment I gave her exact instructions on what she should do. One hour later she has sent me the following email.

“I booked the beach for June. I contacted the company I rented from before and I got a repeat visitor discount and an incentive on travel insurance and got to put less down than I thought I would so I can pay it out. Yay! I’m so happy.

I did the empowering question and got to contact them directly and I saved over $2000 by doing that so I feel much less anxiety about the price!!

Thank you so much for the email”

This happens all the time when you work with the right people who are ready to take inspired action quickly and are trusting their intuition.

She attracted my guidance at the perfect time because of her openness and the quality of her appreciative being. ☀️👑☀️

If I would work with someone who has the tendency to be very negative, to complain all the time for example or harbour secretly some resentments that they are not achieving the results they have hoped to achieve I would most likely not be moved from inside to reach out to them randomly even though we did not schedule a session for this week. The energy of complain, passivity and resentment is repelling help and high-quality opportunities. The energy of gratitude in advance and appreciation creates and attracts high-quality opportunities! 
What do you choose at this moment? 💚


Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

By purchasing this bundle, you confirm that you have read the following Disclaimer

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Navratri – a nine day festival dedicated to the Divine Mother

Navratri or Navaratri is a nine-night celebration of the Divine Mother. It begins – on the first new moon in early autumn and culminates on the tenth day with the celebration of Dussehra. Nav’ means ‘nine’ and ‘ratri’ means ‘night’. Thus, ‘Navratri’ means ‘nine nights’.

It is a major festival in the western states of India: Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. It is also celebrated in North India, including Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and the northern state of Punjab. It is believed that celebrating Navratri can help to overcome obstacles, eliminate negative qualities and replace them with pure divine qualities.

During Navratri, people often gather to perform ‘pujas’ on small shrines representing different aspects of Goddess Durga, including Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati. Navaratri is celebrated differently in different parts of the world. In some parts of the world, the first 3 days are spent worshipping Goddess Durga to introspect and defeat negative qualities and impurities within. The 4th, 5th and 6th-day honour Goddess Lakshmi who bestows spiritual wealth and abundance. And the 7th, 8th and the 9th day are devoted to worship Goddess Saraswati, Goddess of wisdom and knowledge to achieve success in life with humility and grace.

The Goddesses embody transformative power (Shakti) and can awaken you or shake you up in countless ways. Shakti means power or life force. One way to understand Shakti is to see it as vibration behind all that is. There are various practices which can help you to connect with the Goddesses.
One way is to set up a shrine or to visit a temple and to make offerings. Another approach is using various mantras or visualisation.
The third way is to internalise the goddesses which means identifying yourself more and more with the qualities of the Goddesses and to understand that ultimately all the qualities are within you. The understanding and wisdom will arise gradually from within when you connect with them consciously and with pure intentions.  

Durga is the form of the mother goddess in Shaktism. She is a multi-dimensional Goddess, with many names, many personas, and many facets. She is mostly known as the warrior goddess of protection and inner strength.

In Sanskrit, the word ”Durga” literally translates as the one who is ”unbeatable” or “invincible” and cannot be defeated, hence ”unconquerable”.

The Goddess is a sacred symbol of female power and reflects the strength, the very pure essence of the divine feminine. She is the cosmic warrior, the force within consciousness that battles ignorance and darkness, but her face is compassionate and peaceful. You can see her as an aspect of your higher Self to realize your own divinity and also to recognize this world as an expression of the Divine.

You can draw on the transformative power of Durga you if have a need for extra protection or if you have to set stronger boundaries by chanting the following mantra:

Aum dum durgaye namaha which means I bow to Durga or I bow to the Divine feminine energy which protects from all aspects of negative influences.

A shadow Durga can manifest in an extremely controlling, dominant, critical, self-righteous boss or overprotective and disempowering mother.

The second set of three days of Navratri are Lakshmi related – a very gentle, nourishing, graceful, generous and beautiful Goddess. She is the protector and the bestower.

She is generally depicted in the images and statues as seated on an open eight-petaled lotus flower holding lotus flowers in her two hands and holding the other two in abhaya (assurance) and varada (giving) mudras (gestures) respectively.

The lotus represents a purity of consciousness and the ability to stay above the mud, to shine brightly from within, to blossom and not to get carried away by outside circumstances.

In the physical world, Lakshmi represents success, material wealth, fortune and beauty.

However, her mesmerising beauty and unconditional sweetness can also keep you in the world of illusion. If you chase only material wealth and beauty for example or are fooled by superficial appearances you will remain in the world of Maya.

The real wealth and beauty are our inner qualities. Those who understand this do focus on cultivating noble virtues such as kindness, compassion, love, purity of mind and heart first before asking for material abundance. Otherwise, the material wealth may create more imbalances.

Adi Shankaracharya describes that sat sampati, or six forms of wealth (calmness of mind, self-control, self-
withdrawal, forbearance, faith and single-pointedness) need to be cultivated to attain wisdom. These virtues
are important because when we have mastery over our mind we do not get completely out of balance when challenges arise or changes take place in our lives.

Someone who has mastered the energy of Lakshmi trusts in the universal flow of abundance even at times when there is seemingly not enough. Deep within they know that a change is on the horizon during leaner times. They value themselves and do not hesitate to ask confidently for a fair energy exchange or compensation for any services provided. Simultaneously they are aware of the subtle source of material wealth and embody the energies of gratitude and appreciation.

A shadow Lakshmi manifests in greed, constant worry about money, strong attachment to material goods, lack of appreciation and the inability to honour the true source of abundance.

The last three days are dedicated to goddess Saraswati.

Mastery over the mind can be gained through knowledge, through understanding, wisdom and insight; and it is Goddess Saraswati who represents the highest knowledge of the Self.

In the various eastern traditions, the power of knowledge the active force behind any mental process is the feminine archetype Saraswati, an energy that empowers the mind through the third eye centre. She also presides over speech. The hidden force behind Eastern spirituality, Saraswati is widely revered by Hindu Swamis or as well by Tibetian Lamas. Chanting mantras that activate her power can result in becoming a vehicle for her Grace.

Saraswati empowers anything relating to music, insight, knowledge, language and communication.

She is also known as the goddess of creativity and creative speech. She is associated with water and flow. She flows gracefully and effortlessly and can be invoked to overcome writing blocks or to help with difficult conversations and misunderstandings.

Humility and purity of intention are key to establishing a connection with the Divine Mother.

She can help you to speak from your heart and avoid even any kind of manipulation or dishonesty.

A shadow Saraswati manifests in gossip, misunderstandings, harsh words, lack of respect, mindlessness, people pleasing, confusion, critical speech but also inability to communicate boundaries in a firm and clear way.

Harsh or critical words said in an argument do often leave lasting impressions in our memory and a difficult to erase.

Saraswati invites us to be mindful with your speech and to be aware that harsh expressions or dishonest words bind us. She can help with discrimination and see through any hidden agenda which may be found behind eloquent expressions or creative excuses.

In some parts of the world, the nine days of Navaratri are solely dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine manifestations. Durga symbolises purity and power (shakti). It is believed that Durga fought a nine-day battle against the demon, Mahishasura, at the end of which she was victorious, symbolising good over evil.

Durga Devi (Divine Mother) manifests herself in three major forms during Navaratri. 

Mahakali (fiercest form of Goddess Durga)

These three forms of Durga further manifested in three more forms each, and thus emerged the nine forms of Durga, which are collectively called Navadurga or Nine Durgas:

The nine manifested forms of Goddess Durga (Gauri) or (Parvati) are: Shailaputri,Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayini, Kaalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidhatri.

Day 1 – Shailaputri
Shailaputri literally means the daughter (putri) of the mountain (shaila), an incarnation of Parvati. Devi Shailaputri is depicted with two hands and has a crescent moon on her forehead. She holds a trident in her right hand & a lotus flower in the left. She rides on mount Nandi (bull).
Governing planet: Moon

Day 2 – Brahmcharini
Goddess Brahmcharini, another incarnation of Parvati, is worshipped. In this form, Parvati became Sati, her unmarried self. Brahmcharini is celebrated for emancipation or moksha and endowment of peace and prosperity. Iconography: Walks on bare feet, carrying a japa mala in Her right hand and a kamandalu in Her left hand.
Governing planet: Mars

Day 3 – Chandraghanta
Goddess Chandraghanta is the married form of the Mother Goddess following on from Shailputri and Mahagauri. After getting married to Shiva, Goddess Mahagauri started adorning her forehead with a half moon(Chandra) shaped like a bell(Ghanta) due to which, she became known as Goddess Chandraghanta.
Governing planet: Venus

Day 4 – Kushmunda
Goddess Kushmunda is worshipped on the forth day. She is depicted as having eight arms and sits on a Lion and is believed to be the creative power of the universe, Kushmunda is associated to the endowment of vegetation on earth. She created the universe in the flash of her smile and is believed to bestow siddhis(supernatural powers) and niddhis (wealth) to Her devotees.

Day 5 – Skandamātā
Skandamātā is the fifth form of Hindu Goddess Durga. Literally meaning Mother of Skanda, her name comes from the word, Skanda is another name for war god and her son Kartikeya and Mata is the term for mother.
Governing planet: Mercury

Day 6 – Katyayani
Katyayani is the sixth form amongst Navadurga or the nine forms of Hindu goddess Parvati (Shakti).
She is associated with the fierce forms of Shakti or Durga, a Warrior goddess, which also includes Bhadrakali and Chandika.
Goddess Katyayani rides on a magnificent lion and is depicted with four hands. She carries a lotus flower and sword in her left hands respectively and keeps her right hands in Abhayamudra and Varadamudras.
Governing planet: Jupiter

Day 7 – Kalaratri 
Kalaratri is widely regarded as one of the many destructive forms of the Mother Goddess, which include Kali, Mahakali, Bhadrakali, Bhairavi, Mrityu, Rudrani, Chamunda, Chandi and Durga. She is considered the fiercest form of the Mother Goddess. This form of Goddess is believed to be the destroyer of all demon entities, ghosts, spirits and negative energies, who flee upon knowing of her arrival.
Her complexion is dark black and She rides on a donkey. She is depicted with four hands. Her right hands are in Abhayamudra and Varadamudra. She carries a sword and deadly iron hook in her left hands.
Governing planet: Saturn

Day 8 – Mahagauri
Mahagauri symbolises intelligence and peace. The colour associated with this day is pink which depicts optimism. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Mahagauri has the power to fulfil all the desires of her devotees. The one who worships the goddess gets relief from all the sufferings in life. Mahagauri has four arms. Her right arm is in the pose of allaying fear and right lower hand holds a trident in it. She holds a tambourine in her left upper arm and the lower one is in the form of a blessing.
Governing planet: Rahu

Day 9 – Siddhidhatri
Siddhidhatri is the ninth form of the Goddess Durga, the meaning of her name is as follows: Siddhi means supernatural power or meditative ability, and Dhatri means giver or bestower. She is worshipped on the ninth day of Navaratri (nine nights of Navadurga); she fulfils all the divine aspirations and completes the mundane.

In this form, Durga is seated on a lotus and is four-armed. She holds a lotus, mace, Sudarshana Chakra and shankha. In this form Durga removes ignorance and she provides the knowledge to realize that or Brahman.

The tenth day that is commonly referred to as Dussehra is one of the most auspicious festivals of the year for Hindus. Dussehra celebrates Lord Sri Ram’s victory over the demon king Ravana, and the victory of Shakti over Mahishasura which represents the triumph of good over evil.

The nine names of Goddesses are described in “Devi Kavacha” of the Chandipatha scripture. The Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, also known as Devi Purana is dedicated to the Devine Feminine, too.

In case you are new to my work. I am Erika – (Shri Lakshmi – spiritual name – Prosperiy and Bliss).
I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.

Heal your lineage with the energy of love and abundance & Clearing Ancestral patterns of limitation and shortage consciousness email reading & meditation

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Victory celebration empowerment – honouring the divine mother

That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquillity. -Rumi
Navratri. Nav’ means ‘nine’ and ‘ratri’ means ‘night’. Thus, ‘Navratri’ means ‘nine nights’.

Navaratri also spelt Navratri or Navarathri is a festival that gives reverence to the triumph of good over the limitations of our mind, and it is dedicated to the different aspects of the Divine Mother. It is celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. In some parts of the world, the first three days Devi (Divine Mother) is honoured and celebrated in the form of Durga, followed by three days of honouring Devi as Lakshmi, and the final three days are dedicated to Saraswati.
During this time the Divine Mother energy is intensified and magnified. By connecting consciously to the Divine Mother those aspects get activated within us or they become stronger.

Meaning of Vijayadashami – Dussehra represents the 10th day of victory. After diving into the depths of our inner self, shedding layers of unhelpful patterns we are ready to step out again into the world with a new and higher of level of awareness and an increased sense of Stability, Clarity and a sense of Direction.

Regardless our gender we have both aspects within us male and female. When the feminine aspect is balanced we can be kind and compassionate towards ourselves and others. We can nurture and nourish those who are looking for nourishment and support and we emanate unconditional love. At the same time, we are open and receptive to receive nourishment, love, blessings and support from others. 

Those who connect with the Divine Mother consciously will usually experience a breathtakingly transformative experience.
In the beginning, it might be a little bit intense and shaky, especially when things and situations of a lower vibration start to fall away but you can rest assured that what comes into your life will represent your new, upgraded frequency. Once you understand the process it is very likely that you will be very grateful in retrospect that some things or people have fallen away. 

During your transformation journey, you will also let go of fears, trauma, pain and hurt that you have been holding on so tightly for many lifetimes. And once you do this your entire perspective of how you have seen life up until now will change. 

Any wake-up calls are only excruciatingly painful if we refuse to listen to the voice of our higher Self and hold on tightly to rigid ways of looking at things through the lens of our ego-mind. 

Any strong labels, fixed opinions or judgements won’t allow us to see the truth and the interconnectedness of all things.
Someone who studied a particular topic at university, for example, might be convinced that his way of looking at things is right because after all there are countless studies which can prove it including his own life experience. However, this person is still filtering a reality through a narrow filter. And because his cup is already full and he is mistakenly convinced to know the truth he won’t be open to looking at a different perspective. This is how rigid thinking patterns are created in the mind. When one particle is separated from the whole it always represents only a partial picture and a partial truth. 

Healing is simply a returning to wholeness. In the beginning, your deepest scars and hurts will rise to the surface including the stored impressions which cause energy blockages. I do lovingly but boldly support others during this journey and help them to shine the light of awareness on those wounded parts. However, if someone is not ready yet to be absolutely honest this person will not be open or receptive for healing.
They will hold on tightly to their fears, doubts and insecurities and create more inner pain. 

Your life will take its reading from you.
If you have in your heart that this life is for freedom,
not only this life but this moment itself is for freedom
— then your life will unfold accordingly.

I witnessed the fastest progress in those who were absolutely fed up of their suffering and were about to “pop” so to speak. In other words, they reached a point where they said, “I will do no matter what to free myself from the torture of my mind and suffering”. 
When this point is reached the resistance decreases tremendously and this is when I can create miracles by stepping in temporarily as a guide and offer support until the person steps into their own empowerment and learns how to master their energy and their state of being. 

I received yesterday an email from a client who booked initially several distant healing sessions, followed by the VIP clarity package with some valuable feedback. She remained completely empowered during and after a car accident which was a huge progress. She described how she could release the trauma from the body using Somatic Experiencing and be very loving and compassionate towards herself. Even though she was injured she still decided to attend the workshop which she was planning to attend and she received lots of support there, too. She could also see clearly that all the support she received from others was a reflection of the love she gave to herself.  

Energy healing restores our vital energy and provides access to resources we did not have access before. It also activates our innate healing abilities and can help us to bring the body, mind & spirit back into harmony, and live in flow with life. I just uploaded a new transmission video on youtube from Avebury. Avebury Henge in Wiltshire contains the largest stone circle in the world. For thousands of years, Avebury’s landscape has been seen as a mysterious region, and the land has special sanctity and mystical power that has attracted people for millennia.

Around four and a half thousand years ago over 800 huge sarsen stones were erected. The vast monument spanned over three and a half miles and was said to represent a serpent. Located 17 miles north of Stonehenge, it is far bigger complex, yet many people have never heard of this magnificent power centre. 

Please do also check out the following packages. 

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation
Vip Clarity what is about to Emerge 
Create a sacred family from within

Simply reply to this email if you would like to secure a spot or if you have any questions. 

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your unique and individual path. As a neutral, objective and fully trained spiritual counsellor & coach, I can help you to recognize any blind spots and negative patterns so that you can work through any arising challenges with more ease and grace. 

PS: I have recently updated the blog post section on my website and added the following categories for an easier navigation. 


Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi. 

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.

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Kali the Goddess of Truth, Infinite Sweetness, Destruction and radical Transformation

First things first. You do not have to be a Hindu or practice a particular spiritual tradition to establish a connection with Kali/Mahakali. Like many Hindu deities, Kali is represented in different forms. 

The classic form of Kali has four arms and is usually depicted with blue or black skin. 

Mahakali is associated with the ultimate spiritual power. She has ten arms and she is generally depicted with ten heads and ten legs as well.

Mahakali represents the Absolute. 

The most popular form in Bengal is Dakshina Kali. She has four arms and is standing on top of the Hindi God Shiva. Dakshina Kali is benign and considered the protector goddess. The blue form of Dakshina Kali is called Shyama Kali 

Often when I witness a situation which seems to be tragic, dramatic and intense I recognize Kali’s hands at work. The human mind is often not capable to comprehend the divine perfection in the creative and forceful destruction process. 

For those who never heard of Kali. She is the Hindu Goddess of transformation and she embodies fierce, fiery mother energies and is known to be as ultimate destroyer of dark forces. You can see her as an aspect of your higher self, or your consciousness and an archetype of the feminine power or even rage who can teach you how to stay awake in the midst of the storm. 

Kali can bring you the hardest lessons because she is the Goddess of truth and she wants those who are caught up in the world of Illusion to wake up from the world Maya at all costs. Any attempt of using this powerful, catalytic energy for the wrong reasons will always backfire.

Maya is the illusion that the world is as it is perceived via the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

Maya can also mean the appearance of something, such as an object or situation, that appears to be one way because we filter it through a certain lens, but is really another.

For example, when we are caught up in fear and battle lower emotions we will project our internal state on all individuals who cross our way and create the illusion that we live in a hostile and dangerous world.

When we have only purity, love and compassion within us we will experience that the world is benevolent and beautiful.

Maya represents the perceptions created by one’s beliefs, conditioning senses and upbringing or things that the collective agrees to be true.

Maya reinforces the ego and defines our connection to the external world. It is only through quietening the mind and withdrawing from the external world through meditation that real truth can be experienced.

Go within, go within, go within….

Number 9 is associated with Kali. Her colours are black, red and yellow.

According to my research, there are several stories of how Kali came into existence. The name Kālī first appears in the Atharva Veda, a collection of hymns and mantras published between 1200 BCE and 1000 BCE. A different version, The Linga Purana which is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, and a Shaivism text of Hinduism, describes the story when the warrior goddess Durga, who had ten arms each carrying a weapon and who rode a lion or tiger in battle, fought with Mahishasura (or Mahisa), the buffalo demon (The demons in the legends represent our own shadow side, the parts of our consciousness that create conflict, fear and misunderstanding). The author(s) and date of the Linga Purana are unknown, but it is estimated that the original text has been composed between the 5th- to 10th-century CE.

Many images of Kali display Kali with a long tongue. And she often appears scary, ugly and dangerous. She is simply the mirror of your state and she will mirror you back the same level of consciousness you approach her. The higher the level of consciousness of the individuals the more they are able to interpret the images of Kali symbolically. The skulls around her neck are then not seen as something to scare people off but as letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, the origin of the sound. Kali’s white teeth symbolize sattva or serenity; her red tongue, rajas, or activity; and her drunkenness: tamas or inertia. It is in her darkness where all differences dissolve beyond form. She will always remain paradoxical because she holds the energies of fear, confusion and destruction and the energies of fearlessness, love, bliss and liberation. She is the goddess which will initiate the most traumatic drama to wake people up from their sleep and to cut through any illusions of the ego or pride. She invites you to embrace the light and the dark. Those who believe to know her will often be in for a surprise sooner or later.

Durga, the goddess of feminine empowerment who is an expert in fighting demons became so enraged that her anger burst from her forehead (third eye) in the form of Kali.

Once born, the black goddess Kali who was so in love with truth went wild and ate all the demons she came across, stringing their heads on a chain which she wore around her neck. Kali was not willing to compromise even a notch of illusion or untruth. It seemed impossible to calm Kali’s bloody attacks, which now extended to any wrongdoers, and both people and gods were at a loss what to do. In her explosive outrage, wrongdoers had not even a tiny chance to survive. She continued to destroy, and she was unstoppable.

Fortunately, the mighty Shiva stepped in and stopped Kali’s destructive rampage by lying down in her path. Shiva was able to meet her in her darkness and in her intoxicated rage. When the goddess realised just who she was standing on, she finally calmed down and came back to her senses. This story explains Kali’s association with battlegrounds.

Shiva in this story represents the aspect of our consciousness that can stay awake in the middle of a battle. That’s why Shiva and Kali go together. Shiva is pure, formless consciousness. It dissolves everything.

In my own life as I went through an intense maturing process as a woman and experienced many times that the storm was part of the expansion process.

Kali is widely misunderstood in the west by those who are chasing superficial positivity and shallow spirituality. Kali comes from the Sanskrit root word Kal which means time. She is the power of time which devours all.
It is partly correct to say Kali is a goddess of death but She brings the death of the ego as the illusory self-centred view of reality. She is not for the faint of heart and she is merciless to those who are stuck in their ego.
At the same, she is mostly benign and loving to those who are genuinely committed to realize the truth and to cut through any illusionary ego perspective. Probably one of the most famous Kali Devotees was Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or the contemporary teacher, Amritananda Ma. They recognized behind Kali’s fierce expression pure divine Love. Her darkness is the mysterious darkness of the ultimate void.

My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same.
The infinite is always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali….”

-Sri Ramakrishna

“There is an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps out in a splendour of tempestuous action; she is there for swiftness, for the immediately effective process, the rapid and direct stroke, the frontal assault that carries everything before it.

Terrible is her face to the Asura, dangerous and ruthless her mood against the haters of the Divine; for she is the Warrior of the Worlds who never shrinks from the battle. Intolerant of imperfection, she deals roughly with all in man that is unwilling and she is severe to all that is obstinately ignorant and obscure; her wrath is immediate and dire against treachery and falsehood and malignity, ill-will is smitten at once by her scourge.

Indifference, negligence and sloth in the divine work she cannot bear and she smites awake at once with sharp pain, if need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer.

The impulses that are swift and straight and frank, the movements that are unreserved and absolute, the aspiration that mounts in flame are the motion of Mahakali.

Her spirit is tameless, her vision and will are high and far-reaching like the flight of an eagle, her feet are rapid on the upward way and her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour.

For she too is the Mother and her love is as intense as her wrath and she has a deep and passionate kindness.”


“She is so bright and glorious that you cannot look at her face or her garments for the splendor with which she shines. For she is terrible with the terror of the avenging lightning, and gentle with the goodness of the bright sun; and both her terror and her gentleness are incomprehensible to humans…. But she is with everyone and in everyone, and so beautiful is her secret that no person can know the sweetness with which she sustains people, and spares them in inscrutable mercy.” 
-Hildegard of Bingen

When we have many blind spots we can do things from a well-intended place but they might still work against us or cause harm to ourselves & others.

Some individuals try to be helpful without realising that they create unconsciously co-dependent dynamics or project their own disempowerment, limiting beliefs and lack of awareness on to others. This observation is not meant to be a judgement as we all have blind spots in various areas. Recognizing those patterns for what they are and starting to change them can ease a lot of unnecessary pain, suffering and struggle.

Kali was one of the biggest influences on my awakening journey so far and she does represent everything and nothing to me. Kali-ma is so much more than words could ever convey and those who have ever felt her divine presence, energy and grace will understand and know what I mean. If you come to from a place of innocence with an empty mind she will fill you up with everything that will bring you forward on your spiritual journey or she might also help you to let go of everything that you have been holding on out of fear, insistence or stubbornness that is no longer serving you. 

Since I have been working intensively with essential oils lately two oils came through in connection with Kali.

Oregano and Frankincense

Oregano is a very fiery and hot oil and it is the oil of non-attachment. It can help you to listen to the guidance of your higher self instead of the guidance of the insecure or fearful ego. It is a great oil to help you with energetic boundaries and to see through any situations where you have weak boundaries or are too soft and allow others to take advantage of your goodhearted nature. Just like Ma Kali is a Warrior Goddess, Oregano is a Warrior oil.

It is interesting that Frankincense came through because it is a masculine oil and Kali represents the Divine Mother.

I assume that in this context Kali represents the absolute.

Frankincense is an amazing oil that reveals any deceptions especially if someone is telling a half-truth deliberately to get their way without seeing things clearly. Just like Kali, Frankincense cuts through illusion and deception very fast and connects you straight with source without detours and deviations. This is not necessarily comfortable but is ultimately liberating.

If you choose to order the oils through me you will receive access to a comprehensive private high-quality education and an extensive collection of study materials for your explanation and your personal and spiritual development journey. If you genuinely love natural solutions, authentic powerful relationships and would like to connect with your soul family I would love to welcome you into our mighty essential oil team. The access to a conscious community and heart to heart connections with women who have the courage and tenacity to create a life that is worth living is invaluable.

Just like your dreams and visions are priceless and should not be put last. In my coaching work, I work nowadays with clients who are wholeheartedly committed to their dreams and are passionate and enthusiastic to take courageous action. The essentials will be a great support on many different levels. Everyone who orders the oils through me can also schedule a complimentary 1 hour well-being or transformation consultation via zoom. 

I look forward to connecting with essential oil enthusiasts and positive, joyful, uplifting a d conscious individuals who take their dreams seriously and the wellbeing of the planet seriously. 

Learn here how to order the purest high-quality essential oils. 

Abundance Freedom Empowerment with Essential Oils

Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi. 

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.

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